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Everything posted by Black

  1. finally something we can agree on
  2. I wasn't being sarcastic with that answer. Your problem is that you have crossed beyond the realm of lying and into the real of delusional. "I have deadly kicks" "I never cheated" "I was pro in the games prime" blah blah blah
  3. I was making a point that this game is full of man children by making a “tell them what they want to hear” apology. Just so it would be ignored or responded to with acceptance but a complete denial of having any flaws in their own behavior that helped lead to the current state of things. For example, I could tell you what you want to hear and agree to get along with you. But since your unwilling to acknowledge yourself as a BS artist I would never be able to have a real association with you. As soon as the next time you say something dumb or lie I either have to ignore it and cuck to you, or shut it down resulting in an argument you aren’t going to back down from. And since you will choose to die on the dumbest hills instead of consider you might have a logic gap any disagreement will put us right back where we started. Have a nice day
  4. This opinion is just absurd. If your judging skill 1-10 you don’t have to be an undefeated god to be 10. Calling prime Schaf/Mega/Kapa not even 10 is just chimp stupid... Then who the fuck is? if you excel at every aspect of the game then your a 10, if you have excellent short game, long game, unit control, offense, defense, rush ability, economy ability, strategic, adapt and recover ability,.. then your a 10. A good example of a 9.5 would be someone who’s good at all that but can’t use a MK2. Or someone who is robotic and can’t translate their strategy to other environments but is otherwise skill proficient. now go ahead and respond with your set in stone opinion that you got from someone else.
  5. Those aren’t 2v2 games, and you found like 5 1v1s out of a thousand that had 59 average.
  6. Exhibit A point proven. Have a nice day
  7. 59/60 FPS in a 2v2 is impossible for this game.
  8. I’m fine, just proving a point.
  9. We would have to reverse the toxicity amongst the community to have a successful tournament. Too many key people are on shit terms and it’s not gonna change because nobody over the age of 30 is gonna examine themselves and address faults, make apologies, etc. I’ll prove it, watch this - xme, sorry for being a jerk about the QM ladder. I know it probably seems like I don’t appreciate your effort due to my roasting you over the QM ladder but I am happy you exist, for your work. I would like to offer help financially or with ideas, grind work, etc. if there are any projects in the works. humble, sorry for not being more sensitive to your unique persona. I shouldn’t force my expectations on how people should treat other people.. onto other people, you are who you are. Etc etc.. I should have made a better effort to acknowledge the things that bothered you instead of ignoring it. I bet if I made the effort to understand and recognize your peeves and not push topics that you find senseative things can be different. TRZ, Sorry for never giving you a chance and being overly critical of you mostly out of pure bullyism and bad habit. I admire your passion for this game and your desire for greatness within it. No reason we can’t cold turkey move forward, can leave the aggression in the past. To everyone else who I’ve pissed off and can’t specifically remember: sorry for that thing I did that time at that place. My sense of humor is heavy in deprecation and i acknowledge that if you aren’t my friend and don’t know me then you are not going to see the humor in a mean spirited comment because you have no reason to suspect otherwise. Good luck! ?
  10. I think later this year after my kid is born I’m gonna be spending more time at home again. I might build a website/discord channel and Hold Regular tournaments for a while until I get bored. Honestly though I don’t even really want to use Cncnet. So if anyone is interested in cloning Cncnet and starting our own server that doesn’t subjugate us to the piss antatory of red alert players for the first time in the games history let me know. I’ll fund everything and depending on the severity of work required will even pay for a developer to help get things off the ground. If we can get control out of the wrong hands then we can fix real problems and get things back to the way they used to be. I’m sick of being handcuffed.. I want to be able to set the game up for promotion, execute some marketing, and reignite competition.
  11. You can play in it and you can even put money in as long as you pre agree to not complain or make suggestions about rules, map choices, etc. Carnage can play too provided that he issues the apology. I don’t really have a problem with u in terms of hate. I just find you to be grotesquely annoying, your a pathological liar, and I can’t recall a single opinion you’ve ever had that I agree with. It seems like I hate you because everything you say is nonsense or BS which provoked a response to keep you from swaying the opinions of uninvolved people that might not care enough to know any better.
  12. I’m not involving my money in anything yours is involved in. I’d rather eat a sock than be in a position where I have to entertain and contend with your opinions. Ill do 600 for a 2v2 Toruń if at least 8 worthy teams are available. Rank 1 team splits $200 each, Rank 2 team splits $100 each, Rank 3 team can split w/e you and steelcore can dig out under your car seats.
  13. Black


    Make a 2v2 tournament.
  14. This time use a balanced map like throwback or rift. (dang TRZ that’s 2-3 hours at the factory) ill donate $500 for a cash prize if a proper tournament gets set up. I refuse to do any work towards the project though. My only rule is that carnage is banned unless he gives me a written apology for his behavior .
  15. The safest thing to do is the same as any other game. Do an aggressive infantry rush that will either counter your opponents infantry or interrupt his build order if hes going fast tech.
  16. Dude you already responded to this thread u crack head.
  17. Please remove my name from this garb.
  18. Excuuuuuuuseeeeeeee meeeeeee I didn’t read your comment bro
  19. It really depends on your goal. it’s only done by flat earthers that are scared to play people straight up so they rely on annoyance and cheap tactics to throw people off. So If your trying learn/compete don’t do it. But if your goal is to demoralize someone who is running their mouth, sure use cheap annoying pointless tactics to piss them off. If your trying to have a game that actually proves something and isn’t a stupid waste of time because even day 1 noobs can do it if they have a triple digit IQ then don’t 1 ref.
  20. Sorry for not hold back progress/improvement for the sake of a single opinion. Quit hating on the forest fires remake. It’s superior in every aspect. It would be better to have 100 new players that can play a game that makes sense than keeping the 2 or 3 salty vets that hate everything for no logical reason. PS. None of this shit matters because nobody is going to play ladder next month. Nobody would have even played this month if I didn’t stir up commotion in the first week.
  21. Would also be nice if Cncnet didn’t digitally rape your computer to the point where it takes hours of dedicated effort for it to not recognize your hardware after an uninstall. But that isn’t going to jive with the god complex that virtually all private server admins have.
  22. I can't even begin to imagine how unplayable these game would be with a console controller. But I support your quest.
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