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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. holy shit what a mouthful! Seriously though, I'd probably be able to contribute a couple of maps and/or script a couple pre-made maps. Obviously I don't have much free time these days; and what I do have I use for my campaign (whoo almost 1/2 done!), but I could commit to at least that. That is, if you're using the standard TD format. I, too, had been looking into making cutscenes and hopefully will make some progress on that front. I mean, how hard could crappy mid-90's CGI really be these days? Heh heh, I also might have some blue screen paint. I think I can pull off an "evil cheezy overacting badguy"
  2. fuckin awesome, can't wait to try it! lol, just as I was lamenting how it didn't seem worth it to make any more how-to videos.... I better fire up my bandicam! (as soon as I have a free minute, I just had a baby...) I'll play as soon as I can!
  3. Wow, where to start. I guess first of all, I'm perfectly happy with the way C&C is balanced and don't want to change anything. Heh, I think part of me has spent soo much time getting used to c&c that I don't want to relearn it. If I was in to that, I probably wouldn't be playing a 20-year old game.. lol Also, I'm a purist at heart so I, too, even cringe a little bit at the alterations to the cargo plane. Some very interesting points have been made here in regards to the balancing on the old WW maps compared to the tiberium-fests we have these days. Makes me want to make an old WW-style map without a bunch of tib. Too bad few will play it since I think a lot of the newer players seem to think more tib=better, more fun game. I'm pretty sure I used to think that. I just wish more people would play both sides, (instead of always being Nod) I have always believed the best way to keep TD alive is to be friendly, positive and contribute as much as possible to the community-- I personally don't care who is the best and I don't even have the time to do my "push-ups" to be a serious contender anyways. (Although it was a goal of mine in the beginning to beat Lovehandles-- lol) I really like White's suggestion about spectating and commentating on others playing-- again, I wish I had the time to do it these days. Although I think you guys are a bit more qualified to comment on the rights/wrongs of the players. I don't think a "spectator mode" is really necessary to make that happen either. A third person on the map --whether they resign or not-- leads to more interesting start positions anyways. And for negative douche-trolls? I don't know... All I can do is try to overcome their effect by being 3x as positive as they are negative. And when in doubt ignore, ignore ignore....
  4. Oh when I say it "feels" different, shit, I can't even really explain it. Even RA1 felt different in something as subtle as selecting units and sending them somewhere on the map. Maybe I'm just fuckin nuts, but I swear I could feel it in my clicking finger... lol
  5. DARK GREY!!! WOO! Yeah.... it's just that 3/4 of the people posting here are the die-hard loyalist purist ORIGINAL C&C fanatics. I did try DTA a couple of years ago and it just didn't feel the same to me. Maybe it's changed, but I'm pretty sure I'll be playing TD till I die--- or until computers wont run it.
  6. changing of the color scheme is available in singleplayer, just not in MP. I wouldn't want to mess with the colors of players, as that probably would be messing with intricate stuff, but since nobody is playing as neutral/special/badguy/goodguy I would hope it would be simple.
  7. Oh yeah, being able to change the color scheme of Neutral/Special in MP. Minor, I know, but on maps with capturable structures, it sucks if a human player is that GDI gold.
  8. It's been a while since I messed with it, but my co-op map is SCM233ea of this pack if you wanted to check it out. I (for some long forgotten reason) use "badguy" as the enemy. I have recently figured out a way to end the waves (I think) but have yet to find a successful WIN trigger. Just make sure any testing you do is on a live network game and not a "skirmish." That's how me and GiftS found out that you couldn't script Airstrikes for players without crashes. As for all of your questions, I'm sorry but my memory is pretty foggy but I'm sure the answer is mostly no, lol. Please test all of your ideas and let us know, I'd love to get working co-op for TD. oh yeah, also look at this topic: http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?topic=4056.0 it might be helpful I, alas, don't have much time for messing with it these days.. so good luck!!
  9. random starts and 6 PLAYERS AGAIN!!!!!
  10. The AI can't do anything complicated. I made a Co-op map where the computer endlessly sends waves of units towards the players-- the only problem with that, is that there was no way to "win" other than to un-ally and kill each other eventually. I'm still investigating the possibilities of co-op maps, but complex orders are an impossibility.
  11. MattAttack

    Game speed

    I agree completely. If I'm facing someone I've never seen before, I still start with my usual build order and churn out units just in case, but after I scout their base and see only 1 ref or whatever I chill and try to chat with them. I'll advise building more refs and hold back a while. Sadly, some people just quit once they see the force I've amassed. Or they quit when I annihilate a poorly executed engi/apc rush. Sucks though, I never quit so easily when I started.
  12. Alas, no. even imprisoning them in walls doesn't really even help. As soon as you unleash them they'll go for the Northernmost player. Possibly reinforcing by Chinook, although its still a 99% chance they'll still act the same. And not to split hairs, but I believe their command is more "attack units/base" than hunt. Tis a subtle difference.
  13. Looks cool, but those visceroids are gonna attack the Northernmost player right away....
  14. Yeah, duh... guess my mind was in singleplayer map design mode.. heh heh. I bet Lovehandles could find a way, though!! But, maybe lots of islands arranged in an archipelago would force it with Chinooks and all, but it's easy to get a map with lots of stalemates that way.
  15. Well, different strokes ya know..... I'm not a big fan of all those tiberium soaked maps either, but they are pretty popular..... for now. Although whether I like them or not, I do appreciate the variety available-- and if they get people playing the game, awesome!! I'm definitely more from the perspective of White or cn2mc who obviously have a tremendous understanding of the game mechanics and take them into account when designing a map. Nothing irritates me more than where someone designed a map where my harvester will potentially go in a straight line right into the enemy's base because of the stupid NW logic not being considered. But, I wouldn't consider them catastrophic to the game design or anything. heh heh it's almost like an evolutionary tree. Since I've been here there was N3t's maps first, then Ferret/Cheese/Dakota's maps and now it has branched off into either Manu style (tiberium) maps or White/cn2mc/me style (technical) maps. The good ones will last the test of time. hmmm... kind of gives me the idea of making a map where infantry would almost have the advantage. narrow winding passages, clear paths with no tiberium.... too bad I don't have any time these days
  16. Whoo finally a topic about ME! and I didn't even have to create a fake profile and start it about myself..... http://youtu.be/jyngxs7ytaE?list=PLgVvRqoxkObvdXUNdPCZHuo-CzJoxxRZZ
  17. Or a video where you don't beat the mission.... **cough cough** Nod 7ec **cough** Honestly, I felt a little trolled That's one of my favorite missions!
  18. C&C has 49 missions and they all use different maps.* Sometimes the map select screen will make it look like there's 2 variants (GDI13 I think) when in reality there's only 1. They do, however, use some of the same objectives. Think Nod's "steal the crate" map(s). :yo: *the only exception might be GDI6/7 where 7 uses an expanded version of 6's map.
  19. Um.... I feel stupid asking, but I know absolutely nothing about RA. Do I need other files besides this rules.ini? Do I just start a skirmish/go online or is there a campaign? Right now I have Humvees & Meds with no icons which are invisible. Help!
  20. Exactly correct This really limits its usefulness-- however now I'm going to have a "rescue Nyerguds" mission where you get credits from a civi evac, which carry over to the next mission And hey, now you get a cameo in the campaign! Yeah I think I read a post, probably by you, theorizing about that. Tried it and it did nothing. But now that I think about it, I'm not sure if I had player silos in the next mission waiting to be "carried over" into... maybe I'll test that later today
  21. Figured I'd share a couple things I've gleaned from working on my campaign regarding this topic. First of all, I've been experimenting with the "carry over money" function and trying to utilize it in new and exciting ways and discovered that harvested tiberium IS NOT carried over whatsoever, but "credits" (money from crates, cancelling construction, selling units/structures) are. Kind of a bummer because I was trying to create a bonus mission where you must harvest a shitload of Tib in a limited amount of time to carry over but it just won't work that way. Second in regards to the "credits" trigger; it works in a very similar manner. Tiberium harvested amounts to nothing towards a trigger activated by "credits" but money crates and the like will. Just in case anybody gives a shit... lol
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