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Login Rankings bugged?


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Looks like you've screwed something up because you keep making new user accounts. Stop doing that. You only need 1 user account. If you've forgotten your password use the password reset function.

https://ladder.cncnet.org/password/email (I'm being sarcastic here, I know you haven't fogotten your password because you keep logging into your other accounts)

If you want to add more usernames to your account you can do that here https://ladder.cncnet.org/account

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Can we actually make it to where people cant get on smurf logs for the ladder in attempts to take points off of others with higher pts without risking their own on higher ranked logs? There will always be someone (mola/trz) that will attempt to win the ladder by cheap methods like this.... seriously one log is enough to participate in the ladder.

Edited by c0rpsmakr
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hahaha funny topic! 

when the system changed to having to confirm registration i lost my steelc0re log as couldnt access my email account previously used... (hence a new account)


somehow without clikcing that link in the email i eventually got logged back in as steelc0re...  

but yeh every new account comes in and takes mega points and is easier to get to the top, kindda kills it with a million new logs... i admit i have 2 in use! but i think 2 logs is good cause then you could tactically try to protect ur ranks (fair use policy) :)



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lol at the "mola / trz", says the guy who name hid with winniepooh to start off.


Maybe if people didn't dc causing a winning player to lose pts or give a statistic as a lose, people wouldn't make a new log. It so annoying to have a lose, when you haven't lost. 

I got a few logs from previous month, but since there is no limit, its all good. So atm its called tactics. And smurf accounts weren't targeted for you. Sometime if you have so many pts, you can let it sit, and play another log to the top. You just unlucky you game to much, i mean you got rekt 14+ out of 20ish games, and keept on going? lol.

I like yours, you just like to newb bash and farm crap players.


But i agree 2-3 logs for an account.



btw:  last month you got rekt and you did again this month from my main account so what you on about?






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calling 1 reffing with a harv bomb (the only thing you can do to scrape a win) is "wrecking" vs someone who plays far less frequently than you is the mark of a moron, then proceeding to get on 2 more logs with no points after getting off your main that i was "farming noob pts" from, you do the same lame shit. Using more than 1 log isn't "tactical", it's deceitful, which seems to be a characteristic shared by you and the remaining pool of players now. the ladder doesn't accurately represent what its intended to (skill/effort in playing many matches) if fools like yourself try to slither in on 3450 logs just to try and take pts off other people. and you don't see issue with it, or other underhanded gimmicks that you pull, but once a cheat always a cheat i guess.

In no other rts is one of the units that's used to mine resources capable of destroying a main building, and having such an obscenely strong unit that squishes base defenses and can't be attacked without losing a main building so early is ludicrous (getting one in someones base before even a 4th ref can be completed), and the fact that you resort to it and call it owning like you actually did something to control/actually outplay your opponent speaks to your own inadequacy. 

I realize that I posted this off topic, but this will be the last time i do so, to follow up on mola's derailment, that's all.

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"1 reffing with a harv bomb ", so you telling me i owned you +14 times with the same tactic. Damn you must be a terrible player.


If my main log has top points and no TOP point players are online, i will use a 2nd log. Its kinda stupid to have a newb dc you and you lost +70 pts. Besides that since there is no rule for it, why dont you stop bitching like the newb you are?


I outplayed you each game easy, you cant stop a simple rush, you cant stop a harv bomb, not that i needed it, you  were dead anyhow. Why do i send harv bombs? because terrible players like you, tend to make 10 rpgs / lasers 10 titans/ticks and mass inf for a single sub, so if you cant control your units and kill the harv bomb, it seems clear, the issue is your control.

Your a delusional newb, no more need to be said.


Note: Topic has been solved and should be closed.


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My log clearly is one of the top pts logs, and has been, bullshit detected. I'm not going to be trolled into replying to the rest of the irrelevant drivel that you continue to post. Mods, can we please fix this issue with smurf logs on the ladder? As well as enforcing warnings/bans for accounts that derail topics or solely use the forums to talk trash. The forum has become a cesspool, is this the sort of content you want players seeing when they try playing ts for the first time? 

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First of all smurf logs are part of any competitive ladder. Especially RTS. It adds to the challenge. Also, Mola beat you 7 times in a row and like 11 times total so saying all he can do is 1 ref and harv bomb you is stupid. If thats the case and you died 11 times thats on you. He also uploaded video recordings of the games and it was clear as day that he just obliterated you. Theres video evidence. All you do is whine and cry. You bunk, harv hunt every game, then complain about others. You can never ever just say GG . You always have an excuse, always. Its clear as day that Mola is far better than you 1v1 and 2v2. He obliterated you.  You said the same thing in the topic few years ago when I beat you 13 x in a row, and posted SS evidence after you said I was lying.

Mola straight up owned you 7x in a row yesterday, 11x total and has videos of the games, so who is unintelligent here? Harv bombs by the way were a tip in the TS manual. You died 11x ? 7x in a row to harv bombs? lol. No I watched the games.


Keep practicing c0rps...mola owned you ...hard

TS has always had multiple logs available. If its now down to 1 log on the ladder because c0rps is a crybaby thats ridiculous. He got owned fair and square with video evidence ....11x.....we dont need to bend over and make a new rule change for 1 cry baby that cant handle a loss. TS for like 15 years had 9 logs available. Now you want a sudden change because you got your ass handed to you by a superior player ? 

Why dont you practice sportsmanship. When I owned you 3x in a row last mth to take rank 1 from u and give it to mola all u could do is insult me after losing. You did it before in the topic where I beat you 13x in a row, and you did it to mola yesterday. You insult players, call them names, instead of just admitting you got outplayed. Really sad.

PS: I have used 1 log all but 2 games I think in the past 2 months, so again youre talking out of your ass.

Edited by TRZ
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  On 7/16/2019 at 7:12 PM, TRZ said:

First of all smurf logs are part of any competitive ladder. Especially RTS. It adds to the challenge. Also, Mola beat you 7 times in a row and like 11 times total so saying all he can do is 1 ref and harv bomb you is stupid. If thats the case and you died 11 times thats on you. He also uploaded video recordings of all of the games and it was clear as day that he just obliterated you. Theres video evidence. All you do is whine and cry. You bunk, harv hunt every game, then complain about others. You can never ever just say GG . You always have an excuse, always. Its clear as day that Mola is far better than you 1v1 and 2v2. He obliterated you.  You said the same thing in the topic few years ago when I beat you 13 x in a row, and posted SS evidence after you said I was lying.

Mola straight up owned you 7x in a row yesterday, 11x total and has videos of the games, so who is unintelligent here? Harv bombs by the way were a tip in the TS manual. You died 11x ? 7x in a row to harv bombs? lol. No I watched the games.


Keep practicing c0rps...mola owned you ...hard


TRZ, you are a prime example of the toxicity that myself and others have spoken about. Literally ONE sentence of that entire post is relevant, and the rest is used to talk garbage. There is 0 reason to respond to you other than this, as you and he both have nothing objective/factual to say and only speak of your wins/skew situations to be favored to yourselves. Your foul character has plagued the community from your early cheating days (strike team is still up, it wouldn't be hard to look up the numerous reports of you) up until now, and you always will find a way to bring negativity to any discussion or attempt at increasing participation/activity. Check your post history, what is the percentage of the time that you actually contribute anything relevant or productive to the topic? I get on this game maybe every week and a half or two weeks to enjoy myself, and every time I come back to disgusting characters like you and mola finding ways to further the degradation of what's left of this game, and you two's insistence on proving that you're the most elite players ever are rather tiresome. I'll happily play either of you with any number of people watching, since your mouths have always been bigger than your capabilities. Absolutely nothing is gained from speaking with you, and never has been, and won't ever be, so consider this the last time I will ever address you and your continued antics. You will not get any further attention from me, so savor this moment.

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Bro you can't sit here and call other people liars and deceitful when it's clear as day you're lying and being deceitful because mola posted video evidence of the games you got owned bro

I challenge you to go to Strike Team and see how many topics there are me being convicted there are 0 as far as I know again you're making shit up like before when I owned you numerous times and you said I was lying so I posted screenshots you're the only one lying here bro saying that Mola beat you just by one ref and harv bombs he posted videos you dummy. Like I said he beat you 7 times in a row 11 times total and posted videos and you want to come here and make excuses and lies...and we r toxic? You're being a giant cry baby every time you lose to me you insult me and you're calling me toxic?

Youre a baby c0rps. Fact.

You're sitting here trying to say that you're a better player than Mola when he beat you 7 times in a row 11 times total how narcissistic and deranged are you? Everyone can see your games on youtube. Youre kidding us right?

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Look these are facts:

1 ) You insult me and mola constantly when you lose, and make excuses, even go as far as making up stuff that is refuted by video or screenshot evidence. Youre a hypocrite, and toxic as can be yourself - whenever you insult or blatantly lie.

2) Harv bombs are a part of the game, even if Mola only harv bombed, if you die to that 11 x in a row, that says more about your playing than his.

3) I cant think of any time ever I was convicted with any sort of proof, maybe youll stumble across some BS about me reconning, maybe 1 or 2 topics. I never reconned anyone on purpose. As soon as anti cheat, and autoss came out funny how everyone stopped accusing me, and I was still beating the same people.

4) C0rps I have continuously beat you for years, you didnt even get decent til a few years ago, and now youve got a big head thinking youre somebody. YOU CANT EVER SAY GG WP. EVER

5) For every harv bomb used against you, you harv hunt 10x more. And bunk.

6) Smurfing is a part of pretty much every game, and always has been on TS. Why do  we need to change the rules because youre a baby? Ive used 1 log for except maybe 3 games. When I beat you 3x in a row and took rank 1 away from you, I was on my main log.


How can you continuously lie about games that theres video evidence of, and insult people after nearly every loss, and then come here and call other people toxic. Youre some kind of special arent you.

You have told me at least 10x over the years you wont ever speak to me again, or that you will ban me, and that never ends up being true. Just admit you have a problem losing, it turns you into a giant baby each time, and that Mola beat you fair and square ...11 times. I beat you fair and square 3x to take ur rank 1 away last month. None of that, NONE of that had anything to do with smurf logs and everything to do with your play....

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  On 7/16/2019 at 7:11 PM, c0rpsmakr said:

My log clearly is one of the top pts logs, and has been, bullshit detected. I'm not going to be trolled into replying to the rest of the irrelevant drivel that you continue to post. Mods, can we please fix this issue with smurf logs on the ladder? As well as enforcing warnings/bans for accounts that derail topics or solely use the forums to talk trash. The forum has become a cesspool, is this the sort of content you want players seeing when they try playing ts for the first time? 


You came here to blatantly lie and make excuses, all whilst insulting me and mola multiple times, and you have the audacity to comment on any sort of toxicity. Its mind boggling. This is all because you lost, and are having a fit....nobody would have said anything until YOU came here to be toxic and make stuff up. New players can watch molas videos of beating you fair and square on youtube, and you can practice , and learn to take a loss.

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No point arguing with a player who cant handle a harv bomb, yet harv hunt in all his games. Its pretty simple.

Dont like harv bombs  play truce, yes then you cant harv hunt but its one or the other.

Notice how corps stopped playing nod, seems it was harder then he expected.

anyway GG WP jackass.




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  On 7/16/2019 at 7:30 PM, TRZ said:


I challenge you to go to Strike Team and see how many topics there are me being convicted there are 0 as far as I know


Challenge accepted. Im sure theres more but I gotta go to work
Love you all.



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The whole discussion of "harv bomb" is so hypocrite.

1) You can play truce.

2) If you can harv hunt, you surely can harv bomb, and just stop it before it reaches your base or control your defence.

3) You harv bomb when you get  k.o then its fine? I mean it tends to change the outcome, but it seen as "OK".

So you got a few options corpsmakr, kill it, play truce, or control your defence.

4) You are just clueless to play the game since you fail at all 3 points and whine about it.

Ive never seen a player full of crap like you, makes 3-4 rpgs and keeps 4-5 titans and inf, not to mention a bomber on guard, for a single sub. So its your issue if you fail to control your shit, when a harv bomb inc, and on top of that all you do is expand refs and whine when you get a k.o. What you think  i should  take your 10 refs when i easy can kill your cy and 2 war? Idiot.


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  On 7/17/2019 at 11:35 AM, Phenomena said:

I never reconned anyone on purpose. As soon as anti cheat, and autoss came out funny how everyone stopped accusing me, and I was still beating the same people." recon is never definitive.  and that other topic theres literally a ss of u saying u will recon the game lol. which i dont think u thought id take.  so ye.....theres ur base, and theres ur saying ur going to recon me, but somehow i reconned rofl. u smoking what c0rps is? RECONS have happened all of the time and trying to use a sync file was the only thing we ever had to go by.  theres a fine line between recon and sync errors which still happen ton this day randomly all the time. to mapping and using tech trainers etc which u were caught red handed using. ive never used anything on this game to give me an advantage. if u want to claim that im a giant cheater because u found 2 topics about recons oke doke.  but yes there is a screenshot of your base in shambles, you whining and threatening to recon right before the game recons, and im the cheater based on some sync file that is how dumb xwis was sometimes. 


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On topic- Let me Dr Phil this a little

Unless the rules created by the admins or the community say otherwise, smurfing is totally fine....sure it can be considered lame, but until its 100% banned and enforced, there is real no issue with it. So Corps, you run the risk of having people change logs to beat you for more points...its not ideal, but thats on you for now.

As for harv bombing...I mean...a wins a win. Now that cheats are 100% stopped, whatever you do to win a game is fair play. If you manage to see the harv, and kill it before it touches your base, the opponent is behind in eco. If it gets into your base...that sucks...but the player sending it took a risk and a eco disadvantage.
So again...cheap...but totally fine.

Now for the fun part.
Very off topic-

My lover Seanathon.

You offered a challenge of "I challenge you to go to Strike Team and see how many topics there are me being convicted there are 0 as far as I know"

I just gave 2 topics of you being convicted (im sure there are more, but the point is made)
Now you can say "well recons happen" all you want...you asked for conviction, we I gave you some.

As for the screenshot of me saying that, im actually glad you brought that up, because it actually enforces my point even more. Firstly, as stated in the topic from a fucking decade ago...anyone who knows me knows that a) im like 98% sarcasm
and b) given my reputation at the time, I wouldnt actually recon AFTER saying I would....I would just recon if I wanted (although of the things ive admitted/caught doing, recon isnt 1 of them.

So, the mere fact that you had a screenshot of me saying id recon, in a game that ended up reconning. And the admins STILL found you 100% guilty of causing it, given your replies, the files we sent, the screen shots etc, just seals my point. ( I should add, the ss you provided was edited, as both of our syncs showed buildings that either wernt there or were there in your ss, as well as your 3 pages on nonsense that didnt add up, which was probably the biggest factor in convicting you- you are unable to tell the truth) But I guess your Korean cousin edited your posted ss's too :P

The thing I really dont understand is the only person you are trying to fool is yourself....Given what ive heard, you are not all there mentally....maybe seek some help? You seem to have lived in a fabricated reality since like 2001 when you first started stalking me lol. (to be fair I poked the bear this time <3)

Anybody who was half decent back then knows the truth....but the thing I dont think you get is...nobody really fucking cares today.
I cheated...nobody today cares
Ray cheated
Nobody cares
Mola...sorry babe...mola cheated
Nobody today cares

etc etc

The handful of us that knew you back then just shake our heads when you play make believe, and we think its sad.

Love you always ❤️

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Every other post you make involves me wuss. Go to your posts here. How often do you mention my name? Constantly. Youll start new topics and put my name in it. You make new logs with my name in it. I lose all the time. I care more about a good game than loss. I wouldnt cheat. Seriously search your posts and my name in them its a little weird how often...

To have a screenshot with your base in shambles telling me youll recon then oops recon and say its sarcasm? -_- k....anyway as i said visit your own profile and your posts here ... my names in so many... its kind of odd..as well as the nicks u make with me in them .. 

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Because i cba to post unless its specifically to annoy you somehow. As much as I love talking about "whats the best bo 23 years later", id rather call you out on your BS :)

Maybe thats my own issue....none of us are perfect.

Except you obviously.

But back to the topic...what do I win for completing this challenge?


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