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POLL - Quick (Ranked) Match Map Pool Size

[CC] RaVaGe

How many maps would you like to see in Quick (Ranked) match?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. How many maps would you like to see in Quick (Ranked) match?

    • 12 per side, offering a better experience for players new to competitive.
    • 14 per side, offering a good balance for experienced and newer players. (Current Setup)
    • 16 per side, a small increase which makes it slightly more challenging for newer players.
    • 18 per side, a large increase which makes it much more challenging for newer players.

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  • Poll closed on 01/12/18 at 12:00 AM

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I've seen that some of the community members would prefer a larger map pool in the quick/ranked match game mode.
Please vote for the option that you think would suit the community (or yourself) better.

The poll will close on Friday 12th January 2018.


The maps are distributed per side to offer a better balance and unique experience to each main side.
Read more about the current map pool.

Edited by FReQuEnZy
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  On 12/13/2017 at 2:08 AM, scalpem said:

there is no such thing as "newer players."


this game be 16 years old


To me there are players returning or rediscovering online, who are basically new to the game (because they haven't played it in so long, or haven't played online before, just with friends on LAN, or comp stomping etc).

The map pool is not going to be this huge set of maps right now. What I did suggest is a couple of maps to get added/removed every 2/3 weeks or so, and that at the end of the month it's reviewed and changed up.

The map pool changed from last month, but the 2/3 week map additions/removals need to be automated. Not yet done.



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All of them will never be changed, due to issues with Yuri balance. I'd love to have a completely fresh set of maps every month, but the game balance gets in the way of that. 

So we'll have to keep rotating a portion of fresh maps in until we can think of a solution.


@Grant any update on the new maps being added to the database?

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