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Everything posted by cypher

  1. looks interesting. have you played it in the cncnet? whats the feedback?
  2. Good work. I like the islands.
  3. This is the original map isn't it?
  4. what does " - - Spy sat come with radar - - " mean? Map looks fun.
  5. FYI : I played it several times now. This is the best version for casual players. I got good feedback. The other version (without climate change) is for more pro players who want to have a more diverse late game. But not everyone is happy with that vast space and the need to expand. Some say the map has ally favor. But that's mainly because of the scouting work u have to do as a russian. If you know the map you can also perform pretty well as a soviet, especially because you have near starting bases and can do rushes.
  6. @FReQuEnZy @McPwny @YosefAnan @Roooo @ChallengerX_Pro
  7. A nice huge naval map for 4 players, which forces players to expand in late game in order to keep the money flowing. Edit: Several improvements. Added little islands to expand options. Improved city. Improved center. Improver oil defense. Improved Corners. ancient aliens climate change (4 players, updated).map
  8. @FReQuEnZy @McPwny I updated the map. Little more gems on each start pos. More ore on pos 5 & 6. Added ramps to 1,2,3,4 - to enhance early and middle gameplay. My experience shows that everyone who camps in late game will lose. This map is dynamic (though it doesn't seem like that on the first look).
  9. Thank you VERY much @FReQuEnZy ! I made an updated version (updated the original post): *Added 4 more bridges, so it's harder to interrupt rush intentions. *Fixed Ore Errors I didn't implement the navy spots on the start positions, because this will break with an idea I had to force players to build second (or even third) bases. If you expand to the corner you can build navy and push other players (who are camping at their start position) with navy. That's also the reason why I can't implement water bridges (unfortunately). The 6 player map : Yes the corner-start positions are a little boring, but you have less confrontation so you need less ore (otherwise it would be the premium spot). It's for more stealthy players or even some 3v3 action with different roles. But well - I'm pretty unsure if this will work out properly - the map focus is 4 player. BTW: It would be a pleasure to spec a game when some good players like you play this map.
  10. Hey my friends, I just made my first map. It is designed for FFA, but also works well on 2v2. I like to have huge maps because you can use different tactics and get creative. This map offers a wide variety of terrain: You have desert (soviet favor), hills, woods (ally favor), sea and even urban areas. I made it all pretty balanced with little gems (only in the center). The map also feels different on different locations and there are little details to enrich this feeling. You can rush it but also play it with a late game focus. You have to make good decisions. Due to the size of the map it's hard to defend your city base and your startpoint f.e.. If you move your army to rush an enemy base in the woods you may not have enough forces to defend your main base etc.. I called it ancient aliens because I first implemented some lunar items, but then realized they are hidden in the real game. Some scenarios: EARLYGAME: Most players will go for the diamonds in the center. For those who don't they have enough ore for now, but it won't reproduce, because there is just 1 ore mine on the start position. MIDDLEGAME: Once the diamonds are out and the ore around the base is getting less and less Players will try to get to the big ore spots in the corners (up left, low right). This is also a spot where you can build naval units which can also make pressure to the starting position. Some players may avoid this clash and will go for the other 2 corners. You won't find that much ore there, but you have 2 oil derricks and a hospital there. Plus : You have no naval attackers. LATEGAME: Players may have to leave their first base because of naval attacks or low ore. Some may even hide in the woods or try to get classic map control via the ore spots on the corner, where are 5 ore mines. I hope you enjoy it! 6 PLAYER VARIANT : You can play this for 6 players too. Then you have two more sneaky spots in the city. You have less ore there, but you will have no that much confrontation in the early game. Greetings ancient aliens (4 players).map ancient aliens (6 players).map Btw.: How can I add an author tag? Edits: Little improvements in the map. FYI - added a navy version (climate change) ancient aliens climate change (4 players).map
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