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Hmm, the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit has 2 fixes related to the disk space function Red Alert 1 uses, 'EmulateGetDiskFreeSpace' to make Windows XP return 2 GB if there's more than 2 GB and 'GetDiskFreeSpace2GB' for applications that don't understand >2GB.
Considering there are so many CnCNet RA1 players it would be nice to have a dedicated RA1 subforum, maybe a link for it could be added too to redalert1.com (next to the chat link), I don't think there are any active dedicated RA1 forums left, are there?
There's another check in the save game function for whether disk space is low (same bug) so here's a new patch to fix that too (with this one the previous patch isn't needed), the patch in OllyDbg (with hifi's exe) is: 004AB108 B8 01008000 MOV EAX,800001 004AB10D C3 RETN 004AB10E 90 NOP For a hex edit to the binary, find the byte sequence 8D55F0E8F6101200, which is at 000AA512 in my exe, then find the first occurance of the 55 hex before that (which is at 000AA508 in my EXE) and apply the following byte changes from there: B801008000C390
Oh RA95 relocates the memory addresses from a different spot than the offsets in the executable. So here are what needs to be changed in the EXE. I'm using hifi's 3.03.p3 exe so I don't know if the bytes are relocated. Write starting from 00151200: E9 9E 00 00 00 90 This should replace 0F 83 9D 00 00 00. If you can't find this sequence at 00151200 search for the byte sequence "68FB0B5F00" with your hex editor, it only occurs once in the executable. To check if this actually fixes the bug, before patching the executable you can open the file in OllyDbg and navigate to the addresses in my first post, replace the CMP EAX, 800000 with STC and then let the game run under OllyDbg, you should now see the message box about disk space appear. Then apply this patch with a hex editor to the binary and retry doing these steps in OllyDbg, the message box should no longer appear.
Open up OllyDbg and apply the following patches: 00551E05 E9 9E000000 JMP ra95.00551EA8 00551E0A 90 NOP That will make the game always jump over the code to show the message box. Here's a full listing of the relevant parts of memory (without this patch applied): 00551DFB |. E8 0893F5FF CALL ra95.004AB108 00551E00 |. 3D 00008000 CMP EAX,800000 00551E05 |. 0F83 9D000000 JNB ra95.00551EA8 00551E0B |. 6A 08 PUSH 8 00551E0D |. 68 FB0B5F00 PUSH ra95.005F0BFB ; ASCII "Warning - you are critically low on free disk space for saving games. Do you want to play Red Alert anyway?" 00551E12 |. 8D85 70F9FFFF LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-690] 00551E18 |. 50 PUSH EAX 00551E19 |. E8 8C6D0600 CALL ra95.005B8BAA 00551E1E |. 83C4 0C ADD ESP,0C 00551E21 |. 6A 24 PUSH 24 ; /Style = MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_APPLMODAL 00551E23 |. 68 670C5F00 PUSH ra95.005F0C67 ; |Title = "Red Alert" 00551E28 |. 8D85 70F9FFFF LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-690] ; | 00551E2E |. 50 PUSH EAX ; |Text 00551E2F |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; |hOwner = NULL 00551E31 |. 2E:FF15 64685E>CALL DWORD PTR CS:[<&USER32.MessageBoxA>>; \MessageBoxA 00551E38 |. 83F8 07 CMP EAX,7 00551E3B |. 75 6B JNZ SHORT ra95.00551EA8 00551E3D |. A1 B05E6600 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[665EB0] 00551E42 |. 85C0 TEST EAX,EAX 00551E44 |. 74 0E JE SHORT ra95.00551E54 00551E46 |. 74 0C JE SHORT ra95.00551E54 00551E48 |. 31D2 XOR EDX,EDX 00551E4A |. E8 11A00600 CALL ra95.005BBE60 00551E4F |. E8 4CA10600 CALL ra95.005BBFA0 00551E54 |> BA 60B95F00 MOV EDX,ra95.005FB960 00551E59 |. 8D45 B0 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-50] 00551E5C |. 8955 B0 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-50],EDX 00551E5F |. BB FF000000 MOV EBX,0FF 00551E64 |. FF52 34 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+34] 00551E67 |. 8A55 CC MOV DL,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-34] 00551E6A |. 31C9 XOR ECX,ECX 00551E6C |. F6C2 01 TEST DL,1 00551E6F |. 74 1A JE SHORT ra95.00551E8B 00551E71 |. 8B75 C4 MOV ESI,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-3C] 00551E74 |. 85F6 TEST ESI,ESI 00551E76 |. 74 13 JE SHORT ra95.00551E8B 00551E78 |. 89F0 MOV EAX,ESI 00551E7A |. E8 C61A0700 CALL ra95.005C3945 00551E7F |. 8A75 CC MOV DH,BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-34] 00551E82 |. 80E6 FE AND DH,0FE 00551E85 |. 894D C4 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-3C],ECX 00551E88 |. 8875 CC MOV BYTE PTR SS:[EBP-34],DH 00551E8B |> F6C1 02 TEST CL,2 00551E8E |. 0F84 C8040000 JE ra95.0055235C 00551E94 |. 8D45 B0 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-50] 00551E97 |. E8 04A10600 CALL ra95.005BBFA0 00551E9C |. 89D8 MOV EAX,EBX 00551E9E |. 8D65 F4 LEA ESP,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-C] 00551EA1 |. 5F POP EDI 00551EA2 |. 5E POP ESI 00551EA3 |. 5B POP EBX 00551EA4 |. 5D POP EBP 00551EA5 |. C2 1000 RETN 10 00551EA8 |> 8D45 B0 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-50]
I guess they based the V2 on the C&C1 Rocket Launcher then, the early screenshots for Red Alert 1 show the C&C1 Rocket Launcher being used so it would make a lot of sense, the artist working on the SHP animation probably directly based it on the Rocket Launcher one.
I just tested with the lowest speed and I can't see them being used.
The v2rl SHP file has an unused attacking animation:
That's pretty cool, I didn't know they released a manual with hi-res images.
I've got the Dutch manual next to me (same manual as the English PDF on your site jus translated).
The manual states that a Tech Centre is required to buy a Tesla Coil, but ingame only the War Factory is needed. Screenshot of manual showing the error (my Dutch translation has the same error): http://i.imgur.com/NGESc.png Anyone got more info on this?
Updated some of the file links as they were broke, could the Sega Saturn music be mirrored on this site? It's different from the PC and OST music.
You can do those things in OpenRA.
those are the wonders of virtual tables!
Tiberian Dawn - Threatened (Single Player)
Iran replied to Trailhog250's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
How exactly did you make those screenshots? They look really stylized. It reminds me of when I first played the game. -
TiberianSharp (formerly Luftballon) research thread
Iran replied to ShadowDog's topic in The Tech Center
Err all the Dutch Universities in Netherland I've worked with require English code comments. >_> Must be a Belgian thing. -
Interesting, thanks for sharing.
TiberianSharp (formerly Luftballon) research thread
Iran replied to ShadowDog's topic in The Tech Center
Level editor? Pfff, the Renegade Red Hat 8 FDS contains most of the code from the win32 version of the game, including parts of the singleplayer and it has all the symbols! CCHyper: APOC gave them parts of the source code and stuff. One guy got close to one of the devs and accidently found that source code on an open directory owned by the dev. He ragequit and leaked it out. He''s been acting like a total retard for years so it's kinda amazing how he got so close to the dev. :/ ShadowDog: Did you take a look at OpenRA, it also implements C&C1/RA1 somewhat with C#. Although you'll probably only want to use small parts of what they have, they use an OpenGL wrapper for C# and they support Mono. What kind of university allows projects with dutch code comments to pass? lol -
Your download link ( http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YGRUKVST ) seems to be down for, MegaUpload states--in Dutch--that the file temporarily isn't available.
I could imagine some people wanting to play skirmish like this without playing dawn of a tiberium age. And the mega map support is a lot of fun.
there are a bunch of ajax irc clients, never tested them though but most big networks use qwebirc (formerly known as qchat), e.g. http://rizon.net/index.php?do=chat
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
It isn't Nyerguds' 3.03 patch though, he just made a great installer with optional fixes for it. It looks like a great mod and you should get it hosted in my opinion. Oh, and it's "their" not "there" if you're using the word to indicate something possesive.
Badgebomb's Map Pack Version 4.0 (little fix)
Iran replied to Badgebomb's topic in C&C Multiplayer Maps
Most of the maps needs a lot more detail and the Tiberium needs to be less rectangular and more organic, but the layout is really great. -
The part that you need to look at is: [16:33] -syn- Your reported hostname [1] is banned: Due to abuse we currently accept tor connections via our tor-sasl service only. See freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml - questions can be directed to [email protected] A hostmask on Freenode's network (other, standard IRC servers use a different format) looks like: host86-163-76-140.range86-163.btcentralplus.com/86 It's an identifier used by the IRC protocol, according to wikipedia: So they probably banned all the btcentralplus.com hostmasks or a subnet of them accidently.