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XMaDTanKX aka T-90

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Everything posted by XMaDTanKX aka T-90

  1. Hello people, today is a great day, and not for getting married and/or win the lottery ? Today is the day I am going to release what probably is my BEST Red Alert 2 Mission Map. It's a very special map for me, both for the time and big effort put on it and for the history behind. I started to create this on 2003 when I had the original idea and wanted to make a real serious Ra2 mission. In early 2004 I had the first beta version which had a very good approach but something was missing. I have made some evolved versions over the years and, it was in year 2012 when I thought I had something worth to release but sadly one of my computers suffered an overheat in August of that year and I lost the hard disk where I had all of my latest work related to Ra2, kepping only and luckily a very early version of the map with an unfinished terrain and only a few triggers, so I had to remade almost everything and not remembering what I did exactly to that 2012 version that I lost forever. Date of this file is March 2004 and it was into a very scratched CD. And that is the version I've been working lately to make this video and give you this great mission map that you are going to love. The mission itself is a 'sneaking infiltrate' mission where you will have to rescue the prisoners and find the way to the captured Allied Base to stop the Nuclear Threath that is brewing somewhere at the KSSR (Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakhstan) and avoid a potential global disaster. You start with Tanya, three veteran Gi Soldiers and two Spys of recognized prestige in the USA. With only these units on the battlefield, you will need to look for the prisoners location, rescue them and find the way to the Allied base to stop the nuclear disaster. On the video you'll find a more detailed briefing. To play the map just click on the link I'll leave below and extract the files 'all01t.map' and 'ra2.csf' to your Ra2 folder, launch original Ra2 and start an Allied campaign as normal, preferably on hard level. To restore the game to normal, just delete these two files. DOWNLOAD the Map here ? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qs6yPEuxCT9RpykC4V-UAOo5eU9Dh6la/view?usp=sharing I hope you like it guys and gurls, GL & HF _Oscar_
  2. First off check your ingame volume controls to see if they are balanced. Have you run any app like XCC Mixer to do some stuff? Search for these two files audio.bag and audio.idx on your game directory. If you find them just delete them both. Tell me if it worked ?
  3. I know what you mean, many called this as 'speed cheat' back in the days, but, such thing never really existed althoug some, let's call them 'average' players, were convinced otherwise. C&C games are peer to peer games which means, the same exact simulation of the game is happening on both computers, and no computer could tell the other how the game should run without causing and internal or reconnection error. A build speed cheat would cause an 'unsync' (don't know if this is the exact word but I'm sure you understand) between both game simulations on each computer and the game would crash. Some players do other kind of cheatings without using trainers throught INI editing that could give them a free radar or unblock some units without causing crash but CnCNet clients actually detect when someone has edited INI files or simply if their setup files in game folder are different as they should be. On the other hand think that C&C is an old game and there's players who have been there for years and have sick micro skills hard to understand and execute for a beginner but, if I could give you some tips... 1.- Good build order 2.- Use keyboard hotkeys 3.- Miner control These would be the basics, the rest should be practice, patience and watch youtube videos of pros ?
  4. This second one was made some time after the Soviet Invasion map. I was still on an early learning stage making Ra2 mission maps by that time. It's based on a Red Alert 1 skirmish map that was originaly called 'Arena Valley Extreme' and apeared in The Aftermath original expansion for PC and in Retaliation (it's counterpart for Playstation) of wich I was a big fan despite the poor performance of the game on this platform. That's probably why I called this mission 'Soviet Retaliation' xD. So I decided to use this big terrain that I've made before as a Ra1 Multiplayer map for Ra2, BUT with a fully custom AI and a big sized pre-built base for the enemy. The result was sick XD but it's not as hard as it looks actually altough it may take you a few trys. Download the map here !!?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zUb5SF4O8z6P_etmH_VLMMkmZ1vzGeQy/view?usp=sharing Copy the file located in SinglePlayerMission to your Ra2YR instalation path and rename it as sov01t.map. Then start a Soviet Campaign as normal. Hope you really enjoy it. The file also includes Multiplayer Versions that you only have to copy to your Ra2YR instalation folder and an edit to play online on the CnCNet client. Have fun! ??
  5. Hi guys, in this topic I will be posting everytime I make a video about my own made mission maps, I hope this is the right section in the forum to post this. Maybe you remember me for the [Heck with Brutal AI] I've posted on XWiS years ago https://xwis.net/forums/index.php/topic/107503-defeat-7-brutals-on-this-map/ I called this first one Soviet Invasion Confirmed (making honours to General Carville ?), I made it in late 2001 early 2002 and it was my very first Mission Map. I used the terrain of a multiplayer map I had made weeks before and I've started with all this adventure of creating AI Triggers, Taskforces, INI editing and many things more. Clearly it's NOT my best map but it was very special for being the first one and the one that introduced me into the Mission Maps creating world when I only was 24. After a little testing and revision I decided to make a video and share it with the C&C community. It has some errors to fix but I didn't want to touch it so much to keep it's original essence of the noob map creator (and player) I was. If you like it I could make a 2.0 version in the future which is gonna be alot harder o_- Download the map here!!?https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pvvyae0bhBk_DaarkMx7A7qNY6qX_AX1/view?usp=sharing Copy the file located into SinglePlayerMission folder to your Ra2YR folder, rename it as all01t.map and start an Allied Campaign as usual. The file also includes Multiplayer Versions that you only have to copy to your Ra2YR instalation folder and an edit to play online on the CnCNet client. I hope you like it guys.
  6. It's been said over the years that these two units are kinda unbalanced especially by allied players who claim their tanks are 'plastic' and Soviet Rhinos are overpowered but, what's hidding behind this statement? It's quite known that in balanced human tank battles the victory goes usually for the Rhinos, (and by balanced I mean money spent on tanks, not amount of them), Rhino always seem to win easier if there's not other units around like Gi's or Rockies but... after looking for some info and/or videos I couldn't find anything clear so I decided to make an analysis and video myself. There you go... I make clear I'm Soviet player (not pro but decent) and I've been as neutral and impartial as I could. Let's discuss people!!
  7. I think he means where active players arrange their games nowadays with each others they already know from years. Almost everybody is on Discord now, Discord and social networks in general seems to have absorbed any activity on the forums overall.
  8. It looks like a way to prevent cheating in online games? Have you tried tu run the game from the original ra2md.exe file to see if the problem persists?
  9. Good! I've been watching some games from RA2cashGames YT channel and looks a very simple and fun map where you don't have to care of the stupidity of miners ?? Also good for fast games and quite interesting for FFA 4 players ?
  10. Hello I'm doing some video stuff with Yuri's Revenge and every time I try to open the XCC Sound Editor that comes inside the XCC Mixer, the program just closes itself and won't let me do anything. I only need to extract some audios from langmd.mix\audiomd.mix\audio.bag as wave files to put them into a video. I'm using XCC Utilities 1.47 and surprisingly with older versions like 1.12 or 1.40 the issue won't happen, but I can't read Yuris Revenge, only Red Alert 2. Any idea of what could be causing this and any solution? Thanks in advance.
  11. I've been playing a few games online and I've noticed that the Scroll Speed is way too fast even when it's set at 0, and when I say too fast I mean near to be uncontrollable. I don't have this issue playing the vanilla games Ra2 / YR and/or the CNC Net client on Skirmish mode, I usually set it as fast, but in online games I'm forced to set it to slowest / 0 and still is too fast. Anyone knows what could be causing this problem and any possible solution? Any help is apreciated.
  12. Try this: Do right click on the Ra2 or YR icon on your desktop and see what is the .exe file it has associated to it. If it's game.exe or gamemd.exe change it to ra2.exe or ra2md.exe. (The md extension is for YR) Then click on the 'compatibility' box and run the compatibility problems solver or manager which is the first button of the window, follow the steps and leave it to recommended configuration that is probably going to be 'windows sp3'. Test the game and see if it works. Good luck.
  13. This SS you posted is Ra2 original or the CnCNet client? Have you tried changing the graphic renderer by another one? Anyway if you changed the OS I would try to re-install the game and the client and see what happens.
  14. AI player Tanks usually don't run back or have tank control like a human. Apocalypse Tank is a very complete unit which can be used on certain situations as suporting unit to other teams or to be placed on a hill for base defense. It's an 'all in one' tank as they have anti air fire and they are extremely damaging vs buildings, defenses and vehicles, very heavy armor and they recover their health by themselves. Apocalypse has everything a war tank should have, except speed... and that makes them vulnerable in tank fights where a good player with faster tanks just would hit and run, time after time, and the Apocalypse Tank wouldn't success a single shot, and plus if you are targeting their tanks so they would do targeting move which makes them even slower. The best thing to do with a group of Apocalypse on a tank fight if the other guy runs is CTRL+Shift/Attack Move and DON'T target, so they will have automatic fire just like Rhinos without losing speed but most times it's not enought. So I would stick to Rhino as the most versatile Soviet unit, and if you need anti air then build flak which are fast too. Greetings.
  15. Simply not. Apocalypse = Slow Slow moving Slow Building Slow Rate of Fire Slow targeting move Slow = Slowness Slowness = Disadvantage Disadvantage = Losing games ?
  16. Look at the game @ Cold War, Mr Zain has to appeal to Deso and SW to overcome Allied mass mirages even when his economy was so damaged from the start, and we all know Zain is a hard nut to crack who will attack you with the first tank. I don't say what he did is worthless but, what would have happened if: 1.- SW were just off? 2.- He picked other Sov country than Iraq? You know the answer bro. We all know Soviets are the strong faction in low Technology/Short game or whatever but if the Allied is good and hold the pressure and makes the game go late, he can turn the table and I'm talking about equal skilled players. You also forget pure naval maps like Depth Charge or Alaskan Oil, how would you overcome a good Allied on such maps?
  17. Clearly a good counter to BF's and Mirages other than Deso to re-balance every Soviet country and some air unit like the Mig planes they had in Red Alert 1 - Retaliation - Aftermath would be interesting. And on Naval maps a counter to Dolphins to re-balance naval war.
  18. Thats it, ppl complain about spaming rhinos as if the sov players had other options and the fact is that they really don't...
  19. Yuri is another movie, it was a faction intended to give continuity to the Ra2 history and designed to be played exclusively on campaigns, but clearly was NOT developed to be played on skirmish due to it's huge advantage and definitely should be forbidden in tournament games in my honest opinion.
  20. I'm agree with the guy who said Sovs is the weakest faction, maybe not in terms of armor/strenght of units and firepower but on posibilities. The proof is you need to pick Iraq and use Deso/DesoBombs on certain situations so if you are Sov, if no Deso no party while Allies can take a great profit of their special units on almost every country. So lucky in YR they still have the siege choppers because otherwise they would be useless (and I'm a Sov player) altough they still lack a Tech counter to BF's and don't tell me the Apocalypse Tanks fucking please ? Soviet Tech units are usually useless vs a human player because of their speed and if you don't believe me try to beat a good Allied player not spaming rhinos and not using Deso, and see what are the chances that you get. And I'm not going to talk about naval maps because its just ridiculous... y'all know what I mean. Yet I read comments from people complaining about players spaming rhinos and doing early preassure and splits, oh man you're a rusher!! Ok dude, next time I'm going to sit there until you have 75 mirages, 17 BF's and 500 Roketeers, and I'ma try to beat you with a combination of Apoc/TeslaTanks/V3 and Drones and if the map is Naval I'ma build a combo of Squids/Typhoons to counter your 700 Dolphins ? Excuse me for the laughts please ?? I fucking love this game but on some aspects is clearly unbalanced.
  21. I'm sure some of you remember him guys, especially if you were playing at the first stage WOL times during 2001 - 2005. I knew a few days ago through his Facebook page and by some close familiars of him, that he has died on June 12. They did not give any detail but I know he had serious heart issues and suffered two strokes four years ago. Problems with drugs and/or alcohol? I don't really know. I met him in 2004, he wasn't one of the best players but he was real GG player, fun to talk to and play. He was always kidding and making fun of anything (or anyone) and thats maybe why he had many haters too and a very charismatic personality. In that sense he was a true rebel. Some of his nicks were APiTBuLL, Stimens, BeaT2KiLL, AGoNyPiTT, AGoNyBuLL and how not... MrNastY4u. For some reason that I don't know, he liked me alot, we played many FFG's and talked alot on MSN too, and that's were I knew about his political ideas which I don't share but were his ideas. Last time we talked was at about 2012 or so, just after I begun to work at a car spare parts shop, I stopped playing Ra2 because I had no time and we lost contact. From here, I would like to dedicate a memory for him. My condolences and prayers for all his family and I'm not a believer but, may God have him in his glory and thanks for your friendship, Jesse Stimens. Thanks for reading this.
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