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Everything posted by MattAttack
This is my new favorite map. thoughts?
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Go back and watch video 2 of my tutorials; I how to do it there. Or stumble upon it in some old ass post here on the forum like I did. Lol, I can't believe I used to put stealths everywhere instead! Yeah, expanding the entrance would probably be a good idea to ease traffic. As for the attacking teams, I'd recommend adding 1 or 2 more waypoints (deeper inside where the GDI base should be) to their orders before they "attack units" or whatever. They'll likely get tied up there or at least cause some damage to the base. Don't change it too much, though! -
was the commando approaching from the north?
Tiberian Dawn - The Scavenger's Revenge
MattAttack replied to Messiah's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
hmmm worth trying, but my gut tells me it won't work like that. To reiterate how this works: datk=Special,0,0,0,[glow=blue,2,300]1[/glow],0,15,[glow=red,2,300]1[/glow],0,0,1,RAPT:1,5,Move:8,Move:17,Move:8,Attack Base:8,Loop:2,0,0 This team, which has autocreate switched to [glow=blue,2,300]"on,"[/glow] will only be created when the autocreate trigger is activated. datk=Special,0,0,0,[glow=blue,2,300]0[/glow],0,15,[glow=red,2,300]1[/glow],0,0,1,RAPT:1,5,Move:8,Move:17,Move:8,Attack Base:8,Loop:2,0,0 This team, which has autocreate [glow=blue,2,300]"off"[/glow] will instantly be created if the units are available on the map (if they aren't on the map already, the units will be produced.) I've stopped using this method to create tems, though, as once it's been created if you save your game and reload it will actually be created again, potentially making the mission considerably more difficult. Again, see this post: Punishing Players for Abusing Savegames -
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Yeah, that's totally what I try to accomplish. I loved it when RC1985 would test my missions because he is the king of being able to exploit those loopholes, and he was extremely helpful in doing my best to foolproof my missions.... Just in case nobody's seen his speedruns -
Tiberian Dawn - The Scavenger's Revenge
MattAttack replied to Messiah's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Well, autocreate functions perfectly fine. If "#of teams" is set to 1 or higher and autocreate is on, that team won't be created until autocreate is activated. If "#of teams" is set to 1 or higher and autocreate is off, however, that many teams will be instantly created if the units are available. -
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
That is the fine line there.... I purposely refrain from exploiting the AI so I can best take in what the creator was trying to express. Of course, if I found the mission annoyingly frustrating as shit and just wanted to beat it, I'd probably resort to those last ditch efforts. HOWEVER-- when scripting a mission, I absolutely assume players are going to attempt these tactics and I do everything in my (limited) power to counter them. Be it through map layout, smart airstrikes, teamtype commands, etc. Oh shit, while writing this, you posted 2 new missions! heh heh, I can't keep up, lol! -
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
naw, unfortunately that command doesn't exist. Teams currently engaged in the "move" command will fire on units in range while moving to the waypoint, but wont really stop and engage unless they're fired upon. And yet another reason the "Attack Base/Unit" commands suck is that if you don't fire upon a unit going to attack your northern-most target it'll just keep on its merry way to kill that 1 minigunner instead of firing upon all other juicy targets of opportunity that it may come across. I'm kind of curious what you mean. I never got that impression and figured it was on purpose that I couldn't build Mammys or Adv comm. -
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Ah yes.... this is why "attack units/base" sucks. That is what they target. To bypass this, I usually have enemy teams move through a series of waypoints in the intended player base area before eventually going to "attack base." They will shoot at anything in their range as they "move" from waypoint to waypoint. The only side-effect of this is that if the player, for whatever reason, builds their base somewhere else on the map. Then the teams seem to insanely jog through a weird zig zag of points before heading off to the northern-most targets. So, I always try to make it so it's either impossible to build anywhere else, or just silly. Oh and BTW, I beat "Airland Battle." very cool for not really having any teams/triggers. Again, my only critique would be a smaller map and maybe a couple of patrols. -
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
I nominate "the Scorpion's Sting" for best mission title, lol. I can't believe none of us thought of that before, it's a pretty obvious and cool choice. As for the map itself, I really liked it. Although I beat it on the 1st try, I found it extremely fun. The "Twist of Fate-ish" 1st half was well done, yet challenging. And once I got my base established I love how I saw a ton of Nod reinforcement planes flying over, so I knew I was in for a hammering of attacks. I thought it was a nice psychological taunting. I liked the mix of units in the teamtypes that attacked and they were pretty relentless for a while. The enemy base gets a little congested, although in my case it was almost a good thing because when I attacked there were a bunch of flame tanks chilling right in front of the base's obelisks. I'm a sucker for desert maps and I thought the layout was creative and interesting. I guess I need to bitch about something, but all there is to fault is an unfinished cliff in the north of the map. There you go This is a map I'll probably play again. Unfortunately I ran out of time so that was the only one I fully completed thus far. But briefly: I just about made it all the way through "Airland Battle" and although it's a pretty simple map I liked the concept. My only suggestions on that would be maybe have a patrol or 2 moving about the map to make it seem more "alive" and I felt the map could have been a little smaller as I was getting slightly impatient with my units getting to where they needed to go. **update** just beat this one. good tmes I look forward to making it through all of them, they seem pretty well put together and the concepts appear well thought out. I have to say I'm super stoked at how the quality of missions uploaded lately (and not just these ones) has really gone up a couple of notches. Hooray for C&C! -
Tiberian Dawn - Extended Operations *SEPTEMBER UPDATE*
MattAttack replied to Darkstar387's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
Welcome to the forum and thanks for uploading some missions! Might finally have some time to play them tonight. I briefly played them both; being the excellent employee I am, I have a thumbdrive with c&c installed on it I plug into my work computer and screw around on lunch when nobody is looking... Seem very puzzle-like. Well, I'll give them a go and tell you what I think! -
Tiberian Dawn - The Scavenger's Revenge
MattAttack replied to Messiah's topic in C&C Singleplayer Maps
datk=Special,0,0,0,0,0,15,[glow=red,2,300]1[/glow],0,0,1,RAPT:1,5,Move:8,Move:17,Move:8,Attack Base:8,Loop:2,0,0 The "[glow=red,2,300]1[/glow]" after the 15 will automatically create that amount of teams if autocreate is off on that team. Therefore, if you activate the "autocreate" bit on that team or change the [glow=red,2,300]1[/glow] to a 0, the team wont automatically be produced. **edit** see this topic: http://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=4025.0 -
C&C 95/Tiberian Dawn Mission scripting tutorials
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
after 20 minutes on highest game speed. I placed no tiberium on the map. Although, XCC considers it water-- if that means anything.... -
C&C 95/Tiberian Dawn Mission scripting tutorials
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
Speaking of hex editing-- I was messing around and seeing if there was a tile that was buildable and passable, yet was a barrier to tiberium growth and realized I'd never seen tiberium growing over a bridge. Voila! pavement made from the road on the bridge. I'm gonna experiment and see if anything cool comes of this O_o -
looks cool! Reminds me a little of "sand crystal shard" by GiftS but with more tiberium to fight over. I always liked that map. heh heh I love the potential to be a real douche with Chinooks/orcas/apaches. Now if I only had the time to play
Problem with CCMap and other questions
MattAttack replied to Commander_Jack's topic in Mapping Discussion
wow, neat looking landscape! As cn2mc said, XCC has a "power status" under tools, although there's a couple minor bugs. Off the top of my head, a structure that's not on the map at the start, but built by the AI is counted in the power status. It's likely Nyer has a helpful guide somewhere with all those power stats, though -
Problem with CCMap and other questions
MattAttack replied to Commander_Jack's topic in Mapping Discussion
kind of interesting that it's the witchdoctor's hut as opposed to the church -
Problem with CCMap and other questions
MattAttack replied to Commander_Jack's topic in Mapping Discussion
but wasn't the civilian decay negligible? If so, it doesn't seem worth it to trade that miniscule bug for this one.... It's all semantics at this point, though.... -
C&C 95/Tiberian Dawn Mission scripting tutorials
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
well, just tested it. If you do it just like in the example, the apc comes into the map and stops, then is recruited into the next team. However it unloads he grenadiers and takes off to "attack base" and the grenadiers just sit there, which is understandable since they aren't even in the 2nd team. The crazy thing, though is that when you add them to the second team, it doesn't get recruited whatsoever. It's like the AI was looking for infantry to recruit off of the map, not in the apc. As I thought it didn't work but as per usual it doesn't work in exciting, unexpected ways -
C&C 95/Tiberian Dawn Mission scripting tutorials
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
heh heh I don't know what you're talking about Still, I had a moment of free time and went for it, quality be damned! I was gonna do a voice-over but time ran out! Yeah, I think I remember seeing that in the .ini. Hmmm... that warrants a test! It wouldn't surprise me if it didn't work, though; I'm really shocked at the amount of stuff in the originals that doesn't work properly. Is it surprising I have those mission pages bookmarked? lol. -
C&C 95/Tiberian Dawn Mission scripting tutorials
MattAttack replied to MattAttack's topic in Mapping Tutorials
At long last, here's 2 new videos. I think I need to update codecs or something, because the sound is slightly messed up at times. It's easy to get the point though (I hope). How to stack tiles & hex edit: http://youtu.be/hU1cj4R9XzQ Scripting Lesson 8- More confusing U1 stuff: http://youtu.be/O4fCE3niV3s -
Problem with CCMap and other questions
MattAttack replied to Commander_Jack's topic in Mapping Discussion
Neat looking map! You obviously know how to overlap tiles, but here's a new video in regards to that and hex editing: http://youtu.be/hU1cj4R9XzQ The sound gets a little sketchy here and there, but you can get the gist of it -
Heh, I think it'd be just fine without structures! It looks like a way less annoying version of HJK6 lol. But are those unfinished cliff edges i see? tsk tsk
Problem with CCMap and other questions
MattAttack replied to Commander_Jack's topic in Mapping Discussion
Hello Jack! Seems you've come to the right place to ask this stuff so I'll do my best-- and I'm sure others will chime in. 1)This I'm not sure of as I haven't used ccmap in years, but I think I remember seeing another post about a similar issue, probably here on the mapping board. Found it: http://forums.cncnet.org/index.php?topic=2495.0 2)I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to add tiles as long as it's in the correct palette. (someone may correct me on this one) However, I have found with proper tile stacking and overlapping you can accomplish just about anything. I actually hex-edit cells all of the time to make shit look really awesome. Hmmm... I should do a tutorial on THAT! 3)Hmmm... this is probably a bad idea. At best I think the colors will be all kinds of messed up. But if you really wanted to, you could just find out the structure "name" i.e. V31, FACT, etc and manually type it into the .ini And if I understand you correctly you cannot mix desert and temperate tiles. this leads to graphical hall of mirrors effects or crashes. 4)For the player, the tech level is not adjustable. I made some scripting tutorials, too: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgVvRqoxkObvfNAz_I9PsvdZ3pafMDQZ4 -
Best I could accomplish was enemy reinforcements mindlessly attacking the players in my map Metal Onsaught, availible on cncnet. The reinforcements never end and you can't really win without turning on your ally, although it's on my list to rework it and maybe add some airstrikes/chinook reinforcements.