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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. first pic: That's just needless showing off IMO -_- Second pic: PLEASE spell "Forums" correctly in the final release <_<
  2. The full explanation is in this file: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/cctxt/ccmanual.txt Go to section 4 ("How to make your mission playable") and read it through, including sub-section 4.1
  3. You need the images in updatec.mix Also, if these buttons don't show correctly, they might be from the score screen; then you need the score palette. It's in there somewhere. It's also possible you're looking at main menu buttons. Then you either need the palette of the main menu image HTITLE.PCX, or, if they're the old DOS buttons, the palette inside TITLE.CPS (which can normally be found in the local.mix on the Covert Ops CD)
  4. I think they got it in the Dune II tools thread at the Dune 2k editing forum http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?board=19.0
  5. there's nothing to vote there...
  6. no, I tried this out... all units put on the map, through trigers or otherwise, will go to Hunt, meaning they seek out the most northern target and ignore everything else.
  7. I think I enabled 99 too in 1.06b, but I'm not sure. Anyway, here's the full list: http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cncnet_maps.txt I think Irony's maps take up the first numbers after 10. Not sure how many; better check out his map pack. But 20-49 should still be available.
  8. In multiplay, the AI always attacks the most northern units. And unlike the multi1-6 teams, the normal GDI and Nod teams aren't allied with the rest of the multis unless you specifically specify that in the ini file. Problem is, if you DO ally them with all multi teams, they'll be allied with you too... so there's not much you can do about that.
  9. So, it's just the basic "hex edit the exe to make it use its own files" method invented by Reaperrr for Return of the Dawn. Mkay.
  10. I've never been able to play on WChat. It always crashes for me.
  11. I think you can play custom maps, as long as you disable the Tournament option in Wchat. [edit] No, nevermind... all Tournament does is blocking the AI / CTF options
  12. I hate that that path selection box doesn't start at the path that is already set at that moment.
  13. tell that to the big-ass ASP .NET project I'm coding for school.
  14. Only thing I ever played on PSX was my girlfriend's Crash Bandicoot and my Command & Conquer. I never owned a PS anyway; the console is hers.
  15. your question was answered on the official C&C boards. Now stop spamming it everywhere.
  16. lol wait, this is the opposite of what I expected... it's a window application that has an internet browser embedded in it XD I was expecting a browser-based CnCNet interface.
  17. so, Duke Nukem will REALLY take forever then
  18. We don't. And even then, it's not a screenshot of a cinematic, it's an animation.
  19. That just means you removed the exception in the 'hosts' file which you put in there yourself BY USING THE TOOL IN THE FIRST PLACE. You should simply not to use the tool at all. If you ever used it in the past, download it again, start it, reset it, and then delete it forever.
  20. uh what? That tool has been outdated for YEARS. It was originally meant to fake WOL into thinking it connected to the official servers while it actually connected to the XWIS ones. But now the XWIS ones ARE the official servers, it only screws things up. The only tihng it can still be used for is connecting to 3rd party servers, like for APB.
  21. um, TD has no allies. Wow, you never finished that properly? The real target is the airfield. If you destroy that, you don't have to redo the mission in a large base vs base battle but skip straight to the mission after that In fact, you finish the mission no matter what building you destroy. But only one of them is actually the correct target. As for the freezing near the top, that's probably this bug. It was fixed in C&C95 unofficial v1.05, and is part of my 1.06 patch now.
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