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Everything posted by X3M

  1. Well, if you don't like the mobile factory. I understand. Somehow it felt off for me as well. It didn't really add up to the main strategies. It was a very cheap proxy too. Mistakes are to be learned from too. And the only way to make mistakes, is to try things out. But what exactly didn't you like about it? Was it the fact that you didn't had to base creep? It could be carried over to a place where you would not scout at all after the first scout? Or that its build speed was that of the main base in cooperated? PS. If you have trouble with AoW3. PM me. Also, no bikes, but 2 buggies.
  2. Hey! You are looking at how they are thinking. cool. If that was their train of thought. Why didn't they allow for both options? Or better yet, a second option for refineries like a re-deployable refinery (+power). A bit more expensive. But worthwhile the money and trouble. Just like the mobile war factory in TS. Enough about "off topic". I have experienced something this last month regarding RTS gaming on the mobile phone. If EA-games came to the community about 2 years ago regarding this. THEY could have made something similar like AoW3. Now, I am not going to write what this game has. But EA-games could study it and get idea's from it. Maybe making a better mobile app than rivals, while using TD as the basis. All they need to do is study AoW3. And apply this to C&C TD. Of course with better and more realistic graphics. Less money grabbing!! Have commercials or something for their income. And if they really want players to pay them money. Simply allow for free download. But let the players buy cards in a shop. Like how WOW works. Not a monthly pay. Just a one time payment for buying the game. And if they really want to, have the same card for the same money, provide something else in the game. I dunno, module's for customisation of units and such. Like how CoD has expansion packs.
  3. X3M

    "Useless" units

    You can't win that. - You are trying to hyjack this topic. - You are telling others in an indirect way to shut up. Even though they deleted that post. - You are calling people noob for posting here. - Your PM to me can be read by admins. And if not, I made a screen shot of it right away. You know what. This topic's title. Seems to be very fitting to you. Good day sir.
  4. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Stop trolling JamesRyko.
  5. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Put that war declaration into PM's. Are you trying to hyjack the topic JamesRyko?
  6. Hey. I have given some "positive" input. Was that joke really that harsh that I already got 2 sad faces? It is sarcasm on the other posts here (in any topic and discord) about Blizzard. I wonder if the big guy is going to comment on any of this stuff.
  7. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Tell that X story to the players that met my light tanks rush in red alert 1.
  8. A storm is coming. It is called a Blizzard. Yeah, they know how to keep things alive and well. If only EA games could follow their lead.
  9. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Well, can't help it that this topic once got moved to the TS forums. That wasn't my idea. It was supposed to be more of a general topic. And it was supposed to be, "hey, I find these "useless"". For others to tell them how to use them at best or simply agree. But it shows that TS has the most divided community about the game. And those who like to twist words showed up too. It always ends up in fighting between some of you guys. Somehow it ended up in someone being all like "you're all noobs", "you don't know how to play the game!" "don't complain!". While this topic could have answers like a simple "how about you try to use the unit like this?". I guess that is the TS community for ya. Be like Ore_truck, show a video. That was helpful. Don't shout unsupported things, people tend to ignore you eventually.
  10. X3M

    "Useless" units

    It really depends on the games. I meant squishing in general terms. Not ts specific. In ts, squishing is a smaller problem. When I think squish. I think red alert. Where 700 can squish 1500 on the go. Maybe a second 1500 too. In dune 2000, this is 700 on 450. Except for in chaotic combat. In ts a titan can squish only one infantry at a time. Right? That is 800 on 250. That is a good number. During the years judging by games. It has been nerved. Imho, dune 2000 gets close, but isn't there yet. Maybe because squishing here is related to the tanks speed. The movement is like the rate of fire too. I played a board game where squishing was possible. But hard to do. Let's just say the stupid and unlucky got squished there. It was health related too. I could go into further detail. But it was a board game. But I feel that squishing there was done right. My main point was that more expensive infantry died just as fast against splash and squish, than rifle men. The rifle men here are often the last choice against the more expensive infantry. There are better options despite the rifle men being a valid one. Not talking about ts here. In ts, I bet that rifle men can deal with rocket troops just fine. To bad it is always GDI by almost everyone.
  11. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Dune 2000 and KKnD have this. Plus KKnD has extra health on infantry due to splash and squishing reasons. Very effective against certain AI. Dune 2000 still has almost no use for the riflemen. I only remember troopers as fodder.
  12. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Juggernaut syndrome: Bigger is better. Plus this rule that the big units can step on the smaller ones. They worked hard, to reduce this effect in C&C3. Where unit sizes and clumsiness also play a role. The squishing has ruined a lot in the games. Players tend to ignore infantry, once tanks roll out. Because, squish,. squish...squish,squish,squish. And the more expensive the infantry units are, the more effective this squishing is.
  13. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Exactly. With those from C&C3 the least narrow. Well, the GDI variant at least. There are plenty of other games where the light infantry function throughout all tiers. So, where did EA-games and a bit of Westwood, go wrong? Realism?
  14. Nice to see it being remade. But I don't like the fact that they are adding new stuff.
  15. I think it isn't impossible, to have an uneven number of player slots being balanced. But TD sure makes it hard. This is due to the following reasons: - Maps are always small. - Tiberium grows randomly in patches. Which for some reason, need to be as big as possible in opinion of most players. - The grid is squared in combination with the limited terrain options for map making. - Top down and left right effects. Solutions: - Small patches of tiberium. Let's say a 5x7 grid or so with 2 tree's in them. Players just have to accept the slow (but intended) income. - Don't mind the terrain in being good looking. Just begin with only grass and water tiles. No rivers, no shorelines, no cliffs. etc. Just 2 terrain types. Build able and none buildable. This way, the map can be build balanced. - Expanding to the third/fifth/seventh spot should be very hard with base creeping. Just force the guys to build that MCV.
  16. X3M

    "Useless" units

    That is a constructive video. Here I have seen some rare cases of cannon fodder indeed. It saves titans if the infantry can add some chaos to it. I also spotted some infantry trying to take out a power plant. I wonder what happens if someone starts aiming for power plants only with those MK2's while ignoring all other structures. It is as how I described it. But I don't see "strong" light infantry in the mid game. What precise moment in the video shows "strong" light infantry that I missed? Except for the infantry vs infantry, which is the scouting force.
  17. That 1v1 becoming 2v2. I have seen it before. But it works better in the form of 2v2 from the start. However, the first party sets up a base, can't build units. This in a time limit. They also don't have much resources to harvest. The second party will start from scratch with some units to defend with. As if they are the invaders. A player that likes to use infantry only? You need some decent nerfing on the anti infantry weapons. Namely flame based and crushing. An idea that just popped up, to make soldiers more useful. Is a pause on the tanks who crush them. If they drive over the soldiers, it takes time to turn them into mince meat. In other words, the movement speed of a tank over infantry is significant slower then on normal ground. If possible, depending on the number of infantry standing in that square. And a flame weapon can jump only X times from soldier to soldier. Maybe leaving some only damaged. So NO 100 army going down within 1 second by 1 candle light.
  18. X3M

    "Useless" units

    The light infantry are the ones that I think about. Scouting only. After that. It is titans all over the place with a mammoth3 on a carryallstick and bombers. Have you ever seen light infantry take down a cy? It takes ages. Any other game shows acceptable speed regarding lightest infantry taking out the most important structure. Sure they are usefull against soft targets like mrls and bikes etc. But those are almost never around either. I guess they can take a shot at power plants or rocket troops if those are around.
  19. X3M

    "Useless" units

    Well. I don't mind a bit of derailing off topic. It is still on topic too. Safe to say that TS has the most issue with this "useless" problem? Some other RTS games have some neat solutions. Units that show no use. Or a lack of. They can get an unique double function. While infantry are used for scouting. Or even are able to take a soft structure down with them (except in TS). In for example AoW3 they can throw grenades that reduce accuracy of opponents. The heavier the opponent. The higher the inaccuracy effect is. It is that little trick. An effect that grows stronger while the unit itself is weaker in comparison. This trick makes an unit usefull in every tier. Not just the first scouting tier. C&C games (that I have played) don't have this solution. But future games might benefit from this.
  20. I think they could do a lot with how tiberium grows. Especially in TD. C&C3 almost got it perfect. Only the circular shapes should be more randomized. Growth should be a bit faster then 1 harvester taking it. And a bit slower compared to 2 or 3. A set limit of course. That way, resources are imho as fair as possible. Also, the ai should not cheat with resources. Filling those silo's. No other way to store the money like in dune2. Only spending it all in attempts of defending.
  21. Some have contributed to the game by making a lot of very difficult single player missions. It would be cool to see those implemented somehow in the remaster. Although, it is up to the original creators of those missions. If they like to share their work or not. Edit: Chem, perhaps you can put this in the list you are making.
  22. I am one for trying out new RTS. Since Rivals was such an issue here. And most suggested to have something more like C&C instead then the wreckage we all saw. I came across Art of War 3. This RTS game for mobile phone's is very, very close to what people like to call RTS. Sure there are pay to win features. But with good tactics. About half of those pay to win players, still bite the dust to someone like me. The bad side of these kind of games are nerved so greatly, that the good sides not only show up. But make the game worthwhile enough for any one who likes to give it a try. Unlike Rivals, AoW3 has the following: - Proper RPS, Infantry, vehicles, special vehicles, air, sea. Each type has 3 units. There are 4 defence buildings, from which one is IN the water. And walls are great too, but only for stopping/funneling enemies for like 10 seconds. 10 seconds, that is more than enough to prepare defences in the right angle. - Multipurpose units; mine laying/mine sweeping, taking cover/detection of cover, siege mode/deploying, land/air/sea. - Nerved income; first supply is 100%, second is less, 70%, third is 49% etc. Having 6 of these is the norm, until you upgrade them. Then 7 or 8 is also useful. - Single player campaign. 50 missions for Red/Rebellion, 50 missions for Blue/Confederation. This is going to be expanded in the future. O well, I know that some of you guys like to hate and hate to like mobile apps. But those who seek proper RTS qualities. AoW3 is it. It isn't a tower defence, it isn't mmo but pvp instead. You build up a base, scout the map and opponent. And you change tactics/strategy accordingly. That all! which Rivals has not!
  23. X3M

    "Useless" units

    @IntoTheRain Make your mod! I would try it out. I totally agree on the hoover MRLS. Somehow these MRLS are always relatively weaker than their intended purpose. Or they are entering the battlefield a bit too late. If only they could be as their cutscene. I guess that one would have worked in C&C3.
  24. X3M

    News from EA.

    IMHO, EA making a remaster of a game of which they only own the body. Not the soul. The remaster will be a different body, but the soul can't use that new body. It would be like a physical challenged. Yeah, I think we get a game that is physical challenged. Unless they get the original team on it. Only then I could appreciate the "new" work.
  25. If it is a remaster. Only graphics and a bit of interface upgrades should be done. All the other suggestions. While I agree with most. Are more for a remake. Eg. I like the factory to be able to build tanks at a constant speed. If you want tanks faster, build more factories. But one factory is not going to build faster tanks. Let's just say, more logic to the game like C&C3 had.
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