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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. Hmm... tried if the speed of the plane has any effect on that?
  2. Range? The nuke in RA can be thrown anywhere you want... doesn't that mean it has unlimited range?
  3. Bloat? It's still smaller than FF, and if you don't go looking for the IRC feature, you won't notice it's there. In opera I know that if I happen to want a feature, just looking through what is there usually solves my problem without having to install extra stuff. Talking about "bloated", these plugins make FF take even more space. And FF might have a fully customizable layout, but it's missing the user controls to customize that by hand, which, for normal users, makes it very hard to customize.
  4. Nyerguds

    C&C95 Crashing

    odd, there's no triggers of any kind there... http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cncstuff/mappics/campaign-gdi/scg08ea.png Can you give me an unresized unedited screenshot of that area if you've sold your comm center? [edit] Just tried the mission on my PC... no problems. I know about the colour peoblem though. That's when Windows somehow overwrites the first and last 8 colours of C&C's 256-colour palette by its own standard 16-colour palette. Not sure what causes it... might be related to DirectX or graphics drivers.
  5. Umm.... all of these things you talk about now are plugins... I'm saying half of the things FF has plugins for are STANDARD in Opera. IRC support, custom searches, easy zoom buttons, complete control of interface layout (I got my sidebar at the right side of my window), mouse gestures, easy key combinations/buttons for opening recently closed tabs... all of that, without installing a single plugin. And on top of that, it has a plugins system too, which will undoubtably have similar stuff to the things you mention there
  6. Nyerguds

    A new guide!

    well dunno, I'm getting pretty good at this. Managed to read my own custom named ini files for the new language system in C&C95 v1.06c [Language] Language=FRE --> game reads "lang_FRE.ini" from updat*.mix files (using printf to insert the language name in "lang_%s.ini") --> if found, reads the info in it, which tells the game which filenames and other strings to replace for the French version
  7. Here's another one, from Reaperrr (creator of Return of the Dawn) C&C Tiberian Dawn: GDI Mission 6 Speedrun (5 min) Oh, and pichorra... 1. I never optimized that. I knew I made some mistakes and mis-clicked a few times, so I knew it could go faster... you just copied my technique. Not fair. (also, I'm a bit out of shape when it comes to 320x200 C&C. Too used to hi-res :laugh: ) 2. Just get a YouTube account 3. next time, please show the complete score screen info :-\
  8. huh... isn't the RA APC the same?
  9. Nyerguds

    A new guide!

    not that... actually reserving space for variables in the stack, like a 40-byte string... and then accessing variables behind that one, while keeping in mind how many pushes I've done before that. mov, eax, [esp+48] Using printf in assembler is practically nothing but that mess.
  10. what do you mean with greader/gmail tracking? I use Gmail's RSS feed. What more do I need? Also, a name like "foxmarks" is not only very unexplanatory, but also quite obviously made specifically for Firefox. I'm talking about FUNCTION here, not specific firefox features. Names don't mean anything. I'm pretty sure I can give you Opera's equivalent if you tell me what that thing DOES
  11. There's something wrong with the first firing animation... it only fires once there, while it fires 3 times to all other directions. Also, his hat uses the special glowing red colour instead of the normal one in pretty much the entire graphics set
  12. Nyerguds

    C&C95 Crashing

    XCC editor is unreliable when it comes to triggers. I only use it for bare map editing. Never for maps with triggers. Once I start trigger stuff, I stop using XCC, or I keep a separate copy of the bare map to choose the waypoint locations Also, don't derail this guy's thread. 004b4002 seems to be in completely unknown territory (I identify this code as I go), but I can trace it back to some radar-related stuff. I've actually had something like this happening on my brother's PC too, where it crashed when some tree on the map was somehow currupted during the saving of the savegame, and when loading that savegame it was somehow replaced by a different terrain object that should only exist in Desert theater. On the play field it just appeared as invisible but impasssable object, but whenever the minimap wanted to show it, it crashed, because the minimap actually scales down the visible object to get a colour to put on the minimap. Sadly, I didn't keep the address of that crash... might've been useful -_- This seems to be the opposite problem though. My savegame packs have it right,m but if you just start the mission, something is wrong. Did you have a comm center at that point?
  13. Rounding upwards isn't 'buggy'. It's just the way the game counts. Tiberian Dawn: GDI mission 13 speedrun (5 min) 5 minutes. Hah I put the game speed a lot lower though (5/7), to have better control over my actions.
  14. So, you rushed your units up, destroyed some walls and blew away the lab, right? Done that before too ^_^ [edit] Huh, you build a BASE? It's enough to just shoot the eastern row of walls of the Nod base, move your launchers there, and blow the lab to smithereens... it's out of the range of their base defenses, and they dont' have units yet if you hurry. Also, cranking up the game speed doesn't count as "speed run". If the game has an internal timer on the score screen, you have to judge it by that. The score screen says 8 minutes.
  15. It's not too hard to figure out since you posted the map names
  16. Mkay. I should collect all of this stuff and make one big map pack...
  17. well both CS and AM are about the same theme as C&C1's Covert Operations... the behind-the-scenes battles with bizarre technology which the public was never informed about. The game box and website of Counterstrike make this quite clear, too.
  18. Irony.... wait, you find Opera bloated, but you use FF for the plugins? Newsflash... Opera already HAS all of these small handy features that people download FF plugins for And on top of that, it also has a plugins system.
  19. Nyerguds

    A new guide!

    gah. Sorry, Messing with stack operations in asm has made me half crazy
  20. The events of Renegade are 1. like the covert ops, mostly unknown to the general public 2. bullcrap And Firestorm really continued the story AFTER TS, so no, that's hardly valid. It's adding another major conflict IN BETWEEN that is not possible imo. The FS events are a serious part of the Tiberian storyline, since they show that CABAL rescued Kane.
  21. That wasn't even aimed at you (or anyone in particular). I know a LOT of people, you know
  22. tiberiUM. 'Tiberian' is the adjective -_-
  23. They CAN'T, however, squeeze an entire WAR in there that was somehow completely unknown before. That would be ridiculous.
  24. I'm just noticing the empty Mentat button on the game UI.
  25. Nyerguds

    A new guide!

    You're wrong. Look at the second part of that guide you linked to. While the C&C95 autorun has no Version tab, running it doesn't spawn an Ntvdm.exe or wowexec.exe process. The INSTALLER, however, while it DOES have a Version tab, DOES spawn the Ntvdm.exe and wowexec.exe processes, a typical indication of a program being identified as needing 16-bit compatibility to run. [edit] My disassembler confirms this. The autorun uses 32-bit CPU registers (eax, ebx, ecx and edx), which can hold values from 00000000 to FFFFFFFF (4294967295). The installer's code doesn't have those at all; it only uses the 16-bit registers (ax, bx, cx and dx), which can only handle values of 0000 to FFFF (65535). So the autorun is 32 bit, and the installer is indeed only 16 bit
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