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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Umm, n3t's site is down, you know...
  2. Nyerguds

    wtf, a cheater?

    the game lagged like hell, and I did scout around. But my scout was a minigunner. By the time I had a grenadier close to it he put a guard tower at the end. And since he had kept the entire line he had no risk, he just put the guard tower at the last remaining sandbag, no matter how far I'd destroy them.
  3. Hm... guess I can't submit Nazca Plains... though really, I only put it up for playtesting. Which helped. The map has been improved since then
  4. Hey, since patch 1.06b, these things are finally CALLED "cactus" too when you mouse over them, instead of "Tree"
  5. Nyerguds

    wtf, a cheater?

    EA never made that mistake. They just decided their last game was about a war about tiberium, not a war of tiberium. It's a subtle difference, but both are correct. And fsck Ichor
  6. When I got some time... I'm kinda in the middle of my exams right now -_-
  7. N3tRunn3r? He's kind of a quite active member here. And yes, I AM everywhere
  8. Didn't N3t already release that font? Also, Siberian GRemlin released a demo of a utility to edit these fonts.
  9. Gah... yeah, I got a bunch of conversion palettes for that, however, that's not enough to convert infantry. They also need to conform to the unit you're trying to replace. I already made the Commando though.... lemme see if I can find it. [edit] lol, found it.. unfortunately, that conversion was an experiment of actually resizing infantry in the same way it was done in RA.... so he's an ugly resize like the original RA soldiers
  10. hm... already made a bunch of those for my WinAmp skin
  11. The ancient Mayas removed all of that stuff to make the drawings And there's a cactus in his eye, so stop complaining. I could add a large rock where his legs come together, but I think it might be kinda inappropriate
  12. Pretty much all file formats inside C&C (besides the PCX title screen in C&C95) are their own formats, designed by Westwood itself.
  13. Updated after some brainstorming with Myg ^_^
  14. No, 10 mb pic. I'm talking about the picture of the Sole Survivor map I linked to, not my map preview pic. It'd be kinda ridiculous to warn about a pic that's AUTOMATICALLY LOADED anyway, don't you think? :roll: Anyway, I replaced my SS map pics with PNGs, which reduced them from 9-11 mb to 2-3 mb.
  15. hm, not sure actually.. might be an old screenie. I'll check. [edit] Yep. Looks like the middle field was still too big, too. Updated both the map and the screenie. Sorry about that
  16. This map is actually a remake of a really neat Sole Survivor map. Enjoy http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/missions/maps/nazcaplains.zip
  17. hint... to get single C&Cworld links, click on Send to Friend and then remove the action=sendtofriend& part from the URL. You'll end up with this link http://www.cncforums.com/new/local_links.php?catid=4&linkid=44 Revo Edit; Thanks Nyerguds
  18. Nyerguds

    wtf, a cheater?

    The stuff is called "Tiberium". Get it right. "Tiberian" is the adjective form. It's like, you got the country called "Hungary", and the products of Hungary are "Hungarian" products. It's not that hard, is it? :ranting:
  19. Nyerguds

    wtf, a cheater?

    They can only build multiple structures at once if they have multiple CY's. Same for building units 'a lot faster', but you seem to forget that the player gets a production speed bonus that evens this out. As for the always knowing where the ememy is... it's THEIR location you're invading. it's normal they got that intel. Also, in some missions you can severely hinder the preprogrammed teams by NOT deploying your base where the AI expects it. The Covert Ops mission "Bad Neighborhhood" is one of these. I always move up to the north, deploy there, and immediately build a bunch of bazookas to take out the mammoth tank (that usually doesn't even fight back because it's focussed on attacking the CY). It works great
  20. lol... if it was supposed to be "comment on post" it'ds be called "comment on post"
  21. Fine for me, tell me when you got em so I can fill in the names.
  22. Nyerguds

    wtf, a cheater?

    The AI in C&C1 doesn't cheat...
  23. I've posted a tutorial on how to set up XCC Editor in the Mapping Tutorials forum.
  24. Add waypoints. All waypoints put on a multiplayer map are seen as possible start locations.
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