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What do you want to see/not see in the remake of CnC1? I will send your comments to EA!


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There is an official thread for this. It is not wise to go above or around EA's current dip into this community, it might just be an annoyance to them since its not in the official channel. There is a greater chance that any input will be taken if you post it here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9114-q1-is-there-anything-sacred-you-would-advise-not-to-change-in-remaster/

Edited by Myg
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  On 11/4/2018 at 8:47 PM, Myg said:

There is an official thread for this. It is not wise to go above or around EA's current dip into this community, it might just be an annoyance to them since its not in the official channel. There is a greater chance that any input will be taken if you post it here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9114-q1-is-there-anything-sacred-you-would-advise-not-to-change-in-remaster/


With all respect.
That topic asks only things that should not be changed.
Of course people are posting suggestions of what should be changed. Which imho is ok.
But there is also a fight going on in there about the topic title and that there should not be any suggestions. And some want to even close it already.
So I think that this topic is a bit more mature for now. How to make the game even work? I mean, if they keep the basics the same. What could make it work so that (new) players will play it?

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  On 11/4/2018 at 9:07 PM, X3M said:

With all respect.
That topic asks only things that should not be changed.
Of course people are posting suggestions of what should be changed. Which imho is ok.
But there is also a fight going on in there about the topic title and that there should not be any suggestions. And some want to even close it already.
So I think that this topic is a bit more mature for now. How to make the game even work? I mean, if they keep the basics the same. What could make it work so that (new) players will play it?


Thanks for the defence bro :) 



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  On 11/4/2018 at 8:47 PM, Myg said:

There is an official thread for this. It is not wise to go above or around EA's current dip into this community, it might just be an annoyance to them since its not in the official channel. There is a greater chance that any input will be taken if you post it here: https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/9114-q1-is-there-anything-sacred-you-would-advise-not-to-change-in-remaster/


that's a fair point myg , x3m makes  a fair point too, maybe we should have a 2v2 match to settle this ? You get to team up with nodnarb? x


seriously im very easy don't mind, just don't want to be stuck between 2 ppl I like

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  On 11/4/2018 at 8:41 PM, X3M said:

Well, if you don't like the mobile factory. I understand. Somehow it felt off for me as well. It didn't really add up to the main strategies. It was a very cheap proxy too.

Mistakes are to be learned from too. And the only way to make mistakes, is to try things out.

But what exactly didn't you like about it?
Was it the fact that you didn't had to base creep?
It could be carried over to a place where you would not scout at all after the first scout?
Or that its build speed was that of the main base in cooperated?

PS. If you have trouble with AoW3. PM me. Also, no bikes, but 2 buggies. :)


thanks bro, I just LOVE having a fixed main base, it triggers my instincts in a very pleasurable way, im not sure why , having semi bases all over the place doesn't give me that reward

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/15/2018 at 5:20 AM, sterps said:

The one thing i can say that Tiberian Dawn needs that every other c&c has, and a remaster MUST have, is a skirmish mode!



EA_JimternYesterday at 8:45 AM

Skrimish has been one of the top requested modes / features, so we'll certainly be taking that into consideration


(From the Official C&C Discord channel)

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I now placed enough posts into the questions area about

  • Queues,
  • controls, (infantry, helicopters, plane control, to perma-use them unattended; hover over area; attackmove ofc. detailed chapters)
  • path finding was suggested, being an obvious thing to do
  • tesla coils, (do not weaken but make counterable and build into dense frontline unviable, if serious defense is on place "cut-the-creep-on-resistance-not-by-program-code")
  • APCs, Helicopters, infantry crowd control with transports, crowd usage of helicopters, un-attended auto-refill (many helos low helipads+option for unattended using repair-bay ontheway)
  • walls and fences, how to use them viable, with a implement example, suggested "save-the-base in one go"
  • Rak cruisers make it into normal games, (GDI+NOD) together with original C&C1...
  • ...landing pads, finally playable to transport single vehicles over sea; with crowd controls to enable mass -transfer vehicles (I did not write this, but its obvious result of this if would done),...
  • ...and queue suggestion, group placement, and pre-done placement for buildings, resulting in a...
  • ...better controllable, larger scale, better 'trashing' escalation with tic-tac-toe out the game with larger army forces
  • mine layers I also suggested; I find them great, to make usable in large scale, to occupy a large area with a closed or intersected pattern, with un-attended auto-refill
  • make useless radar vehicles and all useless units viable, including bunkers, artillery and jeeps etc.->
  • infantry in buildings and forests save from squishing (Infantry role <-> tank steamroll squishing)
  • I am pretty good in making suggestions that fit into universe
  • desireable would be some new campaign/campaign editor with access to the world map to choose custom missions, with definable mission order/nonlinear, that does not influence
  • the old campaign that is accessible in 100%old shape
  • maybe some world conquest mode, with access to world map, like the mode in C&C Kanes Wrath, BUT 100% accessible with COOP/Multiplayer, which encloses/finishes up what C&C is about: World domination games, extending over multiple skirmish games, with similar strategical options like Kanes wrath with custom battle groups - and not a stupid AI, hence players.

The campaign related options are big, but in the openRA-style very easy-to-implement-high-effect products, that could change the community in a positive way, without faking the C&C1-feeling.

  • I could go on
Edited by Kampfkekskrieger
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