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Everything posted by MattAttack

  1. Nice looking map. I like the double bridge at the base Did I mention I really like nice looking maps? To amend some of Nyer's comments: -In regards to the production and autocreate triggers, I've always seen the house set to 'none' for destroyed triggers. I have to test when I get home, but production should automatically start for Nod (even when set to 'none'). Goodguy vs. Badguy is interesting in this relationship. In many original missions, the PLAYER would enter a celltrigger (set to player's house) and it would automatically start the opposing faction's production. When fooling around with multi-house however, the house trigger had to be linked to THAT multi house. Meaning only they could enter their own celltriggers to activate their own production. IIRC of course, been a while since I researched that. -AI a-10's only can "attack base/units" not follow waypoints. There are ways of controlling where they come from a little bit, by altering the border just inside and outside of the playable area. -I always loop. It is the only way to be reliably sure they'll loop. I have a feeling it depends on what a team's last command is whether they'll loop or not automatically. I'll try to play it later today if I get a chance!
  2. Yeah, AI can definitely RE-build structures so I don't see why they couldn't build them. Learned this from GiftS' SW maps where you capture neutral structures and the AI keeps rebuilding them if destroyed. As far as scripting attacks, you probably can get them to produce infantry and units, but scripting them to do anything is pretty useless. They always go to "attack the northern-most thing" mode. The only successful things I've got to work in MP are the c-17 cash trick, reinforcements (which attack northernmost), and an empty chinook landing on the map. Hmmm... maybe I should try that one with troops. Computer airstrikes probably work, as well.
  3. Oooh... that just made me think of some evil, low-down shit I could pull on this map with a chinook.
  4. whoops, sorry. For some reason I thought you had started this topic in regards to MP flares. Then I saw this and thought the flares might've signaled when the truce would be over. Just me being absent-minded. Oh yeah, I feel your pain for not being able to change color schemes in MP
  5. interesting idea... did the flares not work? if not, this is an clever workaround. heh heh, I don't know if anybody is willing to give up their rushing tendencies, though...
  6. looks interesting... I'd just advise making the 2 Chinooks that land in the north belong to house "neutral" with a North edge. That way in case somebody plays with starting units, there's no danger of the northern choppers getting shot down. Island maps are tough in regards to getting the balance right
  7. Either way, test all triggers in a live lan/cncnet game. I once gave a player airstrikes for capturing a structure in MP. It worked fine in sandbox mode but when I went into a live game it caused OOS errors. I'm skeptical for flares to work in MP, but it would be rad if it did! P.S. Plying the game on cncnet requires a different method than Nyer mentioned. You can name it anything as long as you have both the .bin and .ini in maps/custom/ of your cnc folder.
  8. Uncanny.... This is exactly what I was going to cover in my next video. To prevent a unit from reacting to base destruction or even a harvester being attacked, recruit it into a team of 1 unit with a U1 of 20 or higher and set it to guard. It'll just sit there if you start blowing stuff up yet still be recruitable as long as the team it's being recruited into has a U1 that's higher. I've been looking into manipulating this system to it's full potential, but I'm still trying to figure a way to articulate it properly without being too confusing. Not sure how they did it on blackout, though... possibly something to do with the build level. I know in the original campaigns, the AI won't react to harvesters being attacked until about level 4 or so. Not due to the build-level, mind you, but something probably hardcoded into the game itself. Interestingly enough, I've been meaning to experiment with this. In one of LKO's missions here (forget which one) He had actually gotten pre-placed overlay like sandbags, etc. listed under the "structures" part of the .ini and you can actually build off of it. I always wondered if you could then attach a trigger to it. I personally then got the idea of putting it in the "base" section to try and get the AI to build a wall, although for some reason, they'd only build 1 sandbag and then quit. strange......
  9. aw shit.. just beat version 3. Anyway, very cool map! I don't want to spoil it, so I'll try to be a little vague. I might PM with some questions and/or suggestions. Nice layout and concept and I like it's sort of sinister undertone, for a GDI mission. Very puzzle-like with some interesting solutions, which have already inspired me with some mission ideas myself. My complaints are few; what you mention about the APC in the readme was a bit of a problem for me, since had to re-load the game several times. Not sure how you get around that one, though-- and it's frustrating because you really NEED most of those engis! I felt thrown into some pretty cruel, desperate situations (although karma I suppose for some of my older, more sadistic missions) and some more average players might be turned off, just depends on who you're trying to appeal to. I appreciated having to wrack my brain a bit in the beginning. I liked the flight path of the Chinook coming in, but felt a little trolled by it on it's way out, though.. lol (Didn't know if that was intentional or if I neglected to destroy a couple of structures) So, in closing: Really liked it, clever, and I might borrow some of your ideas! And don't forget to kill all your Dr. Chans!
  10. Oh for sure! I thought I had mentioned it in my tutorials, but I do no more than 5 inf. or 5 units in any team. I even found that mixing up the combinaions (somehow 5 grenadiers got stuck/twitchy, but not 2 minigunners & 3 grens?-- just an off the top of the head example) assisted a lot. mixes of units and infantry require more testing, however. In my map "on the down low" I got teams of 8 grens to consistently attack , but some would get stuck in-base occasionally. Experimenting and a refusal to accept the limitations of the game are key! That's fuckin awesome! I wish I could play more these days, but I'm pretty busy. Friday/Saturday 12am-6am PST is about the only time I might be around-- at least for the foreseeable future. Love to get a vid of me trouncing you--- or better yet me getting trounced by you! Either way I'm super stoked there's TD fanatics other than me, jacko, nyer, white. cn2mc, etc around! Just watch out for chem though, he has Ebola! XD
  11. I rarely find myself having the time, nor the building capacity for AGTs, even when I the situation desperately calls for it. Stealths, bikes, buggies, engis, lots of stuff. I think it's just a matter of dedicating the production capacity/time for it. That, and they're stationary. Lol, one of my earliest experiences with TD was a DOS dial up 1v1 versus my buddy where I built a bunch of stealths which got too close to a couple of his AGTs. Motherfucker said "ha ha, I bet that was expensive!" Granted, I got my revenge like 15 years later... XD
  12. Yeah, then my money is on a reinforcement having "# of teams set to 1," since, iirc, I had a mission where that made the AI build the team automatically and when it was reinforced (making the existing # of teams on the map 2) my game crashed. Again, it's all speculation without the .ini
  13. Glad I could clarify some problems for you. However without the .ini (primarily teamtypes & triggers) the crash messages are useless to me. Maybe Nyer knows what they mean, but I think it's doubtful. For example, I once had a reinforcement crash the game because the # of teams was set to 1. (don't do this for reinforcements! lol) I'd suggest attaching the .ini in it's entirety. Sadly, yes. Something hardcoded into the game. I wanted to make a "recapture your base back from Nod" mission where they attacked with mediums. Just wasn't possible (without reinforcements or probably pre-placed units. I don't like using multi-houses, personally. I want my kill-count to be PERFECT! lol
  14. hilarious. That sounds like a modern day twilight zone episode or something.
  15. fair enough: It doesn't take much detective work to find these things, though. I mean, I wouldn't want anybody insulting his penis size... lol
  16. lol no doubt... Found this in my email today; guess who's forum account this links to? Funny though, I feel neither sufficiently offended nor terrorized... just disappointed. Both because of the impotence of the message and the sad sate of the sender. But I have to admit, to get on my shitlist takes some effort...
  17. It's on the list, if I ever get it together. Next one is finishing up what I've learned about the U1#.
  18. Well, without the .ini to look at, some things come to mind. Most likely, I know that it's impossible for "badguy" to build medium tanks, so it's very likely that "goodguy" can't make flame tanks or buggies. You could always try using a multi-house, which can build anything I think, although the score screen at the end won't register them as "kills." Also make sure your WF or Airstrip is the proper house, as I always find myself accidentally putting stuff down as "neutral" since it's the same stupid gold color. Also, the "credits" trigger doesn't count tiberium harvested, it only counts actual credits derived from crates, selling stuff, or starting cash. (or the c-17 trick if you know what that is) Other than that, the screenshots you provided look perfectly functional definitely check out Nyerguds' ccmanual and read it carefully. Additionally, I made some tutorial videos if you haven't seen them: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgVvRqoxkObvfNAz_I9PsvdZ3pafMDQZ4 And my best advice: Stay determined, experiment a lot and don't give up!
  19. heh heh, yeah don't get me started on how stupid gunboats act.... I had to learn those exact same lessons myself. I'm glad to hear you're trying that stuff out as well! I want to play it again, but I rarely have a free minute for multiplayer these days and any free minutes are mostly dedicated to my singleplayer campaign (which can be interrupted by a diaper change or a feeding) I'm glad to see that for being fairly new around here, you're definitely ahead of the curve as far as understanding how a lot of this stuff works. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me as I could write an encyclopedia about the stuff I've learned about c&c over the last 4 years. I just haven't had the time to make more tutorials (I had planned on amending Nyer's ccmanual also.) Just today I discovered some new insights into the "smudge" section of the .ini!
  20. Don't know how I missed this post but I saw it yesterday and decided to try it out. Unfortunately there was only 1 other player readily available so I couldn't test it's full potential, but it was pretty cool! I always like capturable structures and these days I'm starting to prefer maps with less tiberium on them. You definitely need to pay attention to your harvesters (which I don't mind) and further testing is needed to see if the gunboats will attack all players fairly, as they act pretty retarted sometimes. Aesthetically it's a bit blocky, but I've seen much worse looking maps in my time-- I mean, at least all the cliffs/shores/etc. all line up properly. I'd suggest some 2v2 tests online (as skirmish sometimes doesn't reveal all flaws) and if the gunboats work well, I wouldn't change a thing. Good job! Oh, BTW of course I recorded the game: http://youtu.be/cNbRyOImyik
  21. Um... Aren't there plenty of working versions here? And plenty of "remasters," i.e. DoTA, the redux, etc. Probably better than EA would do anyway...
  22. heh heh, I consciously decided to be a good boy and deploy at the flare site. After meticulously planning many a mission, I know how it can screw up the mission makers plans if you deploy elsewhere! very very cool map though! An ambitious, original* concept that was pretty well executed! Enemy attacks were pretty relentless-- though not impossible to fend off. I felt just the right amount of harassment. I don't want to spoil too much, but on my first try I saw that just turtling in your south base was a recipe for disaster as they started putting down helis and obelisks. I really liked how SSMs would "guard" just outside of my base and shoot rockets at my stuff. And I'm pretty sure in my tutorials I professed my love of the "built it" trigger, so I really liked those! My critiques are pretty minor and subjective....... I'm not a huge fan of "force move" since teams won't counter attack when you engage them, but I don't think it's really necessary to change them here since there's such a variety and frequency of attacks. (I would say however, that "force move" IS essential for APCs/chinooks with engis in them.) After beating the mission, I perused the .ini and I'm not sure if "retreat" is a command that functions properly, but again, I didn't notice anything while playing the mission. That's all I can think of right now, but good job I loved it! *Kilkakon had asked me to script a mission for a map he created (for his mod) and came to me with a very similar concept with the Nukes at the beginning. I loved seeing someone else's approach to the same concept and how they circumvented the same problems I ran into. (player selling the targets, I'd imagine) Where you solved it with the use of a multi house, I had a weird house of cards of "dest trigger XXXX" if they sold the structures. XXXX being one of the nukes. So I found it particularly interesting. I just hope Kilk completes his mod so it can go public!
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