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Everything posted by Iran

  1. I got it working and know how to do it for C&C95 too. The code for RA95 does this: - Grabs the remap colour for the player's side, but it never uses it - Has a special check if a remap colour is used and if it is it does some special considerations, but they get disregarded when the cameo icon is actually drawn.
  2. Neh kinda like the DOS mod for C&C95, but then for RA95: Here's a screeny of RA1 DOS:
  3. Does anyone want to do a DOS interface mod for RA95? I know how to have the cameo icons in the sidebar remap with the colour you're playing as, which RA1 DOS didn't support but C&C1 DOS did. I also know how to change the text a on the Options button, credit count etc a bit. I think the issue is just the font on those buttons? So who's up for the challenge, if completed properly I'll add it as an option to my patch
  4. Ugh, I copy and pasted it off CNCNZ.com, their forum software does some retarded formatting. Thanks for fixing them.
  5. Can you modify the mission so Volkov can't infiltrate the Power Plant and Tech Center too? Pretty lame to lose the mission like that. What other mission issues are there?
  6. I showed Pichorra what places to hex edit to have C&C95 show white text in those spots instead of green and I know how to change the text colour for RA95, just need to find a good green colour. Some of the Red Dawn buildings like the Tiberium Silo, Advanced Guard Tower and Hand of Nod have "smashed" graphics that don't look that nice.
  7. Does the game even support LAN?
  8. How about the attached RAR file?
  9. Why don't you change the white colour on the options menu text and credits tab text to green? What foundations need to be changed? How did you change the building foundation of the Repair Facility in Red Dawn, btw?
  10. I know it deletes invalid mission types on units (e.g. the original version of the first Allies mission 2 Allies rifle infantry are deleted cause their mission is messed up), but fucking up triggers is really bad. Does this also affect missions made with RAED? I expect not. What changes does it do to the triggers? How were you playing to fix Brothers in Arms? I'll link your fix for Time Flies in my CNCNZ.com thread. Are you sure any of the fixed missions you've posted before don't have broken triggers because of the RAED issue?
  11. My change to the Time Flies mission to fix the Ore Truck issue didn't work. Allen262: RA95 still has logic to write all the objects/parts on a map to an INI, with a function for every object type. There's also a non-functional map editor mode.
  12. It would be a nice idea to add a map reveal trigger at start for debugging?
  13. Well your life would be forfeit in the UUSR if you're a commander helping out revolutionaries..
  14. What is the bug with that? BTW the Grunyev Revolution mission acts funky too, apparently you can win it by just killing Stalin's Elite Guard.
  15. http://forums.cncnz.com/topic/17482-portablera-beta/page-13#entry211790
  16. Both the screenshot and file are attached twice, is there any difference?
  17. Sonarpulse noticed the CS versions of the first campaign mission for both sides are different from the original version. Here's two differences I noticed: Allies mission 1: After destroying the Power Plant next to the barrel the civilian with the yellow shirt will move to just above the Soviet base in the original version, in the CS version he starts attacking the Soviet Ore Truck, causing all the Soviet infantry to hunt him. The CS version also fixed an invalid mission for two of the Riflemen at the start of the map (in the CS version they're all in guard mode). A diff of the two files also shows different terrain. Soviet Mission 1: There seems to be a difference between when and how many paradroppers you get during parts of the mission. One glaring difference is that the CS version adds a building next to the civilians standing around a barrel. There's a waypoint linked to this building that's linked to the Church in the original version. In the original version 3 civilians leave the Church after it's attacked. In the original version destroying the barrels next to the Church doesn't completely destroy the actual Church. I've attached the missions, converted so they show up in the 'Custom Missions' dialog etc. first_missions.zip
  18. RA95, already have C&C95 remap colour icons.
  19. Hmm, that's true. Maybe change the image of the APC to that of the Supply Truck, rename it to Supply Truck and remove the weapon?
  20. Just so I don't forget there's a Soviet mission with two variants IIRC where you get APCs at start, they could be replaced with modded Supply Trucks I think.
  21. Ore Truck spam thing is a two Ore Truck teamtype that gets created when the Soviet base starts to get active, it has the same priority as the highest priority tank teamtype, and this teamtype has no maximum set on it. I attached a possible fixed version with a maximum set to one in the CNCNZ.com thread just now. What did you replace the flamethrowers with?
  22. I see, I'm actually doing this to help Pichorra with his WinDOwS graphics mod for C&C95, problem is I can't finda colour remap in the C&C95 EXE. I could just make this feature optional in RULES.INI if I decide to add it. Would you be willing to give me a replaced Power Plant icon?
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