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With Renegade servers the memory leaks cause the SFPS to drop or to be unstable (because of memory fragmentation some of the times). The SFPS determines how many frames the server can process per second, the lower the less it can process causing packets to get processed later and as a result of this the server will lag. If you join Jelly-Marathon at the moment when the SFPS suddenly falls from 101 to say 92 or lower you can notice this because the server is hanging for around 200-300 milliseconds because of raven's shitty coding. What you'll experience is sliding around and you can notice people lagging back and forth like in this video: POLIOGLACIER The RA1 equivalent would be you getting FPS lag. That does cause the game to lag for everyone, this happens a lot in RA2 and YR even with modern PCs. Okay I'll check out Holy Ground and see what the issue is. Maybe we can arrange some games together? Or with other cnc-comm people? We're on irc.freenode.net #cncnet. There's definitely an issue with some AM maps having settings that cause out of sync at start when playing with people not running AM, and making modified versions of the maps fixes these issues. The out of sync error late game is something different and I have no idea what and if it's caused by anything from my patch or not.
If it's connection being choppy it's not memory leaking. If one of the players you're playing with has shitty internet or has torrents running you'll get that. I'm interested in the out of sync issues you are having late game. Your the first person to report these, once I have some time I'll try to reproduce them.
The main problem I see with Funky's Russian language pack is the Cyrillic font that looks like shit.
What do you mean with "towards the end"? What things were happening? Was a base being destroyed?
The issue with out of sync errors is that it's likely that one of the other players are causing the out of sync. Players not running my patch will have corrupted memory after they play certain mod maps, if they play another map (say if you're hosting your AM map) without restarting their game the game will out of sync. But it might also be that CCE might be at fault. Do you get any out of sync errors hosting standard maps? There might still be some map settings for CCE that is causing the out of sync. Are you hosting my "fixed" version of the map?
If connection is lost and it doesn't show the out of sync dialog the fix works, the loss of connection should be normal, it happens randomly at start or when a player leaves before start. You should try it out more with that map and other maps to see if there's a real issue with connection lost errors compared to maps that are known to work normally. King of the Hills Extreme (AM) has the same issue that CCE has, that special setting I talked about. However at a really quick look I can't find anything that could cause the "Out of sync" issue with Holy Grounds (AM). Are you sure about Holy Grounds? I've attached a fixed King of the Hills Extreme (AM). @FunkyFr3sh: We should test these fixed versions of maps to see if they're compatible with the normal AM version. KotHF.zip
That's because of a "feature" in the game, when you have the Aftermath expansion turned on and you're hosting a game, if a player without the Aftermath expansion joins the channel for your game your game gets turned into a non-Aftermath game even if the player without Aftermath expansion turned on leaves. I added text to the host screen that shows whether the game is still Aftermath or not if you're hosting with Aftermath enabled. I tested the "fixed" version of CCE and it was working online, when I tested the original version I also got the "Out of sync" error at the start. I added an option in the config tool to force the Aftermath expansion online, what this does is enable a "mod" (that doesn't change gameplay) which because of the game's checks for mods require other player to also have this "mod" (the force Aftermath expansion online option) enabled. There's also a version that removes the extra production facility build speed multiplier cap ("fast build speed") that normally is enabled when Aftermath is turned on. You can find these options in the "Multiplayer" tab of the config tool.
I've taken a look at the map file and this map file has a special setting to enable the Aftermath units, this setting isn't needed at all (and some of the other Aftermath maps I checked don't have it). If you're playing with non-AM players that's probably the reason why it's desyncing. I can't replace the map file with a 'fixed' version because then the map will desync with people who already have it. I've prepared a modified version of the map that just has this keyword removed, but I'm not sure why the keyword is there at all (though all official RA1 multiplayer maps have messy settings that the game ignores), are there any special units placed on the map or anything? I've attached the modified map, it should show up as "Central Conflict Extreme FIX TEST" at the bottom of your map list. Place the .MPR file in the attached ZIP in your game folder. I'm not sure if this fixes the desync issue but I just tested the original map and it also gave me an out of sync error at start. EDIT: Actually I'm not sure if this fixed version will desync with Aftermath players if I replace the original version with the fixed one. CCEF.zip
They should be enabled in my installer. Funky and I only fairly recently figured out how to enable them without also requiring the expansions to be enabled, the game normally does checks if you have the expansions enabled before being able to use the maps and we worked around that. The expansion multiplayer maps also aren't that popular because in the past no one played with the expansions turned on online.
It's crashing in printf() for some reason. Could you re-download the installer and try again (I did some updates since you downloaded it, like I made the sidebar fill up with cameo icons and extended the power meter etc). I had someone else with the same crash.
If you select the message box with the error message (and memory address) in it and press Ctrl+C all the text in the message box will be copied. Where did you download the game from?
Note that a few strings like "Counterstrike Missions" and the declaring game a draw stuff is hard-coded in the exe, I'll unhardcode these strings in the future. This also holds for the message boxes of any errors the game has, some of these even display "Command & Conquer" instead of "Red Alert" because Westwood was really sloppy.
The way to spectate is to join a game and at the start of the match open the options menu and selecting the resign option. This will kill all your units and unshroud the map.
Upload the whole map please, tried copy pasting that into a new file but it didn't work.
The AI already builds helis, Tech Center and Mammoth Tanks and such. You need to build a Helipad or they won't build a Radar Dome and hence not tech up. I added a RULES.INI keyword to patch out this check for their being a Helipad on the map. I did some quick testing and the AI can be made to build Sub pen or Naval yard and it has code to build naval units, for some reason the code tries to have the AI build Missile Subs and Helicarriers (the hidden Aftermath unit). Haven't figured out how to fix that.
Okay I finished the extended sidebar code itself, it draw hstrip.shp and calculates the correct frame to draw (first 4 are used for the left strip, last 4 for the right one). I'll investigate the other stuff later, not sure when as I'm busy tomorrow and I'd like to start working on Red Alert one again (though the power meter and background stuff also needs to be done for RA1..)
I added the files to updatec.mix but the game now doesn't start anymore. I don't see a reason to draw all the frames for histrip as the texture is almost the same plus what you described is quite convoluted.
Yeah, just got to fix up the drawing of the backgrounds for cameos, Nyerguds needs to give me a modified graphics file though.
I fixed per map Image= now. Like you said the graphics were only loaded on startup. I'll be adding an option to load betateslatank.mix to my patch in a few days (and add a config tool option for it), I'll have it load modified versions of Counterstrike missions with the MRJ Tesla Tank graphics replaced with ur beta Tesla Tank MJR replacement and the AM TTNK replacement.
This also happens in Red Alert 1 with tanks and ships at least, thought it was hifi's fix for the max unit limit crash at first but it's something else.
Can anyone link me a rules.ini file that allows me to build Volkov? Wanna make it so GRNL and Einstein don't get evaced in multiplayer.
No, except those.