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Player areas! Who's near me? who's near who?



Obviously, now that we use CnCnet so much, it's become important to know where people live, as the game runs damn slow when they're too far away. (not like, I need to know your adress/I'm a crazy stalker), but that it's important to know other people that live near or IN your country.

For alot of people, this isn't an issue as you'll find someone nearby eventually in the chat, but I personaly live in New Zealand. So you can see my problem :S

Would there be a way to make a big registery with everyones countries (and only countries) an in it that we can send messages to those people so that we can find players (or so I can ifnd players).


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Well, they definetly wont be as harsh as they "used" to be because of the removal of the .net raw socket usage (which is slower compared to the native winsock stuff). There is still plenty room for improvement, like if it were possible to change the timing/etc values for the LAN mode through an ini file/etc or hardcoding it to emulate the settings used in the "Internet mode" (used in wwchat). Most Lag issues would be a thing of the past.

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