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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. no, cncnet needs the .net framework. I don't know if that even exists on Win2000. Really, why are you running C&C on an archaic operating system? The patch is meant to make it work on XP, and it suceeds in that too.
  2. At the moment, C&C2SW doesn't work on 1.06b... I should really fix that XD
  3. In Win2000, I think you have to manually install compatibility mode for C&C to work. As for 1.06b and Win98, I think the only thing that doesn't work is the patch program. If you apply the patch manually (install on a different PC and copy the files) there should be no problem. You'll need to delete logo.vqa, logo.vqp and version.txt though.
  4. Actually, ctrl+number is ASSIGN team. To select it, just press the number. To select it and center it on your screen, press alt+number. Oh, N64 also has a function to center on the construction yard, doesn't it? In the PC version that's 'H'.
  5. I don't do balance patches. They tend to ruin single play. And there's no guarantee that a couple of forum suggestions from a few people will actually improve the game.
  6. Doubt that. Don't get your hopes up.
  7. The official themes already had mouse cursors. Different ones.
  8. C&C95 on Westwood chat = 2 players only.
  9. The Techcenter has been dead for ages... it had been hacked and used to send out spam, so it was taken down "for maintenance"... and then left that way -_- I recently got an email that Gamespy's stopping their hosting services, so it won't be back up either, and my old cnc2sw site will probably disappear too. Guess that means I'll finally have a reason to finish my PHP conversion when uploading it somewhere else I'll just make it into a general news site for all of my work, including patch 1.06, so not limited to cnc2sw. As for the members... I still got most of em on MSN, but not many are active even there. PuMa and Travis kinda went on with real life, Ultraq's not active in the community anymore but still helped me out with some conversion tools a while ago, and uh... dunno who else was there really. Still got some contact with my old friend Jk, but I guess that's from the old C&C Millennium board, before the RA Techcenter. Though he lurked on the Techcenter too.
  10. Right. Because selecting images from a sidebar and slapping them down requires knowledge
  11. all of that tutorial is made for single player. In multiplayer, colours aren't set; they can be switched.
  12. ummm... did you test this? Because normally, that stuff will NOT automatically become player owned, you know.
  13. Well you have to add six, or 2 players can end up on the same spot even if you only play with 4 players -_- I think the middle players are kinda balanced out now... as you said, they have both an advantage and a disadvantage, which kinda evens it out.
  14. Seriously, wtf, n3t. We went through all the trouble to get those fixed, and then you make statements like that?
  15. I made the 1.06b patch... believe me, if anyone knows how the game works, it's me
  16. A desert drawing in temperate or winter? Blasphemy!
  17. Hm, I think I already did that... collect all TD-related stuiff, I mean
  18. I've been doing some more work on this... well, not hacking, but stripping the files to reduce the filesize. I now got a full stand-alone 'lite' version of about 14 mb (7 mb when rarred). I still have to add a warning to it that the files are stripped though, and shouldn't ever be put in a red alert folder. For example, the redalert.mix only still contains hires.mix I'm also working on a permament solution for TFD. Since we figured out that the real problem occurs with non-encrypted mixfiles, I figured that editing TFD's main.mix and the included general.mix with that encryprion would solve the problem. I did some tests, and indeed, it works. So I'm going to ask Nathan to add a new main.mix patch in the next version to fix that. These patches only take up the size of some indexing tables and then any added content, so the patch to do this should be tiny, since no content will be added [edit] RAEd Full (29 MB) http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/raed_full.rar This is perfectly safe to put in your RA folder. All files in the pack are 100% usable by RA. The only difference with the normal RA files is that the general.mix in this contains all missions and maps of Counterstrike and The Aftermath. RAEd Lite (7 mb) http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/raed-lite.rar !! WARNING !! The mixfiles in this pack are stripped to the minimum needed to run RAED. They should NEVER be put in a Red Alert game directory. Unrar this in a separate folder!
  19. what? I was just commenting on your atrocious spelling. That's "scavenger", by the way. With an "e" in the middle.
  20. no, I mean, why bother with the link to it?
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