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[CC] RaVaGe

Ladder Tester
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  1. I had to restart the campaign because of this and next time it wasn't doing it. Try to play from a previous mission to reach this one again, or re-install the game, and check out community patches.
  2. Use trigger with the action "do damage at waypoint...". 3 waypoints directly under the bridge are enough, for preview rendering you should set the tiles manually.
  3. You need to add an active animation to the object and make it spawn a particle animation. SpawnsParticle=SmlGryActSmk NumParticles=4
  4. Updated Final Alert 2 downloads in the first post with the new Final Alert 2 v2.02b based on the released source code. New re-arranged menu toolbar. New larger toolbar icons. Added status bar features. The map terrain editor's background colour is set to dark grey. The Map visible area bounds and playable area bounds are displayed separately. Full changes list on Github: https://github.com/CnC-RaVaGe/YRR_Mission_Editor
  5. Disable Red Alert 2 mode, the map uses some triggers only available in Yuri's Revenge.
  6. All been done before... See attachment. yrr_20082024.ini
  7. Use the version under the "Mod maps" category, please.
  8. Here take a look at the changes I reached on the finalized balance patch. yrr_21112023.ini
  9. @Pyrite You're right mostly, except about Allied requiring nerfs, which they do on some units. Such as Battlefortress, Seal, and certain promotion bonuses for units at the first level, so the spy is not overpowered. The Prism tank is mostly fine, but needs a greater delay between shots so that Prism tank chrono combination doesn't completely wipe out bases. Yuri Needs to be changed the most. Soviets need fine-tuning with their Battle Lab tier units and of course, the Desolator nerf.
  10. @Grant fix link please, http://https//opencollective.com/cncnet Some typo on site... Is CnCNet Legal? Yes. CnCNet is legal to use. We patch and re-package officially freeware games released by EA so they continue to work. For games that are not freeware, we purposely only include our CnCNet installer as a download which looks for looks for a copy of your game to patch.
  11. @NimoStar Those are some nice ideas, many of which I agree on. I've already created a patch separate from the one in the current client, that is more thorough and complete. The reason why it's separate is due to the leadership on the client updates changed and they have a different preference to balance changes. Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you want to try out the newer version, just add "ravage_the_savage".
  12. It's a good idea. However, for more active games I'd prefer if players decayed out of the top 10, as it seems unreasonable for players to just play enough games and just wait for the month to end.
  13. @MoamenMagdy are you sure this is not for Red Alert 2?
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