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bonjour , ma souris va extremement vite et apparait qu'a certain endroit



bonjour ,

Voila suite a l'instal de CC1 lorsque je lance le jeux en mode fenêtre , mon pointeur bouge très vite et apparait que sur les bord du jeux!!


Que faire ??  de plus en mode compatibilité win 95 ça ne marche pas le jeux ce lance pas.


Merci d'avance

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English translaton:


Voila (?) has cnc1 (TD) installed. When I launch the game in windowed mode, my pointer (cursor) moves very quickly (probably too high scroll rate) and appears on the edge of the screen. What do I do? Mor in compatibility mode win 95, it does not work, the game does not launch. (Awkwardly worded)

Thank you in advance.



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Quel Windows avez-vous?


il y a une options dans CCConfig.exe pour ajuster la sensibilité de la souris. est-ce que c'est activée? Je pense que c'est mieux de ne pas l'activer en mode fenêtre.


L'option pour limiter le fréquence d'images (c'est nommé "débit d'image" sur l'outil je pense) peut vous aider; ça résout le problème de défilement rapide.


  On 1/5/2017 at 9:53 PM, Dr. Wonderful said:

English translaton:

No need for that; it's my official second language :P

What they really said was this:

See, following the install when I launch the game in windowed mode, my mouse cursor moves really fast and appears at the edge of the game!


What should I do?? What's more, in Win95 compatibility mode it doesn't work; the game doesn't launch.


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To make sure to disable the mouse sensitivity option (since it's meant to adjust the mouse movement over the window size to be equivalent to the full width of their screen) and to enable the FPS limiting option, which was more or less made specifically to fix the fast scroll bug (which I believe was their problem).


I understand German, but I'm hardly fluent in it, though :roll:


@Jacko: XP SP2? Huh.

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Well, I have to give Jacko, some credit. That helped me once.


Choosing a lesser windows is often one of the best solutions to start with. But personally, most problems end when you don't go into window's mode at all. It isn't UT99! But instead go full screen instead?? F12 anyone? eft-whelf ef-thwelf! Well, it cannot fix things, but it also will  screw up. So I guess, it is a choice to try out.

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