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Ehy - Banned for no reason


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  On 7/11/2015 at 12:31 AM, Acid said:

You had 6 Construction Yards and you were dropping Ore Refineries as quickly as DeadPool's teslas when he had 10 CYs. What more do I need to know?

Um. Y'know... I'm fairly sure that in RA1 there's a limit on that, after which the speed bonus stops, meaning the guy with ten simply built too many CYs, and it stopped increasing his build speed about four CYs ago. Nice to have some backups, but, not a terribly good use of the money :huh:


As Ehy said, "You would know this if you knew how production speeds in RA work."

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  On 7/15/2015 at 7:45 AM, Nyerguds said:


You had 6 Construction Yards and you were dropping Ore Refineries as quickly as DeadPool's teslas when he had 10 CYs. What more do I need to know?

Um. Y'know... I'm fairly sure that in RA1 there's a limit on that, after which the speed bonus stops, meaning the guy with ten simply built too many CYs, and it stopped increasing his build speed about four CYs ago. Nice to have some backups, but, not a terribly good use of the money :huh:


As Ehy said, "You would know this if you knew how production speeds in RA work."

You don't seem to know either :P. 14 CYs is the cap for Ore Refinery and 10 CYs for Tesla Coil. At those CYs they build as fast as Rifle Infantry.



Keep deflecting, ehy.

Deflecting, because you're so blatantly lying and ridiculous to the point that words just don't work anymore and only the facepalm is left.

Doesn't matter how many times you repeat your nonsensical post, the answer stays the same. I could have broken your posts in pieces and

said "prove it" to your every sentence, but that would be useless.


3 choices:


1) Prove your claims (most importantly the cheating accusations)

2) Apologize for making unfounded/false accusations

3) Keep facing the consequences


Anyway, it's disappointing that defamation seems to be allowed practice on this forum.

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Never claimed I did. I don't play RA. In C&C1, there are no such caps as far as I know. Though, if the cap is different per building, that seems more like there's a minimum build time rather than a "cap on additional CYs giving more build speed" :huh:

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Minimum build-time is probably as fast as the grey 'clock' animation on the sidebar can play all its frames in-game, as someone, somewhere already said here. What I wonder more about is, what is the exact logic of speeding up the construction? If two CYs build structures twice as fast, do three CYs build them three times as fast or is there a different algorithm that governs this? Do ten CYs build ten times as fast? If so, why is the CY cap for refs reached at 14 and not 20?


EDIT: Just my attempt at turning this thread into something useful.

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Heh, you're the mathematician, I'm in the humanities. But it appears it is as you say. Had to actually look up such a graph to grok the concept. But then the question arises, what is the shared measurement value between the number of factories and unit/building cost? Or is it even shared with cost? Maybe it's all expressed just in percentiles, and then the cap is reached when the animation can't play any faster?

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  On 7/15/2015 at 12:45 PM, ehy said:



You had 6 Construction Yards and you were dropping Ore Refineries as quickly as DeadPool's teslas when he had 10 CYs. What more do I need to know?

Um. Y'know... I'm fairly sure that in RA1 there's a limit on that, after which the speed bonus stops, meaning the guy with ten simply built too many CYs, and it stopped increasing his build speed about four CYs ago. Nice to have some backups, but, not a terribly good use of the money :huh:


As Ehy said, "You would know this if you knew how production speeds in RA work."

You don't seem to know either :P. 14 CYs is the cap for Ore Refinery and 10 CYs for Tesla Coil. At those CYs they build as fast as Rifle Infantry.



Keep deflecting, ehy.

Deflecting, because you're so blatantly lying and ridiculous to the point that words just don't work anymore and only the facepalm is left.

Doesn't matter how many times you repeat your nonsensical post, the answer stays the same. I could have broken your posts in pieces and

said "prove it" to your every sentence, but that would be useless.


3 choices:


1) Prove your claims (most importantly the cheating accusations)

2) Apologize for making unfounded/false accusations

3) Keep facing the consequences


Anyway, it's disappointing that defamation seems to be allowed practice on this forum.



Defamation? Bring up the video again. Post the video of you vs DeadPool here and let everybody count CYs.


"14 CYs is the cap for Ore Refinery and 10 CYs for Tesla Coil. At those CYs they build as fast as Rifle Infantry."


Exactly. Despite the fact that you didn't even have half of the required number of CYs to build ore refineries at max speed and DeadPool had the max number of CYs to build teslas, you were dropping ore refineries as quickly as he was dropping teslas.


Here's my problem with you now ehy. In our conversation AFTER you showed me the video, I said I wouldn't accuse you anymore because I wasn't sure that you were cheating. I said that you didn't prove me wrong but you didn't prove me right either. I was left undecided and RESPECTFULLY told you so.


That's when you decided to threaten me because it didn't sit right with you that a few people think you're a cheater.


I called you, at0m1 and Ninja out weeks before that and it died down.


I only started again, specifically with you, once you decided to threaten banning me because I didn't AGREE with you! And the funny thing is, after that video, I didn't necessarily disagree with you either and I told you that.



You want to have me banned for defamation?


Why is Felipe allowed to run rampant in the general chat accusing people of being pedophiles and that shit's a joke to all of you except Rosssi?


The double standards on this server are ridiculous.


By the way Jacko, eat a dick. You're not even looking at this situation objectively.



Ehy is making it seem like I continually called him out in the General Chat and kept running his name through the mud. I did it one day and that was it. He asked if I wanted to see the video and I said sure and I left it at that. After At0m1's cute little Noob of the Month post (I nominate myself for Noob of the Year, get working on that At0m1) I took it all in stride and was laughing about the entire thing. I laid off ehy completely for 2-3 weeks.


He showed me the video and I was going to leave it alone altogether.


The problem is that ehy feels like he can threaten people that don't agree with him and that's absurd. I've turned up the shit talking since he banned me for nothing. He's on a power trip, plain and simple.



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  On 7/15/2015 at 3:43 PM, Nyerguds said:

Never claimed I did. I don't play RA. In C&C1, there are no such caps as far as I know. Though, if the cap is different per building, that seems more like there's a minimum build time rather than a "cap on additional CYs giving more build speed" :huh:


I could be wrong - while doing TD speedruns I did notice that the time needed to train a minigunner wasn't reduced after a certain number of barracks was built (or it did, but my naked eye couldn't catch it).

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Well if it's actually the dial speed, I guess that could be the limiting factor there too. But having multiple CYs is more of a rarity in C&C1.


Anyway. I'm locking this whole messy thing. This mudslinging has gone on long enough.

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