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Everything posted by Black
Going for the Gold in Feb. let’s get a nice variety of challengers. If cncnet will approve and take me off ignore id like to put up some cash prizes for the top 3 unique players.
Uninstall everything and reinstall using the download link on this site. With windows 10 make sure your using the “Automatic” renderer in the TS config menu inside the client. You also need to make sure that the game resolution is compatible with the game (1920x1080 is generally best) and you also need to make sure that your desktop is set to the same resolution you intend to launch the game on. If you are using very old equipment or a cheap laptop your desktop resolution might be capped lower. Adjust the in game res to whatever your desktop res is but no higher than 1920x1080. I cant think of anything else that could possibly be causing an issue.
Downloaded it and played a few offline games. I think the improvements to the game aesthetics are awesome and some of the unit functionality changes are neat but some are extremely meta changing. I'd have to do a lot more testing to make a judgment on balance and whether or not they would be worth getting used to as opposed to the vanilla mechanics but it's a pretty impressive work.
I think you have to select the music to be downloaded with the installation exe. ive never actually tried it though because music is too much of a distraction when playing competitive games.
We all think your great corps.. but you can’t be player of the year every year. You gotta give us peons a chance to shine.
Just wanted to make a post thanking everyone involved in unscrewing the QM ladder from the horrible adjustments that were implemented last year. The new map selection is nothing short of amazing and is been a hugely needed update for TS for many years. when QM first came out I wasn’t a big fan because of how alien it is to classic TS but it’s grown on me over time. But last year when the updates were made to favor a very select few group of people it really made it unplayable for me and I stopped using it all together (Several others have proclaimed a similar experience) Now that things are back to being fair, balanced, and in proper spirit of competition I’m excited to get on and start using it regularly once I get back. Based on activity it looks like several people can share this sentiment. Great job and let’s keep moving things forward. TS 2020
All your suggestions have implications of unfair advantages and disingenuous game play. in 2020 the only way this games traffic will increase is by literally transforming it into a battle royal FPS game. The RTS genre isn’t and never was popular.
Didnt read
Shout out to sexpro and weaponx for the clutch nod pressure. Shout out to toprush for the clutch MK work. shout out to Tiger for always decimating all with 1 ref when on my team. Shout out to Ray for never playing despite having a Computer just for TS. Shout out to NME for being my most played with partner and doing his best to not piss me off despite being a drama queen rumor spreader. happy new year.
I appreciate being included but I don’t think I played a single competitive/balanced 2v2 game in all of 2019. Humble and skylegend only two 2v2 players that consistently don’t fuck up early game inf so they get my vote.
Amazing ?
Dont worry mate, I got the details under control. but It depends on cooperation from cncnet staff which isn’t looking promising.
To be clear, I don’t intend to disrespect anyone and discount your opinions. But this thread is not for opinions or debate. The cash prize is designed as an incentive for participation. Not to belittle expected participants. Your welcome to reject the prize out of honor. The results will speak for themselves and the bickering, excuses are not welcome.
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
You know damn well I already took them down due to your complaining. i can play all day Thursday. Sounds fun -
More details will be released upon approval of my primary conditions.
Greetings TS community, Recently thanks to mike pence there has been a lot of discussion of player status and history for this game. I am bored talking to delusional bias haters and don’t want to argue or hand out opinions anymore. Therefore I am offering a definitive indisputable solution. If everyone can agree to my terms and get the rules changed to accommodate what I believe to be as fair and balanced as is possible. Then I will put up a monthly cash prize for the next 3 months to encourage participation and provide incentive. The following rules must be altered for the QM ladde: 1.player names must be visible on load screen. 2. If a player crashes or disconnects regardless of the stage of the game then the player will lose full points and show as a loss. 3. All maps that alter unit/structure/game mechanics from vanilla TS, all maps larger than 4 players, and all maps that aren’t mathematically balanced must be eligible for rejection. If we can agree to these terms I will pay out for the next 3 months $150 to rank 1 $100 to rank 2 $50 to rank 3 (provided they are different players) At the end of the 3rd rank period all win/loss records will be evaluated to create list of who has won the most vs who to develop a proper ranking list without sarcasm, bias, trolling. If you choose to have multiple usernames on the ladder your wins and losses will be skewed on the final ranking report. I recommend either sticking with a single name or at least identifying yourself as who you are on your alts. Lets see who the best players on with full participation and plenty of opportunity to get back into form.
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
Lol @ haters explain why I win consistently vs most of them then? so many salty low IQ players punching holes on their wall cuz you get called out for failing early game inf. zzz ask mola who “ got lucky” vs him in 2 of the last 3 1v1s we played... and only lost the 1st game cuz I thought I was playing ender. -
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
Stop bullying me -
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
Corps, you act like I play tournament rift religiously.. But I appreciate your admittance that as soon as your off terrace your programming goes out the window and you regress to mid tier. But as far as terrace goes I had recorded wins vs you on tiberian sun adventures that you complained to me constantly about posting. So don’t act like you don’t recall shit. You can call me “ok” all you want as an insult but you know your just in denial that you struggle in 2v2s and constantly lose to people way worse than you. That’s because the strategy in 2v2 games isn’t repetitive robotic boring game play that can be memorized and grinded unlike 1v1s. I know your retired, but since I actually like you unlike TRZ I’ll be happy to spend a night playing vs you so that you can watch a guy who literally has 100,000+ fewer hours of experience than you unrust, catch up, and start winning consistently vs you after a single night of taking the game seriously. Your a robot and I’ll study you and start predicting your movements and patterns and out work you. And I’ll only be having half as much fun as you while I do it. Let me know when you want to come out of retirement. I don’t want your money either, I just want to see you go on with your denial after the nights over and call everything that happens to you “total bullshit” like you do every time you lose. -
Unprovoked personal attack reported.
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
Most hours spent playing TS: 1. TRZ a Huuuuge Margin... 2. NME 3. Corpsmakr 4. Steelcore 5. Mola Players that are equal to, better, or only marginally worse than these 5 despite putting in only a fraction of 1% of the amount of effort: (but would easily dominate 10/10 games if put in even half the hours) 1. Black 2. Humble 3. Cambria 4. Skylegend etc. Smart players with actual talent still trump the weirdos that put in 100s of thousands of hours and took 10+ years to become decent. It’s also evidence towards 2v2 players being superior to players who focus on 1v1. -
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
Ugh, in 1v1 I’m not losing to any nod period if it’s a open map like terrace. Maybe I’ll get caught by the 1 refers occasionally.. but outside of that it’s just not happening. I’ve never lost to steelcore outside of the occasional 1 ref ( all games however I didn’t know who I was playing against). Last time I played NmE I absolutely annihilated him from top right on terrace and barely even had to try. I haven’t seen energy play in like a year+... I’ve never seen him 1v1 before but I never see him do anything in a 2v2 that makes me think he would be a problem. Tigers and corpsmakr are basically the same player except corps has better control while tiger has stronger short game. Both extremely boring to play against but I’ve never made an attempt to put last them in the hour + long game scenario they specialize in. I always get bored and go for a KO. That being said, I’ve caught corpsmakr several times with short game rushes. And since I’m much smarter than him I’d probably out work him long game if I wanted to invest the time into it. Top rush has better Mk2 control than me, I’m better everywhere else. I schooled him easily from top left last time I played him. I have 1 legit win over humble from BL and have never beatin Cambria. So no mox, I wouldn’t say I shouldn’t be on your list. But it’s ok that you don’t respect me since I’ve probably played 5 total games with you since you showed up earlier this year: -
Interesting choice considering I recently watched you toy around with trz from a top spot.. and last time I played you I toyed around with you from a top spot.
I only enjoy 1v1ing ppl I like. But it I would be interested in 2v2 challenges. You can get a partner of your choosing and I’ll get one of my own. 10-20$ of per game or w/e your willing to lose. I can’t give you a definite time frame tho as I don’t give a shit or play consistently anymore.
Black replied to Hungry Mike's topic in Tiberian Sun
Well, I didn’t say they were good. Do you know what the word “improved” means? im sure there are others who could be on that list.