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freenode (banned)


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I've been trying to log on to #cncnet all day but it's saying i've been banned... here's a short pastey


[16:33] == End of /MOTD command.

[16:33] == Usermode change: +i

[16:33] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.

[16:33] -syn- Your reported hostname [1] is banned: Due to abuse we currently accept tor connections via our tor-sasl service only. See freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml - questions can be directed to klines@freenode.net

[16:33] == (Banned)

[16:33] == ERROR: Closing Link: gateway/web/freenode/session (Disconnected by services)

[16:33] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.


As you can see the ban is to the hostname but I've not abused freenode.net in any way. I'm with British Telecom ISP. Many thanks,

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The part that you need to look at is:


[16:33] -syn- Your reported hostname [1] is banned: Due to abuse we currently accept tor connections via our tor-sasl service only. See freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml - questions can be directed to klines@freenode.net


A hostmask on Freenode's network (other, standard IRC servers use a different format) looks like:




It's an identifier used by the IRC protocol, according to wikipedia:


A hostmask is a unique identifier of an IRC client connected to an IRC server.[42][43] IRC services and bots can use it to identify the client. The hostmask looks similar to, but should not be confused with, an e-mail address. It is a combination of the nickname, ident, and hostname.[44] If ident is not available, then the username is used after being prefixed with a tilde sign.[45] If the IP address cannot be resolved to a valid hostname, then the IP address is used instead.


So they probably banned all the btcentralplus.com hostmasks or a subnet of them accidently.

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Also the AJAX chat can only be used on this site, IRC can be used on the site (or the webchat at freenode) in a separate IRC client on a PC or even from a smartphone. It's a much more convenient way to offer a public chat room

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