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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. Yeah, no, I'm well aware of what you're describing and was when I released it.
  2. Well, it sounds like it's suffering from the same issue as Circle Of Death. Circle of Death just also have the patch that ran up the side... but because it was in such a long block, the harvesters go for longer and longer trips (looks fine to the untrained eye, but actually messes up your econ). Yeah, I was aware that there wasn't a LOT of reason to be in the middle... but it's the fastest direct attack route. So, if you fight for resources, you'll have 2 battles, top and bottom, and if you rush forward, you'll have a big engagement either at the front of their base, or if they come out to meet you, you'll skirmish back and forth around the rock.
  3. Yeah... like. I've beaten everyone but Ehy... with GDI, no less. Though I only ever played him like 4-5 times. (maybe not Lovehandles. I've beaten him with Nod, years back). Yet, that has nothing to do with friendship with them, nor their ability to play. And then when players become aggressive towards me, they're asking if I want to play a game, in order to legitimise treating me like trash. a. How does beating someone in a game give you any right to treat them poorly? b. Why would I want to play ANY game with you, if you treat me poorly? I'm dumb fucked. Anyway. Yeah, metal is great, but you just have to listen to the wise stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFIRg7eqZis
  4. Well, that's what you get for attacking loads of people over nothing and then trying to get me banned by telling mods and other cncnet members that I'm racist, isn't it? Welcome to the real world, kid. And no, you're not sorry that I don't like you, else you wouldn't have made it your personal business to try and get rid of me. Don't patronise me with this "You are good for the community to do things like that." You clearly know nothing about what is or isn't good for the community, as you spend half of your threads attacking that very community you're talking about.
  5. 1) Most players dont base creep, most prefer to sit back next to a big patch of tiberium, defend use nukes attack with tanks not a base creep. Which is how westwood intended it to be played they didnt foresee the base creeping and attacking with turrets. But you like to encourage the base creep which I like too and which high level pros also utilize often. Most of the original maps are not very defendable and don't even have a lot of resources (obviously some are more so than others, but other than the one with like 1 bridge to attack along, there's no "free tiberium" layouts, either. So I have no idea why you say that. Also, and I'm not sure when or how this was changed, spawns didn't use to auto divide players. So say you were on Green Acres, sometimes you'd spawn RIGHT next to each other. I agree that they didn't see base creep; they thought we'd just make bases in a square. But they also didn't understand late game econ management. In the case of RA1, when multi-factory got completely out of hand, they literally capped it to like 2-3 in the AM expansion. I think the game benefits from the idea that multiple production facilities, and further more, the choice between building multiple production, or tech, or more economy. Choice is good, it's a strategy game, after all. Most people like money maps. That's a fact. They like it because it feels like they're better at the game. If you took someone to a battle field and asked them if they'd like to have a base and lots of tanks and things protecting them, or if they'd like to have nothing and build from scratch, the fear of destruction would compel them to choose the free stuff. C&C is pretty much the same, and so is like every RTS. It's why fastest money maps and Big Game Hunters were popular in SCI and SCII. Same shit, different game. However, strategic options are limited on such maps and don't challenge players to multitask and come up with new ideas... as the game just cruises to late game and stalemate situations... until battles so large there's little room to micro and nukes/ion/apache/orca rain down (note that this stuff is easy to control). Well... the big armies are not easy to control, but if no one can micro them well, then it evens the score... My maps are about trying to emphasise skill and tactics into the outcome of the match. They don't balance the game, but they help. Maybe one day we can figure out the formulae for balancing the teams on a map. But given all the bitching, I've given up (you're on your own). Ah so you think mid game is fair on both sides. You think nod have the advantage early, and perhaps even late too? Generally speaking not map specific? I have no idea what that means. Balance around maps can be completely different. You said that you think its most balanced when its turrets bikes buggies artillery heliies and obelisks, vs adv guard towers, meds naders humvees etc? Did I? You made a statement and put a question mark at the end. Rather than nukes and ion cannons, mammoths and heli snipes the late game stuff or the early nader vs buggy stuff, you think the mid part of the tech /game is the most balanced part and so you force the creeping to force people to stay at this tech in an effort to make the map more balanced? Again, you're putting words into my mouth by making a statement a question. I never said those things. YOU did. I like playing with units... it's more fun and takes more skill than clicking a button on the opponent's con yard and then posting that you beat the best in forum and demanding them to admit defeat in an effort to validate yourself. (no, I'm not being passive aggressive, I simply don't like you). So you sacrifice popularity to try and optimize balance, and your style tends to be for a slower paced (allowing more thought), base creeping, territory controlled, troop accessed, difficult choices (for where to creep for the tiberium) style of map ? Again, that seems to be a statement with a question mark, but I'll comment on what you're saying. Yes, I'm not here to be popular. I'm trying to help people to play the game competitively if they want to, and to make enjoyable competitive maps. By "slower" I guess you mean; not with bikes/buggies inside your base 1 min in. That's not actually slower, just a different situation. In fact, given that the game is likely to reach a point where there are battles happening at multiple points around the map, it'll test your ability to multitask.
  6. You seem to like to encourage a base creep why is that? Because it's RTS. That's literally a 1/3 of the game. Will GDI have the advantage since its perhaps a mid tech level dominant map? How is it mid tech dominant, and how does being mid tech make something GDI dominant?
  7. Oh, you need both the .bin AND .ini C&C95 maps are two files. You can add them to your original post by pushing the "edit" button, which is located at the bottom of each comment, including your original post.
  8. Yes, this map is not about rushing... that's why it's a larger map with a lot going on in the far corners. If it's about rushing, those areas would be near pointless. However, I have faith that Nod isn't crap in the later parts of the game. The more the game goes on, the more the tiberium is out in the open. So it gets harder to defend as the game goes on. Different maps are different, but all units should have a chance to shine here, somewhere. There are both closed and open areas.
  9. Upon these Slovenian villages tiberium now grows. The forests are turning into an alien landscape and where tiberium grows, war soon follows. For now, people live, but the sun is setting, the day is at an end, it is the Eventide. A large map. There's plenty of paths around the map, and it features villages that block paths... until destroyed. Use them for defence, or blast them quickly to create new attack paths. (Wht)Eventide.bin (Wht)Eventide.ini
  10. Sorry for the obvious necro. Came here to see whatever happened to this project, as I never saw it in a game... Was there a reason that this wasn't just included in the CnCNet version of C&C95, where mappers would be able to convert a map to Jungle, much the same way we currently can for Snow? Seems a shame to just leave it here. A lot of work went into it. I can't help but to feel that the more people get to play on it and experience it, the better. C&C's obviously not the most popular game anymore, so saving it for the release of some future mod just seems a bit sad (as demand for mods drops as the game popularity does, also.
  11. Oh, I didn't have a .ini I do have the other 2 files, though. Should I just make one up and put the info into it?
  12. Wow... I've never seen that. I know that if a recon bike is moving and gets shot by a minigunner, it actually takes 0 dmg. If you drive it onto a repair bay after, nothing happens. You can even drive it past like 5 dudes... they all fire but the bikes just isn't hurt. It's not true for the guard tower, though (might be the larger splash size for HE).
  13. Just edit your thread. Then drag files into the space provided. At the bottom (where there's a big picture of a paperclip.
  14. I've made a map, but cannot get it to work (in fact, it seems to simply not show up in the list, at all). Where is the directory where I should place my map?
  15. Yeah, the last game that triggered me to write this thread was where I was chasing bike buggy up and down the western side of my base, when a vic spawned at the east and attacked a ref. It actually took it out before I could do anything... I still won the match. But it just makes me think that it'd be good if we could just have a check box, so that it can be sorted. @Chem I indeed hope that you are acting more mature, and I never expected people to outright agree with me. Having a discussion with you doesn't at all sound appealing, however. And re-writing my thread just to have a clean slate to work from doesn't really appeal to me, either. It sounds more like a waste of my time.
  16. Well they don't seem to be doing anything with C&C95 at the moment. They might look in OOS issues, but the community isn't really asking for anything, so it's all dead in the water. This is one of the reasons I've made threads in the past, to try and get something rolling on other ideas. But so long as you're here, it looks like nothing's going to happen.
  17. Well, it's why I'm asking about it. It might be easy to implement. I don't actually know.
  18. If you're wanting another 3 player map, maybe check out Trichotomy. https://forums.cncnet.org/topic/7691-whttrichotomy/ It's a bit squashed due to the way that TD forces the map to be so small... so if you want to shake it up a bit, feel free to have a crack. Else I could look at making a larger version of it.
  19. Yeah. I didn't see this. This is a really cool idea for a map. Makes me kinda want to have a bit of a look at some of the single player maps out there and see if there's some ideas about terrain that I can use for multiplayer maps. Also, I like the idea of maps with a story, but it's often hard to work it in with so much to worry about regarding game play, anyway. So good job on what looks like a pretty fun map to play.
  20. They're cool and all... but annoying when you're trying to have a match. There must be some sort of trigger to allow them, as their spawning is excluded from single player. I was wondering if there would be any for us to have a check box to switch them off. Even if it replaced one of the check boxes we have now (like separate helipads or something).
  21. So, just to be clear, you don't really have any knowledge on this front? Seems like a strange thing for us to have not known for the last 20 years
  22. So both sides get tanks at that level, but no buggies. That is kinda interesting... I guess you'd have to use flamer men, and just separate them well, and then use bike/tank combos depending on what you need more of. Makes me wonder if, given that Nod doesn't even have buggies in that situation, if GDI would then be better to just play hum-vee grens, too. Might be a new meta at the level. I haven't really ever played it much at all.
  23. Oh, you're right, they're 50. Fixed. Thanks... not that I think anyone really cared, but it's nice to be thorough (which is why I bothered to include all the walls in the first place, I guess). I have NO knowledge of how the multiple production from structures works, and I think someone else has already figured out the % increase of what that gives. When there are multiple barracks, infantry does produce faster than what 1TI usually is, if that helps to answer your question. I can say, from the testing that I did, that having multiple production facilities for a 'type' means that you get the same results for how long 1TI takes. For example; if you have 3 con yards, 2 barracks, 1 hand of nod and 3 airstrips, all of your structures/vehicles/infantry all seem to produce at the same rate. There may, however, be a cap as to how fast some things can produce and be extra rules I don't know of. But that's what I saw. Because I was comparing units to one another etc, I was almost always just using 1 production facility at a time. I included the 100/150 columns so that you could look at the TI vs the cost, not so much to compare the two TI values. Yeah... given the massive difference in TI vs Price, you can see why I originally thought that Nod units just had a flat 25% off their time.
  24. Yeah, I could do it that way, too. Wouldn't take long to fiddle with... ...and... Done enjoy
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