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Yuri Rebalance Patch (Community) Changelog

[CC] RaVaGe

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On 4/24/2021 at 7:03 PM, XGalaxyZ said:

TD Make it one shot terror drones so it can atleast counter. Them.

The best player on the game makes 2 seal ifvs with the tank destroyers. He got rank 1 as Germany.


On 4/24/2021 at 7:03 PM, XGalaxyZ said:

Tesla Trooper and Tesla Tank Make them have extra attack range. And slightly more HP for the trooper. They are barely worth their cost. and uses.

Already done this for the tank and trooper in the upcoming patch to replace "Yuri Rebalance Patch (community)" option. 
Tesla troopers are very tanky considering their cost, however the cost has been reduced from 500 to 400 to make them a quick counter to tanks.


On 4/24/2021 at 7:03 PM, XGalaxyZ said:

Crazy Ivan more speed + make its bombs do more damage. :P

That's a plan for the future, so far I've increased the bomb timer from 8 to 12 seconds.


On 4/24/2021 at 7:03 PM, XGalaxyZ said:

Demo Truck less expensive + Make its effect longer. Or more HP.

I changed it's damage to be more effective vs tanks and it releases more radiation that lasts longer.
It also has an HP increase from 150 to 200.


On 4/24/2021 at 7:03 PM, XGalaxyZ said:

Terrorist Give it alot more HP. and let it leave radiation behind if blowing up + Make it so when bunched up and if 1 dies they dont suffer so much.

I just reduced their cost and made them more damaging to miners and base defences. 
They also auto target enemy units now.



On 4/24/2021 at 7:03 PM, XGalaxyZ said:

Yuri Brute. Give it more HP so people atleast use it for combat purpose. Desolators Seals/Tanya Prism Tanks Kill tons of them so fast.

The Yuri Brute is not a counter to Desolators, Seals, Tanyas or Prism tanks.
I reduced it's cost to help Yuri use it as fodder on larger maps with it's Lasher Tanks.

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On 4/27/2021 at 9:49 AM, RaVaGe said:

The best player on the game makes 2 seal ifvs with the tank destroyers. He got rank 1 as Germany.


Already done this for the tank and trooper in the upcoming patch to replace "Yuri Rebalance Patch (community)" option. 
Tesla troopers are very tanky considering their cost, however the cost has been reduced from 500 to 400 to make them a quick counter to tanks.


That's a plan for the future, so far I've increased the bomb timer from 8 to 12 seconds.


I changed it's damage to be more effective vs tanks and it releases more radiation that lasts longer.
It also has an HP increase from 150 to 200.


I just reduced their cost and made them more damaging to miners and base defences. 
They also auto target enemy units now.



The Yuri Brute is not a counter to Desolators, Seals, Tanyas or Prism tanks.
I reduced it's cost to help Yuri use it as fodder on larger maps with it's Lasher Tanks.

But You should know Ravage that my own Hungry Yuri Brutes! always WIN! Against everything that they face! ❤️ Because! If i see someone spamming stuff! Then ill make sure my own Hungry Yuri Brutes! Beat them down! As mine would be Extremely Overpowered! Vs the Noob AI Players! :D Since you NEVER Spam Hungry Yuri Brutes! alone. You always use the mutator to get them. And me spamming Hungry Yuri Brutes! always works well. If the enemy ignores/does not kill them right away. ❤️ :3 So My own Hungry Yuri Brutes! always work as a counter to everything! They face. :) As i defeated 250 AI Prism Tanks. On one Photo with 250 Hungry Yuri Brutes! easily! ❤️ 

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  • burg93 unpinned this topic

Game Lobby

For Side, add the options of "Random Allied" or "Random Soviet"; also make it to where the host can lock players out from selecting certain factions so if a host wants to do something like "All Soviet" or "All Allied" type battles,

For Side, Team and Start, make it so that the host can lock players out from making such selections--perhaps add a pad lock icon next to each one; this way, the host has a much easier time customizing games to their preferences

For Crates, Multi Engi, No Dog Engi Kills, Destroyable Bridges, Supers, RA2 Mode and Rebalance, instead of just being able to toggle on or off, add a third option of random for each of those to add to the overall dynamics


Clicking on a teammate's refinery or Slave Miner reveals how much money they have

The more overloaded a Mastermind becomes, they quicker they lose life

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/29/2018 at 4:45 PM, RaVaGe said:

This here is a perfect example of framing being part of human nature as you so described.

  1. Brutes are not all that effective in the early game nor late game, they are just fodder, very expensive fodder and also a very expensive scouting unit.
  2. Bio Reactors give too much power per their cost, Yuri can tech very fast to superweapons on one Bio Reactor.
  3. Slave miners have so much health that attacking Yuri's Miners is usually quite pointless, it also lets Yuri send his miners across the map to gem patches and build a super economy quite easily.

Yuri Brutes! Are ALWAYS! Extremely Overpowered! And very effective counter! To everything. That Yuri Brutes! face! Why?! Because i spam! 3000 Yuri Brutes! and always WIN! ❤️ Since true yuri brute spammers! are real game winners! ❤️ Nothing can defeat 3000 Yuri Brutes! :P 

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  • 3 years later...

Most important glaring balance problem = Battle Fortress are OP. This was adressed in a previous patch but then backtracked because patchers seem to be allies lovers. BFRT loaded with GGIs beats every units in the game no exception, even probably every unit composition. The long range means you can't even get close. The answer for soviets "just use siege choppers" only works in maps with steep hills (even then its pretty hard), otherwise you get massacred. And allies can spam rocketeers to make it much harder to you, while Soviets can't spam any late game infantry. The problem mainly has to do with GGI using the deployed weapon, which already has long range, and then gets a staggering +2 from the battle fortress. In comparison, Soviet bunker is immobile, can only have conscripts, and only has 5 fixed range.

The patch also gives mega advantage to allies in making allied power plant 25% cheaper and faster to build. This makes it more efficient than tesla reactor (which was also less efficient in base space use). If the problem was that it took longer to build, you could have just adressed that by BuildTimeMultiplier

My proposed solutions:

- Battle Fortress GGI range inside re-nerfed (-1)
- Allies power plant back to 800 cost, buildtimemultiplier 0.75

Extremely bad and underused units:
- V3 rockets are absolutely dismal terrible, you only see them in 10% of games and mostly from absolute noobs. At least extend range of V3 and make it cost 600 (Dread missiles have range 22 and are omnifire, dred missiles have range 18, don't omnifire, and have much lower ROF, not to mention v3 is even more fragile than Prism without any of the advantages).

- Crazy Ivan is seen even less than V3, it is too expensive, slow and a danger to yourself if killed (extremely easy). Plus HP, self-regen and faster would be a start (although I still don't think anyone will use it): The real alternative would be make the warhead of its bombs like 300-400% vs tanks. It is already very hard to use a single bomb, and Ivan is as expensive as a tank, yet the bomb only takes 25% of the health of an MBT, after a lot of time.

Other OP units:
- Nerf Desolator (yes, I am not pro-soviet, Desolator is obviously OP top the point that Iraq was the only viable soviet competitive alternative). The Desolator beam (practically unused) could have higher ROF or range, but the deployment shouldn't have such a large range and radlevel.

Now these are more suggestions which aren't 100% vital to balance but can enrich the game, similarly to the already made useless units useful (such as Tank Destroyer):

- We also have a problem in the GAP generator, the late game becomes completely assymetrical because allies can see everything but you can't see them as soviets or yuri (not even with crates). There are two or three soviet unused psychic buildings which could be this for both Soviets and/or Yuri, even if less efficient and more power hungry (they are already larger) it is worth looking into. After all, Soviet special nuke doesn't allow anything else that Allies cannot do (is just "power, but more"), they used to have psychic radar but that got taken away. And Yuri doesn't even have an equivalent building to Gap Generator + Spysat / Nuclear Reactor

- As Mental Omega 2.0 first noted, Yuri has less variety of units and buildings (no separate refinery, no AA infantry, only one naval combat unit, AA and AG defense is the same...) that any addition would be welcome to rounding them up as a faction with more variety rather than just spamming DISK. The naval combat is specially lacking. The default game comes with an extra DRED (Vladimir's Dreadnought) which could be coded, for example, though this is just a random idea. Most easy is to re-purpose the campaign soviet Psychic Beacon into Yuri/Soviet Gap Generator.

- The other poster is correct that Brute needs to be buffed (although look into Genetic Mutator problems). Yuri has no dog. Brute should have significantly more HP and maybe also be faster (at least as a dog). Brute also can't jump making its targeting harder. A cost of 400 like the new tesla trooper would help.

Other things to look into:
- Enable Soviet cosmonaut as an answer to rocketeer
- Allow soviets Spy. Spy is disabled in most multiplayer games, but it could be used if it was not obviously unfair. OIL maps already enable soviet Spy and give him a Russian voice (I believe Romanov's voicelines). Thus this would not be enabling Soviet spy only, but also Allied spy which is mostly banned, which is a shame because it has interesting mechanics. This would also lead to seeing secret units more often (chrono ivan, etc.) - Red Alert 1 has an approach to balance similar to this, giving Soviets Tanya due to them not having heroes/commandos in that game.
- Soviets and yuri don't have way to transporting engineers (or units in general) up a hill, while allies have both Chronosphere and Blackhawk. non-allied Engineers not being able to reach neutral buildings positioned over hills or ineccessible islands is a mayor problem, which even crops up in default maps (such as Arctic Circle). We have an unused asset of Soviet transport heli intended to address this [HIND] which wasn't finished from the beta. Enabling this as a tech lab transport even without any special combat abilities would partially address this.

Edited by NimoStar
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  • 3 weeks later...


Those are some nice ideas, many of which I agree on.
I've already created a patch separate from the one in the current client, that is more thorough and complete.

The reason why it's separate is due to the leadership on the client updates changed and they have a different preference to balance changes.

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you want to try out the newer version, just add "ravage_the_savage".

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On 8/14/2024 at 5:53 PM, [CC] RaVaGe said:


Those are some nice ideas, many of which I agree on.
I've already created a patch separate from the one in the current client, that is more thorough and complete.

The reason why it's separate is due to the leadership on the client updates changed and they have a different preference to balance changes.

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you want to try out the newer version, just add "ravage_the_savage".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't (and still isn't) the consensus that the Allies are far weaker than the Soviets, who are in turn weaker than Yuri? The competitive stats back it up. There are very skilled players preferring the Allies, but they still lose more because their faction is inherently underpowered.

And the more the meta develops over time, the more Allied weaknesses get revealed, like Brutes exposing Mirages and other obscure mechanics. And the user still proposes nerfing Allied units and buffing most Soviet ones. Even though Ivans are actually decent when used well, and it's the Prisms that need a buff to be worth the Battle Lab requirement combined with their fragility and bloated price tag of $1200. They're pretty poor siege/artillery units in YR because the Soviets have the superior Siege Chopper, and they have the dubious honor of being the only siege unit that can't outrange Desolators. If you need range, you can just fill your BF with GGIs, and if you want to kill buildings, just use free American GIs. The solution isn't nerfing BFs down to the Prism level, it's bringing the latter closer to the former's. The only thing Prisms are good for in high-level play is outranging tower defenses or Yuri bunkers while destroying them quickly. The Soviets don't need V3s, Apocs or whatever to be good, they already have Rhinos and Siege Choppers. Heck, I even see Kirovs getting decent use in pro matches despite their reputation as a meme. However, the Allies DO need Prisms to be good, which they aren't. If they had 12 range, they would have been decently viable units. They'd still be fragile, slow, ineffective against vehicles unlike Mags and unable to fly unlike Siege Choppers, so it wouldn't make them OP.

And Soviets should never have spies, ever. They're already powerful, and they're asking adding finesse/subterfuge elements that are supposed to be an Allied specialty? That's rich.

I'm in two minds about Yuri though. He's OP, but has also very profound weaknesses as the poster noted, so he heavily relies on gimmicks rather than being an actual army to be strong. Indeed, Magnetrons do their thing by converting the target unit into a Jumpjet type unit like Nighthawks first, then ordering the unit to move towards them. When they're done, they turn the unit back to normal. That's why repeatedly using the stop command works because it cancels all orders even if they come from the enemy unit, and miners don't go back to work without intervention. I learned it from the Discord:




I agree with the Deso nerf though.

Edited by Pyrite
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@Pyrite You're right mostly, except about Allied requiring nerfs, which they do on some units.
Such as Battlefortress, Seal, and certain promotion bonuses for units at the first level, so the spy is not overpowered.
The Prism tank is mostly fine, but needs a greater delay between shots so that Prism tank chrono combination doesn't completely wipe out bases.

Yuri Needs to be changed the most.
Soviets need fine-tuning with their Battle Lab tier units and of course, the Desolator nerf.

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