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So are there any updates?
Doesn't SiberianGremlin have one? What about copying the DOS font?
Looks good. Any idea about changing the fonts? Seems to be the only thing left.
I attached the files to my last post.
For the extended sidebar you need to have powerext_str db "POWEREXT.SHP",0 strip2na_str db "STRIP2NA.SHP",0 strip2us_str db "STRIP2US.SHP",0 I've extracted them from my custom hires.mix: extended_sidebar_graphics.zip
What source did you use for the tabs? The original DOS files?
They kept it that way because it would be online incompatible with an earlier version of the game they wanted to be compatible with. Thing is that fixing the formation glitch doesn't desync online in any way with previous versions of the game. I tested it myself when FunkyFr3sh told me this.
You're almost done with the sidebar. Two things I noticed. A and B in the following image still needs to be done. A is an extra cameo background image from the extended sidebar and B is part original sidebar and part extended sidebar as you probably already know: You could probably copy and paste parts of the power meter from the DOS graphics:
Ah those 42 other frames don't really matter.
I already hex edited a copy of RAED that replaces Interior and Temperate with Desert and Winter. You can download my map editor pack at: http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/17389-raed-standalone/ The hex-edited RAED is named 'raed_desert_winter.exe'.
Ah you probably could just resize the radar screen so it's half its normal size and then resize it back for the pixelation, probably can do the same with the other elements that have no (fitting) DOS equivalent. Though I think you need to manually paint some of the "pixelation" then to make it look like it's from DOS.
Looks nice so far. What's different about the radar screens? And are the power bar and power indicator different too? As you didn't touch them from the looks of it.
Try downloading the game installer from http://iran.cnc-comm.com/redalert instead.
Updated with a new small patch to the RAED EXEs, they will no longer show a message window telling you that you need Red Alert 2.0 to play maps larger than a certain size.
Try downloading from http://iran.cnc-comm.com/redalert it has an updated EXE from about 30-40 days ago. The january release is incorrectly tagged as a virus by a few anti-virus software, the one I linked isn't tagged as a virus afaik. Hopefully that will fix your issues. I'm running Comodo too and I haven't gotten any issues with the download for RA95.
Tore has an updated TS installer that's no-CD and contains fixes and stuff. Wait from him to respond to this thread.
Cause there's no version of my awesome patch for DOS of course.
"The tabs.shp needs to have the gold circles removed. You can see them on the Options and Credits tabs." Why? The DOS tabs are completely different. I was also thinking about taking the DOS version of graphics that are largely the same (e.g. the repair icon with the wrench on it) and upscaling it where possible, for the authentic pixelated DOS experience.
Yes, not as odd as this though (from the start of the RA95 AI naval building code): AUTO:004DBD35 05C mov dh, ds:SessionClass Session AUTO:004DBD3B 05C test dh, dh AUTO:004DBD3D 05C jnz jump_out AUTO:004DBD43 05C jnz short jump_skirmish_ai
I've got these map fixes, I need to have a fixed version of Time Flies too, is the latest 'Lets Make a Steal' fix okay for inclusion? 95. Included a fixed version of Soviet mission 13 variant A (there's two map choices for this mission). The original mission is bugged in that capturing the Chronosphere (which is supposed to be required to win the mission) causes you to lose the game. The B variant of the map works properly. The mission fix was made by Allen262, issue reported by r34ch. 96. The Allies on Soviet Mission 8 variant B produce Flamethrower infantry, even though the Allies can't build them (this is because building prequisites for mission autocreate teams are ignored). This has been fixed and the Allies no longer produce Flamethrower infantry on this map. Fix made by Allen262, issue reported by r34ch. 97. Fixed a glaring misplaced tile just to the west of where the Soviets start in the final Soviet mission (mission 14). Issue reported by r34ch. 100. Fixed Soviet mission 6 variants A and B so you no longer get APCs at the start of the mission. Fix made by Allen262.
No remap on the Engineer.
Haven't tried yet. Thanks for doing the conversions and upscaling. When I did my testing I just modified the game in memory with a debugger, I'll write some code to do it properly later today probably and I'll test them. What other interface changes would need to be done for a DOS interface mod?
In RA95 there's a call to HouseClass::Remap_Table(), but the value returned into EAX isn't stored. There's also special logic to make sure 100h is pushed as arg for the CC_Draw_Shape SHP drawing function, if a non-NULL remap table is used as arg for drawing the sidebar cameo icons, but just before doing that push there's an OR opcode that sets the value to push to 10h. So Westwood added special logic for the drawing if a remap table is used, but then discards the changes from this special logic. Here's the code for C&C95 to show what I mean: .text:004A6A00 push eax ; always zero, is supposed to also hold the remap table pointer .text:004A6A01 test eax, eax ; if remaptable pointer is NULL .text:004A6A03 jz short loc_4A6A0C ; jump .text:004A6A05 mov eax, 100h ; else set eax to 100h .text:004A6A0A jmp short loc_4A6A0E ; and jump past 'xor eax, eax' .text:004A6A0C ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:004A6A0C .text:004A6A0C loc_4A6A0C: ; CODE XREF: SidebarClass::StripClass::Draw_It(int)+2F3j .text:004A6A0C xor eax, eax .text:004A6A0E .text:004A6A0E loc_4A6A0E: ; CODE XREF: SidebarClass::StripClass::Draw_It(int)+2FAj .text:004A6A0E or al, 10h ; fuck up value of eax anyway .text:004A6A10 mov ebx, stripbariconswidthtoffset .text:004A6A16 and eax, 0FFFFh ; fuck up value of eax anyway .text:004A6A1B mov ecx, edi .text:004A6A1D push eax Seems to be the same way in C&C95, but there's three different calls to HouseClass::Remap_Table(), in RA95 there's only one.
I added the beta ships to my patch a few days ago, didn't release yet. I noticed how the AI in Red Dawn seems to work better than Stock RA1 AI...the RULES.INI notes for AI settings says the AI was written for C&C1, that might explain.