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Add new Hotkey


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I have an idea for RA. A helpful hotkey is the "Select Same Type".


We have it in Tiberian sun and it's really convenient. For example, when you want to select all your units then retract the harvesters from the group. Currently in RA, most of my attacks are accompanied with harvesters. I know you could use shift to individually deselect harvesters, but this hotkey would save you the trouble all together. Say you want to take only Rocket men from mixed blob of infantry, then you can have them in 1 select move instead of clicking on each man individually with shift. Also when selecting your helicopters, usually harvesters and infantry end up going to enemy base along with your helicopters.


Is this feasible in CNCNET? Or things are hard coded and new things simply Can't be implemented. What do you think??




I really appreciate CNCNET team for their time and effort in bringing this game to life.

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It's possible and not that hard to add but unless this has overwhelming support from the community it won't be added.



I didn't think it was possible.

There already is a hotkey which selects only the units inside your visible viewport, you just copy the code for that and add an extra check so it only selects the ones which are of the same type of the unit you have currently selected.

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It's possible and not that hard to add but unless this has overwhelming support from the community it won't be added.



I didn't think it was possible.

There already is a hotkey which selects only the units inside your visible viewport, you just copy the code for that and add an extra check so it only selects the ones which are of the same type of the unit you have currently selected.


That's pretty cool actually.

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