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  1. Hope to see you in-game when the time comes!
  2. It's been slow to get back up but hopefully we'll get to play it again soon. 😁
  3. That's cool to know! But unfortunately there's not much you can do for Sole Survivor. But keep in touch with any news updates and you'll know when a server is back out. You can also join the cncnet discord if you haven't, games will be arranged there in the foreseeable future.
  4. That's actually interesting, where did you hear the Westwood was using Oracle? I'd like to know.
  5. It should be out soon around this year hopefully.
  6. No idea, it's what WW used originally in their ladder website.
  7. Red Alert 1 was originally suppose to take place in the 70s with 1940s to 1980s tech mixed in according to a archived Q&A session nearly a year before RA1 came out. That would explain the high tech leftovers like the Apache, Hind, T-72, and M1 Abrams which some were still prototype stage at that point but it's not unfitting for the Allies to have the early XM1/M1 unlike GDI that has the M1A1. I made a post linking the source to it to. https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/419113-red-alert-1s-time-line/#comment-694908 You got some ideas rolling around but do you plan to add a "pure" mode to your Red Alert mod? In my preference I would just like the original units.
  8. I don't think I was saying slap a Abrams turret on a different hull since the turret itself looks to be narrower and not a outright copy when looking at it parked next to the Abram in the render. The design seen in cutscenes is pretty much its own thing and a model should just be accurate to how it appeared. A M60-2000 is plausible but the light tank doesn't have side skirts, or a raised engine deck and the exhaust are above the track covers rather than being hidden behind the grate. The hull itself feels more like WW2/post war design like the M41 Bulldog with its exhaust placement. ?
  9. Regarding your light tank model instead of a M48 Patton you should just make it look like the CGI version since it's quite unique and doesn't really have a real world design. It only has a Abrams like turret in similarities but it's narrower and shorter with a smaller gun. The hull doesn't match anything really and just seems like a mix design. I already covered it in the W3D forum and you even see a good close up of it destroyed which I posted there. I also uploaded close up side shots of it seen in a cut scene assaulting a base https://w3dhub.com/forum/topic/419141-a-proper-light-tank-for-apb/?do=findComment&comment=695154
  10. I experimented with this years ago and the AI in RA1's skirmish never builds [GNRL], you would have to modify existing infantry that is buildable.
  11. A mission that was briefly seen in their early trailers has been found to be a leftover inside the beta's mix files but appeared to of been made when missions were split in two files, and the .bin was missing. So with the help of the beta researcher team we had to reconstruct the terrain using screenshots and videos. TaxOwlBear made a "Let's Play" of the mission if you'd like to check it out in video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TcycBJ3fLQ Before and after: Original mission screenshots: Lost Mission Restoration.zip
  12. It just crossed my mind but will you show the mission maps and how are they different?
  13. Sure would love to get a download link for a beta/alpha version of Red Alert.
  14. I say make it optional because if the remasters had mods in the future that added more units I could see it useful Though Retaliation's sidebar was optimized for controllers I did like how they worked the categorized sidebar where the latest unit/building you selected stays selected allowing you to quickly build the same unit you press O or Square on it to select a new one. Of course this feature wouldn't be needed if the units were given shortcut keys.
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