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Everything posted by Nyerguds

  1. So important that you thought you were going to forget it?
  2. you need to work on your spelling... just the title alone should be Nyerguds' C&C 1.06b patch has been released Also, this board supports list tags.
  3. Patch 1.06b fixes this problem. It automatically enables NoCD mode in the game's configuration file if you install it on TFD http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/cnc95upd/cc95p106/
  4. you don't need fraps for screenshots... http://www.cncforums.com/new/showpost.php?p=16040&postcount=11
  5. C&C3 stretches them automatically... though for the Tiberian Dawn mod we're using the Playstation versions, which have better colour quality and are in the correct aspect ratio (made for 320x240 instead of 320x200)
  6. The icons are valid files... are you sure the game doesn't just crash because you messed up your expand2.mix file?
  7. Why is it that not a single topic in here has either images or a link to the TD Redux ModDB site?
  8. I recommend not enabling mode toggle. It gives bugs in TS... for example, it doesn't switch when loading savegames from the main menu.
  9. Umm... the full method of modding the wsock32.dll has been posted on PPM by me, and has been used by many mod projects since then: http://www.ppmsite.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18939 This one allows using larger filenames than the original "gamemd.exe".
  10. Then still, there would only be one code, for TS -_-
  11. So... why did you decide to use RS to show off the map? XD
  12. Has nothing to do with versions. Firestorm doesn't have a CD key at all. Just check it. There's no such thing. I just looked at my TFD manual too. No code for Firestorm. Just like Brood War for Starcraft. Back then they assumed that if you got the original game legally there's no reason to think you'd pirate the expansion.
  13. http://nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com/tools/redhorizon/ Ultraq's C&C1/RA1/DuneII editing utilities. They can handle the "lost" file types, like WSA, and the Dune II SHP format used for the C&C1 and RA1 mouse cursor. The entire pack is nothing but command line tools though.
  14. wtf? Firestorm doesn't HAVE a key...
  15. yay! You still need to make those icons do something though. I also advise you to change the text of the music player button to actually say Music player
  16. rofl, made that ages ago. In three languages even, and with DOS C&C (also in three languages) included in the same pack. 6 executables for one game
  17. 1.05 doesn't influence online compatibility at all; it just does a number of bug fixes. In fact it's probably perfectly possible to play against a player with v1.04 with a v1.05 C&C95. It's not advised though, since 1.04 crashes when you reveal beyond the upper border of the map.
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