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1.06c Suggestions


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This topic is mainly for Nyerguds' but feel free to reply and stuff.

Also, I didn't know where to put this topic. But please feel free to move it into a different forum if I put it in the wrong place.


Ok, so here we go! You've probably gotten these suggestions before, but I am just going to make a "mini" list of what I would like to see in the next patch for Tiberian Dawn.


  • Option to enable faster tiberium growth in LAN multiplayer games
  • Option for 320x200 resolution with the DOS sidebar (enabled through ccsetup.exe)


It would be nice to see these new features in 1.06c and I hope you consider adding these to the next patch Nyer.



Gavin "godly-cheese" Anderson


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- Fix the LAN net-code settings to the level of the internet mode net code settings. I said I will look into the pre-requesites; but I am not as good as looking into the code as you are: so maybe it would be much easier for you.

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You know, I DO have a suggestions/discussion thread at C&P already, lol.


As for your suggestions...

-there IS a Faster Tiberium Growth option, but it seems to be completely screwed; it completely stops tiberium from spawning on new cells.

-I removed a ton of the leftover 320x200 code when making the original hi-res patch, and I REALLY don't feel like cleaning that all up, sorry...

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Can't do it. Resolution is set once in the beginning of the program, and I have no idea how to re-initialize that.


Besides, ingame menus are horribly hard to make in Assembler.


  On 4/22/2010 at 2:59 AM, godly-cheese said:
edits ccsetup.exe

wut? ccsetup.exe just changes the game config file, conquer.ini. Why would I edit an EXE file from within the game? I got IDA for that XD

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hey is it possible that u can put an ra1 type snow climate in cnc ? Cause the cnc snow climate aint as white as i want it to be:P! Also if u can maybe add more team colors that could be selected in multiplayer games (Like black, Light Blue, Purple, etc). Besides that are u planning to fix the multiplayer AI by making it able to make bases in skirmish(network) mode? That would be a big step for cnc.

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I am pretty sure people have converted the snow terrain into C&C.


And there are new team colors.. dark grey and brown.


The AI always start out with bases and coding AI is pretty damn hard from what I have heard.

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I'm pretty sure I already added Snow in the previous patch... might wanna click my signature, go to the site, see the pretty screenshots.


For the rest... the current internal version has more colours, but I don't think they'll be usable in multiplayer. Adding more colours somehow automatically means adding more multiplayer players, so it's kinda tricky.


As for the AI... don't ask that, mkay? Just don't. The C&C AI is a dumb as a pile of bricks when it comes to building bases. The ONLY thing it can do is rebuild a list of structures specified in the mission file, and even that only works for one side, or they'll actually compete over building them.


I can't change that. Programming AI is hard as it is, and completely impossible to do by hacking the exe file. It's just too complicated. Not to mention, it would screw up the AI's build behaviour in the normal missions as well. I don't want to risk that.


C&C1 HAS NO BASE BUILDING AI. Let's just leave it at that.

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Nyer, I think a list of "no-can-do's" where the limits of C&C improvement (like the impossibility of base-building AI implementation) were stated explicitly could help people avoid asking the same questions over and over again (or do you have one already? ;))

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  On 4/22/2010 at 12:28 PM, MrFlibble said:

Nyer, I think a list of "no-can-do's" where the limits of C&C improvement (like the impossibility of base-building AI implementation) were stated explicitly could help people avoid asking the same questions over and over again (or do you have one already? ;))


Ahh, MrFlibble. That seems like a good idea to me.


Since a lot of people have been asking for the "base building AI" and Nyer' has to flame them (like me at one point) because he has been asked so many times. xD

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  On 4/22/2010 at 12:30 PM, godly-cheese said:
Since a lot of people have been asking for the "base building AI" and Nyer' has to flame them (like me at one point) because he has been asked so many times. xD

I'm afraid I'm also guilty of asking that question some time ago ;)

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Lol ok then 1 last suggestion, pretty minute change but worth asking, whenever an aircraft (such as the chinook and orca move) they are not selectable while in air and i believe u cant even see them on radar. Can u change that smhow?? (I have the feeling this is one of those cant do things u were speaking of earlier though :P).

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  On 4/22/2010 at 12:40 PM, MrFlibble said:

Since a lot of people have been asking for the "base building AI" and Nyer' has to flame them (like me at one point) because he has been asked so many times. xD

I'm afraid I'm also guilty of asking that question some time ago ;)


We probably have faced the angry Nyerguds' at one point, huh?

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I'm quite hard to anger, actually... you can't give tech support on the EA forum without developing that special kind of patience :P


As for the DOS icons, all you'd need to do is double their size. Not hard to do, but the problem is that they won't remap like in DOS C&C. Which makes all the difference IMO.

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so... that is impossible with an human pacience? let me see if i'm a human... LOL


The sidebars, buttons, it's only duplicate? and convert them to c&c pallette right, but, and about the SNOW one?


the program? need to be the old and bad PaintPro 1.5 16-bits?? (i'll need a dosbox with windows 3.1, if this do not run in 7.)

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there's no palette conversion needed, since the DOS icons are already usable in all theaters simply by not using any theater-sensitive colours... just like the units and structures do it. All you need to do is convert to pcx or png, double their size, save, and convert back. As long as you don't touch the colour depth settings, Gimp should do that fine.


In fact, I think I already got that on my disk somewhere; someone on cncnz did it IIRC.



I don't really see your problem with the Snow theater either... it uses 100% the same palette as C&C's Temperate & Winter. The only odd one out is Desert theater.

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