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Everything posted by cypher

  1. how did u get these underground excavators? and how the light? and how these diamond-like structures ? ?
  2. Well it's your first map so WELCOME and nice that you post it here! There are players who like these synthetic maps (like very huge unnatural grass areas without some random elements). But I think about 80% of the players would love to see more variance in the terrain. From a gameplay point of view I dislike the arrangement. The oil derricks are strange. And you have just very neat spots to get your tanks to the enemy. This will lead to some rocketeer action in early game. Maybe you test it in CNCnet. Btw - don't take frequency too serious, he's a well known hater in this community.
  3. INFO: There is a newer version of europe, which is better for 2vs2 and another version of eurasia which is better for 4vs4. Check my signature if you want to play these. All spots are balanced regarding ore and gems. This map is best for 2vs2vs2. europe (6 players).map West Europe Oil Derricks : Madrid, Paris, 2x Berlin, Mailand, London, Stockholm Bonus : Machine Stop (Rome) East Europe Oil Derricks : Moscow, Kiew, Athens, Istanbul, Warschau, Riga Bonus : Secret Lab (Minsk) Africa Oil Derricks : Kairo, Tunis, Marrakesh, Damaskus Bonus : Hospital (Tripolis) North America Oil Derricks : New York 2 Greenland Bunker
  4. @FReQuEnZy I got that, but I found no thread for feature requests/suggestions, so I thought it would be the most matching thread.
  5. it would be great to have an advanced diplomatic window (TAB), where you not only can see who is allied with you, but also who is allied with others. Like in CIV:
  6. nice map. haters gonna hate
  7. How can you see how often a map is played at cncnet?
  8. A modification of my earlier map "diplomatique transatlantique", which got really amazing feedback - thanks for everyone who played it. This one is more for FFA or 2v2v2. You can expand to america, but you don't have to. Little changes : * added one more oil to germany * removed one oil from middle east (so each african spot has 2 oil, each european 3, except germany, which has 4) transatlantic imperialism (6 players).map
  9. I don't mean EA I thought about the regular community patches.
  10. Maybe they need a fix, they should at least be able to shoot when moving like the rhino tank shouldn't they?
  11. Thanks! Is there a real use for Tank Destroyers? Do good players use them ?
  12. If you think about redesign - why not building one about the middle east? This is more interesting IMHO than africa.
  13. Great work ❤️ Is this balanced? I like the details and the different feelings. There are some little tile errors (espc. at madagascar) and I personally don't like the dinosaurs. But the rest is awesome!
  14. ppl are always complaining. hehe. Some strange spirit in cncnet sometimes. But good players will worship it most times. Diamonds look too much IMHO. I think 4 players with 15000 ore each and 2 playersw ith 30000 ore will work fine. Also keep in mind, that diamonds give money a lot faster than ore. ?
  15. FYI I tested this map several times now. The concept works - it's very fun for 2vs2vs2vs2 (Westeurope, Easteurope, Africa, America). Some say America is OP, because they have no natural enemy. Well that's true. But in my games it was always balanced because the weakest players (automatically) took these spots. If USA went too strong players also allied (like west+east europe). This map brings a nice dynamic and feeling, which is different from others.
  16. For those of you who wonder how to import a bitmap (there's no tutorial yet AFAIK). You have to create a bitmap, f.e. with microsoft paint. Maximum size is IMHO 150x150 PX. If you have another size FA will resize it automatically to max 150px. You can also shape the terrain : LIGHT GREEN : Light Grass DARK GREEN : Dark Grass BL'UE : Water YELLOW : Sand There might be a way to import trees and so on, but I didn't figure it out yet. It works if you save it with "MS paint" as *.bmp. Alternative: You can save it as a bitmap without color information (dunno how it's called in english) : . You can use the free program "GIMP" if you want. If you don't save it that way Final Alert will import it wrong, most times it shows a completely green map without any details. Afterwards open Final Alert 2 and click on New Map -> Import from Bitmap -> Choose File. Enjoy!
  17. @XXxPrePxX call me insane, but I made a better version. This one is balanced and much bigger . I hope you like it !
  18. @XXxPrePxX To you first point : Yes US is overpowered. BUT - I intend this to be a more diplomatic play map, so every player is aware that he will lose against the big papa from us when he loses all his attention in the little conflicts on his close border. Especially med/pro players are aware. So it could be fun to see GB + Africa to build naval units f.e. to prevent US from having naval supremacy. To your second point : I'm worried too about the close starting spots. But I didn't know what else to do. But I built the ore that way, that players can build their own stuff without conflict for a while (except north america). Though it seems to be tough to build f.e. for the middle east spot, you can build all building you need there. Ore for the middle east spot is at turkey (no reproduction) at middle east (no reproduction) at egypt (reproduction) and at greece (reproduction). Due to the oil towers this spot has the lowest ore reproduction . You have long time no interest-conflict with greece, but might have one early on with egypt. To your third point : Yes germany has a real hard spot (like in reality). It's the hardest to defend, but the best economic point. It seems to be a good idea for germany to ally whether with france or russia. I'm not sure yet if the map will play out well. I had no online battle yet. I will send feedback and will improve things if needed. You might also play this map as 4 player. Thanks a lot for your feedback! Appreciate it!
  19. A huge map to feel the transatlantic pressure first hand ? For 4vs4, 2vs2vs2vs2, for FFA or for diplomatic play (FFA + ally) I hope u like it. diplomatique transatlantique (2.1 - big version).map Concept: This is a transatlantic map. Important cities are represented by oil derricks. All other ressources are completely balanced. North America Oil Derricks : New York, Washington, Atlanta, Nashville, Toronto, Montreal. Bonus : Airfield (Chicago) + seperated from most other players. + good to defend if naval supremacy + good air & naval play - bad land play - only 1 big ore field - less oil than in europe+africa -has to reach naval supremacy. West Europe Oil Derricks : Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Mailand, London, Stockholm Bonus : Machine Stop (Rome) + good to expand early on + good naval play + good land play - in the centre of the storm East Europe Oil Derricks : Moscow, Kiew, Athens, Istanbul, Warschau, Riga Bonus : Secret Lab (Minsk) + good to expand early on + good land play - bad naval play Africa Oil Derricks : Jerusalem, Kairo, Tunis, Marrakesh, Damaskus Bonus : Hospital (Tripolis) + good to defend + good naval play - hard to expand - less oil than other players Edit: 19-05-18 This is a new version (2-0) - much bigger (more space!). 20-05-18 Little improvements. Added some city styles. Water improvemets. @FReQuEnZy @ChallengerX_Pro @YosefAnan @McPwny @XXxPrePxX
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