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New TDR logo!?


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Hey guys, I was playing around with Gimp 2.6 and Paint Shop Pro and came out with making these new images for a possible new TDR Logo that is nicely polished and fits the styles of the originals and the most appealing feature... its in 3D!  XD



Feedback is appreciated! :mammoth:






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Note that in order to NOT be a conflict or generate confusion with the C&C3 mod, (which was never my intention as some have accused me of doing) the Logos without the REDUX stamp will not be used. I just left them blank in case people think I should redo the REDUX stamp and so they could offer examples/suggestions for placing it in a different location. I spent over an hour on the Logo and made these backups for that reason so I will not have to start from scratch again.

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What a creepy coincidence, yesterday I was going to post a topic regarding a new Mod logo for TDR but changed my mind cause I thought you were happy with the current one. I hate irony (not the guy here :P).


I don't like either of them to be honest mate, you can see which Photoshop effect was used on each one and they don't match the quality as that of the mod and neither do the loading screens in my opinion. You should ask CCHyper for a new logo, he made Twisted Insurrection's. He even offered to make one for you in your TDR thread on PPM, but I assume you missed his post. I advise you to take up his offer, he's a talented Individual.

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What a creepy coincidence, yesterday I was going to post a topic regarding a new Mod logo for TDR but changed my mind cause I thought you were happy with the current one. I hate irony (not the guy here ).





Thank you everyone for the feedback already submitted.


Now to Aro and Mainly Tore, what makes you dislike the logo other than the effects? (Someone can clean up? ;) )


Before you guys answer, I will respond by explaining that the idea is to keep the original "style" that I have been using from the beginning with the "stamp on" REDUX. People have come to know and identify the Mod by that. And I thought the 3D C&C Logo is very cool and is a lot less known or remembered in the C&C community adding to the bonus of "unique and memorable identification" that already has been established. Plus the fact that it is in 3D which goes along with the concept that this is TD in 3D. lol


Again, this is from my viewpoint as this comes from my experience in the retail sales business. :P


If you guys can offer suggestions or help to clean this logo up it would really be appreciated as I would like to use this new but familiar logo style.


Thanks again... ;)


Oh, and I actually did email CCHyper a long while back with no response even when I asked for him to provide concepts at his will. I dunno if I said something wrong or the message was lost. :S

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Oh, and I actually did email CCHyper a long while back with no response even when I asked for him to provide concepts at his will. I dunno if I said something wrong or the message was lost.


Try sending him a PM instead, like me he rarely checks his emails.


As for the logos themselves, other than what I've already said I'm just not fond of how generic they are for a logo, they look like every other typical primary mod logo, a bit of change and something to make yours stand out from the crowd would be more to my liking. That, and don't use stock Photoshop effects and textures, try something yourself other than filters ;).


Also, the C&C part of the logo should be at least half the size of the mod name itself.

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OK... Well I guess my first problem is that I was not using Photoshop. I was using Gimp 2.6 in conjunction with Paint Shop Pro. The filters I used were "bump map" and "despeckle" and a custom brush texture called "Lunar" for the dark areas of the TS Style Text. The "REDUX" is actually a custom font called "Batik Regular" as it resembles a old school mail stamper or typewriter which suits the style I picked perfectly.


Below is an attachment to the fonts I use for my logos and such, perhaps this can generate ideas for improvement.


I will take note to scaling the C&C Logo down a bit...

CustomModFonts.zipFetching info...

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Looks like Photoshop, PSP and Gimp have similar effects and filters. That's new to me, I only use Photoshop for image editing.


LOL looks like it. :P


Well, now that we got that all sorted out what would you suggest for making it look less "generic"? That was the whole point which was to avoid that and that is also why I mentioned this about the 3D logo:


I thought the 3D C&C Logo is very cool and is a lot less known or remembered in the C&C community adding to the bonus of "unique and memorable identification" that already has been established.
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Firstly, shrink the C&C part of the logo significantly so the mod name is much larger, that's the part of the logo that you want the attention drawn to. As for making it less Generic, just try something new rather than a typical C&C-looking logo. The redux text stamped on top of the mod logo itself is quite a good effect so you should keep that, try a different text other than the over-used Tiberium Font and a different texture.

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Thanks buddy, that was almost exactly the type of revisions I was thinking of doing after looking at the other feedback received. My question now is trying to figure out which font to use that is still "C&C esqe". lol  :P I know that Tiberium one is overused but I can see that it is also a Trademark Font well known in the C&C Community.


However, If anyone has checked out the font files I zipped up and attached in my previous post, please feel free to look at them and offer suggestions. The other reason I was going with the new logo was also to do something different other than using the C&C3 RussellSquare Font again which I have been doing all the time. Unless it is still fitting to everyone else than I guess I can keep it since it appears that I am the only one using it.

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I was experimenting and trying to make the Mod have a better connection to Tiberian Sun (it is its sequel after all) as I thought this is how Westwood could have revised C&C Tiberian Dawn with such a logo instead of just using the generic Command & Conquer logo. Just thought it would be "canon" to use that text instead of the "RussellSquare" C&C3 font.

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Ok here is the 1st revision to the new TDR Logo. I tried experimenting with other text fonts for "Tiberian Dawn" but after using the Tiberian Sun one all the others seem "inferior" and look worse through my eyes now. :S


Maybe logos are just not my thing. lol



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