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  1. Interesting. You mean C&C or my mod can be realised as a pen&paper game? It was thinking about sometimes, but is difficult to decide which game to use as base. TD/RA1 have not the engine to support all technical features. Some of the ideas actually were put into my Discovert Ops campaign. Though Discovert Ops doesn't base on a side specific gameplay, instead the player has to fight against an enemy with superior technology, and even each mission has its own tech tree and unique units.
  2. Some stats for a hypothetical C&C game I wrote some years ago. This was intended to be a pixeled, old-school command and conquer, featuring 3 well-balanced sides: GDI with a hightech firepower and battlefield dominance, Nod with an arsenal and special abilities for underground guerilla warfare, Soviets with an army, where the strength comes from mass-producing and manpower. cnc_tn.pdf
  3. Try this one. Both enemy houses are set to IQ=5. The pale red guy will immediately build Tanya and Mammoth tanks although it has no tech center (and Turkey was an allied house anyway if I remember right) It appeared in all versions of the original RA1, I don't know if this is already fixed in the remastered game. cmu98ea.ini
  4. I think about to port my old Discovert Operations mod for this, which bases on a custom ra95.exe, which supports new units and Tschokkys terrain expansion packs, e.g. cave theater. Things that could be fixed are the "new construction options" bug, when owning both allied and soviet helipads; and the IQ=5 bug in singleplayer mode, what allows the AI house to build units of both sides, regardless of Owner= and Prerequisite= settings. I probably will have time in spring or summer for some testing
  5. They finally will work. I canceled my intention to use a customized .exe for my stuff, because the game crashed too often then. I have reworked roundabout half of my missions, I think I could finish them mid-2021.
  6. Will mods for RA1 or RA1 3.03-portable (Iran patch) work on this?
  7. expandmd06.part2.7z I reuploaded the terrain expansion file, because it is really hard to find in the www. Due to file size limits, I had to split this up into two posts. see previous post for part 1. Use 7zip to extract.
  8. Maybe you don't use the paste tool correctly. When you use the paste tool, the map isn't placed yet, it is attached to the mouse cursor. Move to the correct cell with the cursor (this is actually quite a mess to find this cell) and place the map by left-clicking.
  9. Good one, but there is not much space to build up a base
  10. Does anyone have tracks of this band, or knows more about it? https://www.metal-archives.com/bands/Tiberium/92049
  11. RA1 Tesla coil is no laser animation. There are a few bolt shps, which are put together somehow by the game. These can be extracted and edited of course.
  12. it's the [AI] section, these section are already in the file.
  13. open FinalSun 2 times. 1. map1: resize to size of map1 + map2 2. map2: edit -> copy whole map 3. map1: edit -> paste. place map at the exact position and height.
  14. Or you can make two triggers: trigger1 is contantly reinforcing the GNRL unit - set the house to Multi1-8 (Number of starting waypoint +1) and trigger2 disables trigger1 when the airfield is destroyed.
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