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Terrain Expansion for RA1?


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After messing around with the Interior and finding out that you can tilesets that were found in the Temperate/Snow theater to the Interior I thought it may be time to add to the Temperate/Snow theaters.


The basic road is from Falledeux over at http://www.sleipnirstuff.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=15068&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=60 I did some work to get them all to fit on a 48x48 tileset


The walls from the Interior need work as they don't have shadows. I made new ones but haven't gottem them converted into (RA) TMP




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I know Falledeux used the Airfield to make the roads but I'm not sure how to fix the perspective. As you can see in the Demo Walls.png I made new tiles. It will take some time to in-code the terrain types codes into the new tiles that make up th new walls. I'm not sure doing anymore work would be any good if they don't get used.

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Got the basic tilesets done with shadows. I still have 12 complex tilesets that range from WALL0024 to WALL0046 to do. These have a "empty" 24x24 tile with in them that I haven't look at before in any detail. I added 2 ramp tilesets that you can see in the 2nd pic.



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I'm still using the old P-I BETA2 .exe and it is working fine so far. What I'm doing is using the file names from the interior.mix and making new tiles that use those name and puting them in to the temperate.mix. RAED is working with this set up as well as long as I put the new temperate.mix into the Main.mix so it can read it.


Haven't done any check in Snow, Winter or Desert. I can rename and dump them into Snow, Winter and Desert for a quick test.




Things work with the 3.03 P-I BETA2 .exe for all Theaters but crashes the old WestWood 3.03 at start up for the test map.

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Looks good. So, I'm a bit confused, have you found a way to add MORE tiles to each tile set, or are these just replacing things?


Yeah, my (unreleased) roads have the same perspective issue. Problem is, I want them to be the same amount of squares so that the vehicles move on the roads correctly.



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Yes I'm adding more tilesets to the Temperate,  Snow, Winter and maybe Desert. Iran enabled the game to use any of interior tilesets in other theaters. Right now the roads are arro0001 to arro00015 and flor0001. Note: arro0003 didn't work as road do to it's multi-frame logic. All of the interior boxes are in and working.


Okay you made the road under a nother name? Geting units to line up on the roads right was somthing WestWood never got right. It as okay to good in TS but a joke in RA2. For units to line up on 2 lane roads the road it self must be 48x48 with no side walks. As the roads are now is close to how they look in TS. The perspective is off. I think the left to right needs work.


Peanut butter and edit time!


Re-did the roads left to right look. You can see it below in the fake screen show.


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The problem is the left to right or horizontal can't be that thin and be a 2 lane road. The stock Airfield runway is 25 pixals wide and the Yak or MiG fits on Airfield when lined up on the center line. I can widen the Up to Down or vertical. The hell of it is WestWood dirt roads don't use that ratio.



Made the Up to Down or vertical 4 pixals wider. This looks more off to me than any thing else.



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I think I got things how I like them. I'm attaching a new temperat.mix and map. You will need a Iran patch ra95.exe P-I BETA2 or newer. If you want to use the new terrain in RAED to make a map using the new terrain you will have to put the temperat.mix into your main.mix (Please make sure you do a back up of your Main.mix first.)


Extended_Terrain.zipFetching info...

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That is awesome! On the island piece, the lower right shadow in the water is wrong, though. It shows a straight angle without the 45 degrees piece.


...in fact it seems all your lower right corner shadows have this problem.




It seems the original RA indoor graphics have this problem too, so it's somewhat understandable. Still should be fixed though, IMO.


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Oh my GOD those look great by the water. And yes, the roads look better squashed.

A good example of the squashed look is; look at the tops of the walls, you've just implemented, see how the vertical ones take up the whole cell, but the horizontal wall tops are only about 1/2 or so. Yet, from the perspective, it looks correct. Then look at your old roads. Some look a bit funny. I had the same issue, but was looking at making a full terrain set, so it was (maybe) going to work a bit better. Probably not though, haha...


Anyway, looking good. Again... walls by the water... AMAZING!!! Put some turrets and pillboxes on those islands... bet it'll look great!!




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Attaching a new updated Temperate.mix and map. Attaching new Snow.mix and snow map.


At White

Squishing the roads any more wouldn't look right with tanks on them. I ended up redoing the roads my self. I did away with most of the mirror look the old roads had. Making the walls come out of the cliffs and beaches was some work but it was worth it. Now if I could find some one to make some civ buildings...



Extended_Terrain_Grass.zipFetching info...

Extended_Terrain_Snow.zipFetching info...

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