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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Your English is pretty good... in fact, it's better than that of some English-speaking people I know
  2. That's what I meant... but I had already explained it all in detail to him on the chat. With "background colour black" I mean the first colour on the palette.
  3. yeah well, they did that once with RA1, and you know what kind of mess that became, in terms of continuity X_x
  4. I think they're cool It's a pity it's missing that mentat button though. Adding the strings files, large unit/etc. pics and the mentats shouldn't be that much work :-\
  5. Nyerguds

    A new guide!

    lol. For C&C95, I can actually install it without the installer, using my trusty WinPack 3 app (which can unpack the installer archives). Though of course, you're missing the registry stuff that way.
  6. just made an interesting discovery... scm00ea works too
  7. They messed up enough with time travel. Let's not go there Also, they said this game would finally finish the story.
  8. Nope, never heard of this before...
  9. right... as I already explained on the chat... 1. edit the file palette.cps. You can do that by converting it to PCX with XCC, then editing it, and then converting it back. The actual colours the game uses are in a small 16x16 block in the upper left corner of the image. 2. Don't use the background colour black; it becomes transaprent ingame.
  10. At least I edit my post if someone points out a mistake.
  11. you don't need -o for multiplay... -o thows you back to version 1.07. You should play network gamres in v1.22
  12. umm... I would indeed suggest patching DOS C&C to v1.22... that is, the latest official patch.
  13. Eh. I could go on all day... there's still a "codding" and a "faceplam". And if I really feel in a nitpicking mood I'd even point out the lack of apostrophe in Rico's "didnt"
  14. We encourage players to meet in the chat room, because it's the easiest way to find opponents... but we can't force 'em to join the chat :-\
  15. Never knew Griffin personally, but Arc is the first person in the C&C online community I got into contact with. Haven't had contact with him for ages though. I guess the last post on the Obelisk site is an indicator ofhis last activity... http://obelisk.planetcnc.gamespy.com/
  16. ...so, where does this dll come from? Also, better solution: don't play on these old operating systems.
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