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Micr0 Pocket book(do you even micro bro???)


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HI, i wrote this while i was really quick in game(splits galore!)... and i used to read it everytime i took long breaks and wanted to be competetive again..

Hope it helps


Hot Key General Ideas:


A(.?)Few new general ideas!


1:Way-Pointing dogs to scout

-I usually still choose to manually scout with dogs (numbering them)

However, waypoints i think are best used when you know the maps.

That way you can easily waypoint through cliffs etc... and have your dogs stop at choke points that you would normally stop at anyways.


2:Thoughts on how to incorporate F1-F4

-Incorporating f1-f4 is kind of hard, but on really big maps it's very helpful.

If you waypoint your warfactory to a certain spot, you can f1 it and automatically go there; considering the odds are you won't have those units numbered since they are waypointed there.


3:Thoughts on Way-Pointing

-On big maps, to try to incorporate way-pointing tanks.


Basic Hot key Numbering:

H- Your Mcv

f1-f4- important spots on Map ( choke points) (and ore fields you are mining)

9-primary warfactory--- (hit 9 to auto set a rally point during battle)

0-Primary barracks-- (hit 0 to auto set rally points during battle)

^ s will make them go back to normal.


Added Tip:

grizzly and dogs #1

rokis #2

ifv #3

harrier # 4 5 6 7


split #1 one way, #2 another, and finally #3 the other way, crossing these over (rokis easiest to switch around and help other #'s - over cliffs, down cliffs to diff entrances etc etc)

finally hitting flak / buildings / pp's with harriers / tanks / desos with harrier to help out on all sections


H0tk3y Vs M4p


1. Snow Valley : Example from Top RiGHt (Universal)

~Waypoint Mode Enabled~

0=barracks_123(4?)dogs_F3-Bottom Right Enemy Entrance_F2-Top Left Enemy Entrance_F1- Mountain w/gems(middle)_9Warfactory_*123456(tanks/rocketeers/other unit)


* Basic Example: 2 Groups of tanks, 2 (Separate?) Rocketeers, 2 (Separate?) Harriers.


Tank Control Techniques:


1. Number tanks in the front of your group, and move them back in an active battle to throw off clicks/make this tanks follow


Tank Control:


1.Number your fodder as it's own group (all your dogs+conscripts in team 1)

2.keep your tanks in ONE big square(Destroy trees and light posts if you honestly have to)

A. a=Up and Down b. = Left and Right

(assuming all of you're enemies tanks are the exact opposite of you)


[ ...............A..............]

[...............l | l.............]







[ ]

[ ]

[ ] -->

[ ]

[ ]


3.target his closest tanks (the tanks behind those won't be able to hit your tanks then, because they are farther away) *!!!

A. Side Note:***Grizzly tanks do not work like that against rhinos***

4.Make sure team 1 is always in front of your tanks, like a shield or force field.



Also, When you press try to attack weaker buildings like Powerplant, and Barracks.

Attack anything you can! but make sure you're tanks Do Not Take Damage.

(That's why it's not smart to press miners with 1 tank; your tank will take damage and his miner heals.)


General Knowledge:


Sure Building orders for each individual map are cool but all you need to do is master "Heck Freezes Over" and understand some GeNeRaL Knowledge, then you can make your own Building orders.


first rule= never hit zero, always have an economy.


in YR you need 4 miners on one warfactory before you can start expanding to more warfacs or teching

(1 miner in gems counts as 2),


always have a sentry gun ready, ALWAYS(you are able to cancel/sell for economic reasons)


fodder + good tc > opponent who out tanks you (be the judge of skill)


always pressure, pressure does NOT always mean attack, but it's a lot easier to do things if you control more of the map then you're opponent, not only that, but it also puts you in good position to make a first move,


**** Place buildings with a purpose*********

Don't just build to build, build with reason.


Possible reasons include :


-Securing a choke point

-Anti scouting


"I'll place my powerplant here so i can build down a cliff"

"I'll place my warfactory here because it's closer to the opponent and it will save some time for my tanks to get to his base"

"I'll place my battlelab in back because it's easy to destroy and very important""




A very diverse defensive structure that does a lot.


Some uses, and facts with walls:

-One wall in front of a defensive structure adds alot of health to it.

*Keep in mind structures like pillboxes and sentry guns can not shoot over walls

-Walling your buildings costs less then anything and is a cost effective way to keeping your base alive in base trading, or unseen split situations.


*********General Ideas**********

When an opponent splits to your MCV with a few tanks and you need a little more time to react, build a wall in in front of their tanks. This can usually by you a significant amount of time

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It's mostly about position in mid to late game.


unfortunately at least in cncnet you mostly see ppl wanna play simple maps like dune patrol where you can't rly learn shit.


If you wan't to pressure, attack only the parts of your opponent that are weakest in defense and keep looking for good positions.

If you kill most of his army this still applies. So many times i see ppl getting the upper hand and become so greedy that they lose the lead and even fall behind.


Imo best game is if you don't have to have a straight tank battle at any point. Just chip away your opponents economy without engaging in battle.


Also don't sell your mcv to rush. That's for noobs.


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[quote author=Omituinen link=topic=7539.msg53344#msg53344 date=1490527427


Also don't sell your mcv to rush. That's for noobs.

if your enemey sold his mcv and rushed you in start of the game in small map (dune patrole for example)

only what can be done is sell your mcv and try to servive from bunch of rhinos and miners, without selling mcv it is almost impossible specialy if you are playing allies

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what. yea i said don't sell mcv for rush thats for noobs.


that has nothing to do with selling mcv as a defensive move, where you are 1 miner ahead. (assuming he went 0 miner from warf and u made 1)

So selling mcv as response to ur opponent selling mcv is in many situations best move and u will get more ahead as game goes on.

Personally i had that happen in my games very often, because i would never rush like that, so im always the defender.


Still that has nothing to do with my statement that selling mcv to RUSH is for noobs...



Do you not understand the difference or whats the deal?

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  On 3/26/2017 at 5:50 PM, Omituinen said:

what. yea i said don't sell mcv for rush thats for noobs.


that has nothing to do with selling mcv as a defensive move, where you are 1 miner ahead. (assuming he went 0 miner from warf and u made 1)

So selling mcv as response to ur opponent selling mcv is in many situations best move and u will get more ahead as game goes on.

Personally i had that happen in my games very often, because i would never rush like that, so im always the defender.


Still that has nothing to do with my statement that selling mcv to RUSH is for noobs...



Do you not understand the difference or whats the deal?

are we almost fighting about tactic?

Coz thats funny

The important thin is wining .


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He is saying do not sell your mcv first;

That is the point he is trying to get across..

although sometimes it's fun, and can catch an opponent off guard...


consider the fact marko has been dominating the 1v1 ladder for years, i would put stock in to what he is saying as he has proven experience in winning... Which as you say is the most important thing to talk about in this topic.

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  On 3/28/2017 at 12:50 PM, Omituinen said:

Well i guess in your mind it does, otherwise you wouldn't come up with stuff like that.

Didn't cross my mind that I would have any power over random people who play the same game as me, no matter what their skill level is.


you called me an idiot what you expected me to reply ?

you are lucky i keep it civil.

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  On 3/28/2017 at 10:59 PM, Langford said:


you are lucky i keep it civil.

[move] XD[/move]


In this village these very words were spoken unto me also......it was then that I too was lucky...having realised I had almost pushed the envelope too far :O

Daunting! yes frightful! is the precipice of unluck!

But alas! I have hope yet again wherefore my constituent may be lost in translation  :P :P

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Also don't sell your mcv to rush. That's for noobs.


I was playing some 1on1's today, and my first game on dune patrol i went 3 war facs, the next game (against the previous game's observer) I sold mcv and rushed on 2 miners. Both games I won, but the second game, the opponent called it a shit tactic and it made me think of this thread/this comment.


Why do people think this? Selling MCV to rush is the most important tactic in the game. It keeps your strategies working. If we never sold MCV, then the opponent would assume exactly what I was going to do on a map like dune patrol. Selling MCV is not for noobs, it's a tactic to switch up the game flow and it is very important for newbs to learn and pro's to use sparingly. I notice that I sell mcv much less now that I have better command over the game (in comparison to my 2003 self), but I see it as a very viable tactic.


Additionally, I love when my opponent sells mcv because i know exactly what their doing. Very rarely am I caught off guard (another case of experience :D)..

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