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Everything posted by AchromicWhite

  1. The issue I find with aggression in FFA is that you can, say, make some flyers and knock out WFs of BOTH your opponents... putting you ahead. But then they're just pissy and kill you because they have more stuff at that point, and while either 1 couldn't kill you, both can. That doesn't happen in 1v1. You CAN over commit to harassment and wiping out production, but they wont have 2x the amount of stuff. You just allocate enough to defend, after your harassment, and then stabilise. If you can do that, you win. FFA has it's own strategies etc, but they're ultimately political. I guess it comes down to what people like, but I'm more of a math and numbers type of guy when it comes to RTS. If I can annoy my opponent (use their emotions by making an aggressive move in game move) into making a bad move, I'll do that, but that still comes down to what I wrote above, about allocating resources between the harassment and defence.
  2. Well, it brings a feeling of stability. Which, is true to say that it's easier to defend, because you don't have to worry about infantry in the earlier parts of the game... but it also messes things up, like not being able to scout. That's a BIG one, because many attacks are best defended by scouting and reacting. Further more, it means that people just choose defence as their opening strat. So FFA games are turtle fests. Whoever attacks just dies, because it's almost never worth attacking... even econ play gets messed with crates on, because people can get insta scout crate and 'nook drop you. It's the resources that's the issue with map size, there' no room to spread the fields out.
  3. If there were bigger maps, I'd have a go. I really don't think I could fit enough stuff on the map to make it work. I'm well aware that people play it competitively, but it's a lot like playing paper, scissors, rock competitively. You CAN do it, and it's fair, but that doesn't make it worth while. Not sure how else to explain it. What bugs me is, so long as people play on tib maps, they'll never transition to playing real 1v1.
  4. Yeah, I played today. Everyone just wanted to FFA with extra con yards and crates etc. Competitive seems dead
  5. I've had it before, but it's super rare. I only stay in the game if it's a team game, or I'm mopping up (already won). Else I'd just quit and say that it'd bugged. Ask for a rematch.
  6. Yeah, that's be 6am here. Fuck that, frankly.
  7. Mostly follows a basic design. The major design point is that the field is divided into 2 areas (Paths). So you have to delegate your resources accordingly. Minor design points would using the terrain running down the middle of the map to help capture resources, and that expanding north gives easier refinery placement, while moving into the south gives better attack advantage (southern advantage). (Wht)Elevation.ini (Wht)Elevation.bin
  8. You mean how it's in the top left corner? Not sure what you mean by the "map screen". It's an issue with resolution... and given that the res is set before the game launches, I doubt that'd be any simple fix. I'd personally rather them work on more useful stuff, which can be done a lot quicker.
  9. Yeah, just tested it in single player... sold barracks before placing helipad. Could still build orca.
  10. Yeah, I was thinking this as I was looking down these posts... Makes me wonder. The SSM probably should need temple, TBH... but it is what it is. (I could be here all day, talking like this xD)
  11. 3 months later... The map is done, though I never got it working.
  12. Wow dude, just logged in to see this. I'm the original "White" if you remember me. I've been around here, using CnCNet since it first came out. I remember finding it and being so happy to be able to reconnect with players again, as the old WWchat system had gone down. Well, what can I say? Thank you so much for all the work that's gone in. I agree that it's really cool to see this thing become as big as it has. Do you ever realise that you pretty much saved C&C? Well there it is, anyway. Sad to see you go, maybe you can pop on sometime and have a chat when you're free. I'm always happy to talk about this game and where it's come, but I can understand you wanting to push away from the responsibilities of the project by this time. Sounds like it's been a pretty natural transition anyway, and that this post is more of a formality than any real change to the working systems of the current CnCNet team. All the best in your future endeavours. -Liam
  13. Wow, an animated windmill? That's really cool!| Yeah, as usual, it all looks pretty sweet, Kilk. Nice spot to use the BRDM, too, it's an actual russian vehicle, so it fits nicely.
  14. Holy crap, that looks amazing!... I wish I could make SHPs like this! O.O Sorry Kilk... hadn't been around for a while... I need to make sure I check up on this thread more often. Sometimes not a lot of units can still work out for a team, as long as they have a variety of warheads. They have tanks, long range flame and AA? That's pretty much all that GDI uses in TD. Grens, M.Tanks, Hummers (snipe flamer troops) Mammoth/bazooka for AA. Given that you're only aiming for SP missions, I'd think it'd be fine. So it'll be more about how the mission plays and the feel of it, I'd say. Tropical sounds interesting for a theatre. I really like how your mod is based all around the world. It's pretty cool.
  15. Well, it's a damn good job. I'm surprised it ever got done, because it honestly doesn't look easy to do.
  16. Yeah, I AM aware that they indeed did it for RA1. Not sure how they did that exactly. Because you'd still have to spawn as one of the houses somehow, no? IDK
  17. I suspect bigger maps are insanely hard to get, but who knows, Nyer's pulled off stuff he thought he couldn't do before. I WOULD really like to see a spec mode, though. Not sure how hard that one is.
  18. Yeah, this is one of the reasons I wanted the ability to be able to publish maps, rather than just having lots of different versions floating around. Even if you edit a map, other people will just use older versions. By having all maps officially uploaded to a CnCNet list, we can make sure that each version is up to date, and can track things like win rates of positions and match ups. All sorts of data that could help us to map better.
  19. Welcome back! Dang it Kilk... every time I feel like I'm more or less done with modding you make really sick stuff and draw my imagination back in. It's beautiful, really. Grade-A smooth animations, and a classic feel to totally new assets. So good.
  20. I don't usually see fast paced TS games with different counter units... it's all drops/superweapons/flyers. Pretty much why I don't play. You just tech strait up and then sell tech. Not enough variety in openings/composition etc.
  21. It is indeed the Bradley... The real Bradley is not a tank, however, it's what's known as an IFV (Infantry fighting vehicle). And it's main weapon is a chain gun, not a cannon (think machine gun, but nastier). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infantry_fighting_vehicle but this one will blow your mind more: Check out the "nod buggy"... patrol vehicle used by Seals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_Patrol_Vehicle There are also beta shots that show Nod having the med tank (which is the US Abrams). Note they also have the US Apache. Nod maybe Terrorists, but they're not the poor military of what you might think of regarding modern terrorist organisations. Not sure if the design team really thought through which weapons Nod should have (lore wise) or if they just got their hands on a book of US war machines and put them into the game... and then just worried about who's have what later.
  22. Yes, I see what you mean about the HP. That makes sense. I've thought that about the HP before. I don't think the SSM is ambush. It's an artillery. It can be used during a grinding push, or it can be used defensively. Basically, you put stuff in front of it, units or terrain to block enemy advances on it, and then it's free to just sit and do damage. Both of them could stand to be slower moving.
  23. Well, I think the designers released it the way that they wanted to (as the manuals and such show the tech correctly). However, balance wise, I've often said that MLRS tech needs to be lowered to either comm or AGT. And also that the SSM should probably be temple. The SSM is a really strong weapon that GDI actually just doesn't have an answer to. Though, the addition of the MLRS might help to deal with the issues of the SSM... If GDI can scrap being so dependant on infantry, then Nod has less use for the SSM. I agree with Cn2 that GDI seemed to perhaps originally have the flame technology. Do nod players build MLRS? I've really only seen newbies make it, the SSM is MUCH better... and I disagree that it's easy to blow up, because it's so long ranged and easy to keep out the way. Not THAT slow, either (especially against GDI).
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