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Everything posted by cypher

  1. where do you get the texture for the missile from?
  2. Yeah finally a GREAT navy map. The map looks fantastic, but I don't like the reactor and the spysats. These are not only "compensations", they destroy the balancing of the game.
  3. where can i see the balance infos?
  4. Changes Map Each Position has 2 oils instead of 1 oil and 1 extra tech building. New Units Chrono Tank (Germany , T3, replaces Tank Destroyer) Technical (Cuba, T2, replaces Terrorist) Soviet Spy (Soviet, T3) Balance Changes Soviet changes *Added Spy (T3) *Cuba has new unit which can hold 3 passengers, they can shoot outside. It's very fragile though, similiar to the Technical from CNC Generals (Terrorist replaced) Ally changes *Patriot Missile has slower Ägais shots (so it's finally useful against mass rocketeer, but hopefully not imba, time will tell) *weakened Ägais dmg a littlebit *pillbox has now an anti tank cannon, but reduced hitpoints (to be a littlebit better prepared against soviet rushes) *Blackhawk makes more dmg against infantry (needs two shots for 1 soldier, so you can catch ivan if he tries to flee over sea f.e.) *France Grand Cannon has build limit of 3 *Germany has a new unit - the chronotank. It has missles similiar to the original and needs time to reload them. They have a build limit of 3 (Tank Destroyer replaced) Yuri changes *Virus is T3 *Mastermind has very high hitpoints now, but has a built limit of 1 *Disks can not drain and are a little weaker *Mind control range a little decreased DOWNLOAD [6] sedona pass balanced.map
  5. Changelog : Added two new units to eurasia ffa balanced (see post above) Update: technical removed
  6. Yeah a spy button would be nice. I just did a new version of my map as a workaround, ty mcpwny for inspiration.
  7. Here comes a new map variant of Eurasia FFA 6 Players. I tried to balance the factions (first version). I also added two new units for cuba and germany, so the factions get hopefully interesting again. Changes New Units Chrono Tank (Germany , T3) Removed : Technical (Cuba, T2) Soviet Spy (Soviet, T3) Balance Changes Soviet changes *Added Spy (T3) *Ivan can swim, throw his bombs in little range and is as fast as a seal *Cuba has new unit which can hold 3 passengers, they can shoot outside. It's very fragile though, similiar to the Technical from CNC Generals (Terrorist replaced) Ally changes *Patriot Missile has slower Ägais shots (so it's finally useful against mass rocketeer, but hopefully not imba, time will tell) *weakened Ägais dmg a littlebit *pillbox has now an anti tank cannon, but reduced hitpoints (to be a littlebit better prepared against soviet rushes) *Blackhawk makes more dmg against infantry (needs two shots for 1 soldier, so you can catch ivan if he tries to flee over sea f.e.) *France Grand Cannon has build limit of 3 *Germany has new unit - the chronotank. It has missles similiar to the original and needs time to reload them. They have a build limit of 3 (Tank Destroyer replaced) Yuri changes *Virus is T3 *Mastermind has very high hitpoints now, but has a build limit of 1 *Disks can not drain and are a little weaker *Mind control range a little decreased Each player has 2 ore fields with 2 Tibs each and 4 oils/cities in the colored areas. Yellow color : Contested Ore fields (3 Tibs) Update : Technical removed , replaced with desolator. Update 05-01-19 : disabled yuri grinders ability to sell units to prevent money cheat [6] eurasia ffa balanced 2.map known issues : the chrono tank cannot teleport to islands
  8. Here comes a new map variant of Eurasia FFA 6 Players. There are some balance changes, as seen below: DOWNLOAD : Changes[6] eurasia ffa 4.map Balance Changes Soviet changes *Added Spy (T3) *Added Mig and Soviet Airfield (T3) *Ivan can swim, throw his bombs in little range and is as fast as a seal *Cuba has Vehicle Thief (terrorist replaced) *Russia has paradrop (comes with radar) with 12 conscripts (tesla tank replaced) *Libya has Slave-Miner (Demotruck replaced) Ally changes *Added B2 Stealth Bomber (T3) *Patriot Missile has slower Ägais shots (so it's finally useful against mass rocketeer, but hopefully not imba, time will tell) *weakened Ägais dmg a littlebit *France Grand Cannon has build limit of 2 *Added german Chronotank (tankdestroyer replaced) Yuri changes Yuri is a modified Soviet faction * Has stealth miners (inv. on radar) * Has stealth tanks ( t3, inv. on radar) * Has anti-air submarine + taifun sub + boomer * Has banshees (air-jets) New Tech-Level for all Sides : T4 (Yurilab) : Costs 15000 and will grant you two new units : Mammoth MK2 & Cyborg This land unit has much armor, costs 4000, is very slow, but can fire boomer cruise missles and has very good anti air. It is a good tool to break through hard defenses or to defend against big armies. Cyborg (All factions, T4) - an allround unit which is immune against many anti-mass-infantry like seal, dogs and desolator . it is slow, but can be devastating in high numbers. it has a bit anti-air and is weak against tanks (but can handle some if massed). They can't be crushed (only from omnicrushers like Battlefortress). Each player has 2 ore fields with 2 Tibs each and 4 oils/cities in the colored areas. Yellow color : Contested Ore fields (3 Tibs) New Units Anti-Air Miner with same capacity as war miner (when soviet lab gets spied) Mobile gap generator with reduced radius (when allied lab gets spied) Mammoth MK2 (All factions, T4) - a very slow and expensive land-distance unit with boomer missiles and good anti air Cyborg (All factions, T4) - an allround unit which is immune against many anti-mass-infantry like seal, dogs and desolator . it is slow, but can be devastating in high numbers. it has a bit anti-air and is weak against tanks (but can handle some if massed). Soviet Spy (Soviet, T3) Version History: *1.3 Cuban truck removed (12-2018) *1.4 Chrono tank armor reduced, little terrain updates (01-2019) *1.5 removed pillbox balance because it was too strong against buildings *1.7 removed pillbox balance rest code, removed chrono tank, removed yuri-mcv from crates, removed mastermind nerf, german tank destroyer is invisible to radar *1.8-2.1 see comments below *2.2 better preview + clean code *2.3 better preview *2.4 new preview, grand cannon build limit reduced to 2, changed spy-techs (chrono-seal replaced with mobile gap ; chrono-ivan replaced with anti-air miner) *2.5,2.6 some little fixes *3.0 TechTree T4 , Russian Paradrop *3.1 T4Lab not spyable *3.2 Polisihing Mammoth against Navy *3.6 Libya + Cyborg *3.7 Cuba Vehicle Thief + Spy Image Change *4.0 Mig + B2 + Chronotank v2
  9. u name it prep! Most of the times I play FFA's on large maps and I see exactly the behaviour you mentioned. I thought a time limit could be a good walkaround, so you don't have disadvantages in relative short 1on1s and still don't have the game destroyed for longer FFAs. Maybe the shortest and best walkaround for me personally is to change the unit stats via ini edit, as mcpwny mentioned. But I think this is a general issue, depending on the game mode.
  10. I think spy's are very imbalanced, because they give such a huge advantage (talking about barracks and warfactories) the whole game. Is there a possibility to make spy-effects timebound, like 5 minutes free promotions for units and then normal units again? Or - make a button to provide spys to both parties?
  11. cypher

    i don't load

    looks like your pc is faster than the others. real answer: If this happens as a host try to change the server, worked for me sometimes.
  12. *New Map / Variant : EURASIA FFA (6 Players, preferred mode FFA) Can't add to the main post because my upload limit is reached. Each player has 2 ore fields with 2 Tibs each and 4 oils/cities in the colored areas. Yellow color : Contested Ore fields (3 Tibs) /Changelog 15-10-18: Little improvements. Bridge Huts added at Great Britain. Asgabath setup changed. Oil setup changed in Northamerica (+Quebec, +Saint Johns) - quantity remains the same. [6] eurasia ffa.map
  13. Greetings, my map career for cnc comes to an end. Finally I will sum up my geomaps to a mappack. I also added one of awarnoob/kissmysedonapass. I hope you enjoy playing on "real" ground as much as I do. 1. EURASIA (8 Players, preferred mode 4vs4) https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/8792-8-eurasia-11/ 1.1 EURASIA FFA BALANCED https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9165-6-eurasia-ffa-balanced-15/ 2. EUROPE (4 Players, preferred mode 2vs2) https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=45262 2.2 EUROPE FFA (4 PLayers, preferred mode FFA) nearly the same map, but different start locations. Each player has 4 oils and there are tech outposts instead of machine shops. [4] europe ffa.map 2.3 EUROPE FFA BALANCED EUROPE FFA Balanced (added little balances and a map preview) Major Balances : Added soviet spy Ivan can swim Better patriot SAM against mass rocketeer Minor Balances : France Grand Cannon Build Limit 5 Boomer Tech 3 Cuba has desolator (terrorist removed to add spy) [4] europe ffa.map 3. EUROPE+ (6 Players, preferred mode 3vs3) https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=45286 4. AFRICA / Blooddiamonds (8 Players, preferred mode FFA) BY https://forums.cncnet.org/profile/36660-kissmysedonapass/ https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=44734 5. TRANSATLANTIC : US-EAST COAST + EUROPE + AFRICA (8 players, preferred mode 2vs2vs2vs2) https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=44727 6. TRANSATLANTIC IMPERIALISM (6 players, preferred mode 2vs2vs2) https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=44817 7. SOUTH EAST ASIA (4 Players, preferred mode 2vs2) https://forums.cncnet.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=45043 I hope you enjoy this. If you have any other geomaps please add to this thread. TY! Fare well.
  14. WOW. Did I just witness the first friendly post ever of Ravage AKA frequency?
  15. Grocery Patrol is awesome, like it especially in RedRessurrection! Good work.
  16. Here comes the probably last variant of europe for a decent 3vs3 setup. *All spots are balanced *Every player has 3 oils/cities *Battled ore fields in italy and turkey/greece *1 neutral city (rome and istanbul) *1 airfield for each team DOWNLOAD [6] europe+.map *note: there is also an older special version with african spots for 2vs2vs2 (Europe+ Special [6]) @ChallengerX_Pro [6] europe+.map
  17. did a 3v3 version in a new topic @ChallengerX_Pro
  18. Great maps. Good work martin, stolen tech, challengerxpro and supporters .
  19. Hi there, I made a smaller version of eurasia just in europe, which is much better for a balanced 2vs2. The preview is made with Red Ressurrection (which is way better than YR IMHO btw), but it is also compatible with Yuris Revenge or Red Alert 2 Standard. DOWNLOAD [4] europe.map Details: *Starting Spots are : 1.Spain, 2. Germany/Netherlands, 3. Ukraine/Russia, 4. Turkey *All Spots are balanced *West Europe and East Europe have a machine stop each *Each player has 3 oils *3 extra oils in west africa *3 extra oils in middle east
  20. also try to use ore fields (slows down BF) and dogs (distracts BF)
  21. I can understand your resentment (pretending it's true what you said). But there's something in your way of communication which provokes bad vibes, maybe because of bad experiences - doesn't matter in the end. It's not all the fault of others martin. By the way : It must be hard put much effort in this community for years (RA2 community is very flaming and toxic IMHO - not in this forum ,but ingame) .
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