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Everything posted by X3M

  1. Single player: they are awesome for base destruction and infantry removal. Multi player: you need to get the radar first for the tech. In the time frame of having the radar and your first flame tank. The enemy already has 6 buggies roamning around the map. At the moment of 4 flametanks. The enemy can have 14 buggies. My best usage of flame tanks were having a couple late game. Then simply go for power plants in a separate group. While harassing the enemy on another portion of the map.
  2. History teaches us that...it doesn't. I don't think that mods will be helping you anytime soon tbh.
  3. This is more of a log of my findings regarding buying the Ultimate Collection from Steam. We all know that the Ultimate Collection contains "17" games. When purchasing the Ultimate Collection from Steam. You will see only 12 games. Do not worry. Covert Ops is included with C&C95. Red Alert has its 2 additions included as well. Tiberian Sun comes with Firestorm. And Yuri's Reveange will automatically be installed with Red Alert 2. What went well for me? What didn't? First and most important fact. I had 2 games in my wishlist. And the Ultimate Collection was cheaper right away than each individual game in my wishlist. I start with those. Yes, it is C&C 3 and Kanes Wrath. C&C 95 and covert oops The complete C&C red alert, with aftermeth and country on strike Both work without any problem!!! C&C 3 and Kanes Wrath. Both start at their lowest graphic settings. First adjust the resolution. Let the game reload in order to get the resolution. Then adjust all the other graphics. I played a game. It all works splendid. Tiberian Sun and Firestorm. It starts at its lowest graphic settings. You can adjust without trouble. Blimey!!! I played a game. Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Reveganism Red Alert 2 seems to be playable with ease. Yuri's Revebleh however can only be opened through Steam. The menu of Yuri's Preveange seems to be a bit slower. Imbaness reincarnate! Generals and Zero Hour. 2 individual instalments. Both crash due to asking for Direct X 8 or higher. Windows 10 and 11 users can work around this by searching for, and deleting the following file, twice: dbghelp.dll The loading screen will be exceptionally slow. Damn, I missed this game. 1: Renegade. 2: Very fast instalment. 3: It loads the introduction. 4: It is...unskippable. 5: It throws you back to your desktop. 6: Then it will load the introduction again. Claiming it made adjustments to get it to work. Goto 3. Seriously... Yet to try: - C&C red alert 3 - C&C red alert 3 uprising - C&C 4 (yuk) This so far concludes my findings. I will update this post accordingly. Feel free to be helpfull or point fingers for laughs.
  4. Sounds good, also have listened to another one of yours. Do you have...original works?
  5. X3M

    Hey, how are ya doing?

    1. Ferret


      @X3MI'm doing alright. How are you doing?

  6. Heh.... I kinda like this. I think many more have done something similar. I too did this once. It is a story of me being a little kid though. Was your plan to put this into a game. Then see if the balance was even close to correct? Or did you use some construct in order to have a decent starting balance. And then slightly adjust? The file does look like a decent plan to me. Any chance you ever put it to work? Anyway, here is my TLDR story if you are interested. Right, so my first time was putting numbers in a table. And simply draw pictures of the units. I was a 12 year old kid... I had no idea how things could be balanced back then. So I started with some simple formula's. Had every colour of the rainbow, including white, grey, brown and black as a faction. Even a mix or anything else. I copied C&C factions, made mixes of units. Also added the Starcraft factions....Warcraft factions, sigh, yes. KKnD and even UT99 had influence. Obviously Dune was not to be missed. Good old days. Basicly, every counter of the enemy was slightly stronger. I played with RPS systems that had either 3/2/1, 9/5/1 or a sum of 24 over 4 types. But before that, I used percentages against a type of armor. This was very...very tedious. And the health/damage ratio was born. Had one of 6, one of 12 and one of 24. Later on I did some actual work in Starcraft maps. Where I had a sharper RPS system through armor. I was a 15 year old kid. I learned that durability is a very heavy factor. Balanced the stuff through playing a lot. Eventually added 2 more factions. And made a single player campaign, which only was completed for 8 missions. The strategy was deep enough for my age. It is a shame that most maps are lost with that RPS system. But I think I have 1 co-op, still somewhere as backup. I also made UT maps where players would tear off their hairs. 18 years... studying... made a textbased game on the TI92+. It had C&C RPS. The calculator became slow though. It was simply armor and damage for every possible design. So I made some other games back then... 2 where artillery games. Where 1 was like worms and the other was ehm..... you had your own planet with gravity kind of thing. It was very werid. But the C&C game was played for 2 weeks with 6 people. Costed me 2x4 AA batteries. Don't use randomness in your game. It eats batteries and is very slow. Also played with lego with my little cousin. He loved Starcraft. He loved having the lego tanks as well. He felt powerfull when throwing my tanks to the other side of the room. Although, sometimes only the cannon would fall off, the rest stayed in one piece due to proper design I guess. 21 years.... still had the retardency to continue making notes for...a text game. We had one going for 60 people. Untill they discovered a way to become immortal. Game over... We made plans for a second game. One that would fix the problems. But it was to hard to program for either of us... O yeah, my cousin turned 12 that year and was programming stuff for fun already. The game made use of the fact that the damage....was perfect for the armor. 1 damage would be 100% on 1 armor. 100 damage would be 100% on 100 armor. 100 damage would be 1% on 1 armor... Something like that. But the reason for training fodder was born that day. 24 years.... Starting to analyse any RTS game I could get my hands on. Discovering similarities. But also major differences. Made notes about how some games did some unique balancing. Made notes about how some games had a certain combat calculation. Making predictions. Checked them with the existing stats. I actually had some successes with some games in that regard. But not all was good. 27 years... Yip, still going. Time for designing a board game for fun. Health/Damage ratio was very important at this point. Used the same mechanic of comparing armor to damage. Then simply use a formula to determine how much value a design had. Things like cooldown, rof, splash damage etc. Where all banished. They made no sense to me. 30 years... played the stupid board game. Especially with my cousin. Look, in the meantime, I worked from 24 years old. I have a career and tried to look as normal as possible. Actually bought a house with a plan etc. A very, very devious plan. Yes... I was very happy screwing that guy over who initially tried to screw me over. 33 years... the board game is like.... super fun. We had fun. We had tanks, vehicles, infantry, troopers, helicopters, submarines, artillery, X-ray, Flackcannon tank, something very nasty that said BOOM!!! and a whole squad was gone. Death Knights, Night Elves, Elven Destroyers, Destroyer of Worlds: "Ogralord" Stuff like that. We copied almost any idea that existing RTS had. Then.... we also copied Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament....Minecraft... Well minecraft didn't work out. And some (3D) cartoons as well. Star Wars vs Star Trek (what a mess) etc. 36 years... While I kept testing things. I discovered how a weapon that is charging up, should be balanced. Yes, I kept working on my prototype board game. The same happened for cooldown, suicidal units, certain artillery types, when units move and attack, when units attack a moving target, healing, repairing, shields, regeneration, produciton, buying weaponry, and.... the attack range factor is 150% that of movement speed. Well, actually the square root of 2. But hey.... who cares. Let's not forget how assault units work, how assault on itself works and how projectiles work that ignore the terrain to some extend. I used a lot of math techniques where the limit is being calculated. And the thing that I am most proud of is that infantry....can actually beat the tanks in my game with a slight advantage of 21% due to the damage die that has a 001234 roll on a 5 health basis where the health/damage ratio is only 3. Ok, you could follow that? So...I started on working on a public variant. Big F on that one. So... Youtube!! Since I discovered an RTS for on the mobile. And it has eaten a lot of my time. Right now! 39 years... Man... the stuff I learned from all of that... Either way, I helped some other people with their stuff. And one actually got a game published. Earning money... ( I got 2 free copies of that game). And the public variant. Well, let's say that most mechanics still work. But the health tracking is reduced to an all time low. I only need to thing of 1, just 1 good faction. And I could start creating and printing the new board game pieces. Speaking of which. Binairy Health tracking on 3d pieces (size slightly bigger than Risk pieces) seems to be....tough. Not impossible. But it is kinda clumsy for the players.
  7. Awesome!! Ever thought of getting a print of every single option from all the C&C games? (not 4)
  8. I stopped trying back then.
  9. Ow you.... Cheer up, you are part of the group!! You suck too!!! Cheers...
  10. Have you tried.... quiting?
  11. Try Warcraft 2. https://en.war2.ru/ Simply go for the single player missions. And there are plenty of skirmish. The editor is also very handy. Because Blizzard back then knew what they where doing. Unfortunately, KKnD isn't free any more. Or else I would have recommended that one as well.
  12. Not going into details here. Because the "reasons" will probably show up automatically in this topic after my post. But cncnet keeps dissapointing me in how they deal with behavior of people. After years of no end of being flamed and threatened (often after 5 seconds of playing). I decided to tell you guys. YOU, dissapoint me ! No matter if I win or you win....
  13. X3M


    Sorry to say. But no one cares. I experienced the same thing in TD. Where one player always had more medium tanks than I had light tanks. Just to give you an idea of how I perceived it. They are always very silent too. Simply stop playing with someone of who you suspect they cheat.
  14. Youtube fails again. Wow. I actually feel for you this time. I don't know what you can do, except for keep posting the same questions over and over again. Until someone, alive and thinking, reads them properly. I know a famous example, which is TheFatRat. He makes his own music. And even sells it. However, he also posts every song on Youtube. Then there was someone copying his video's 100%. And simply claiming copyright. His channel got closed for a while. It took a while until Youtube realized they made a mistake. And it took even more time till Youtube realized they kept making the same mistake over and over. Now, TheFatRat is like one of the biggest Youtubers out there at the time being. That is why he got help...eventually. For you, I think the only thing you can do is tell EA games on this. That some idiot on YT is claiming copyright to their game. I bet that if someone does this with my GearGames video's. GG will be all over the place at YT in that regard. And I am one of the smaller guys over there. They will completely wreck someone like that.
  15. I played 3 RA2 games online, I sucked with all factions. So here is some general information instead: A balance can be created by having 2 imbalances cancel each other out. Give and take. If early game belongs to the sovjets and late game to the allieds. Then all causes need to be changed.
  16. Whilest doing some editing stuff on a video regarding KKnD. I noticed that the intro video for mission 7: resque the prisoners. An explosion is used. And I immediately went on Youtube to find the same explosion used in C&C td. Suffice to say, they did change the size and colour a bit. But one can clearly see the exact same animation going on. Milliseconds change a lot. But I am sure the geeks here will see what I mean
  17. And now for something completely different:
  18. Have a Youtube battle for crying out loud. The both of you play 10+ matches. And post the same match (obvioulsy with your point of view) on Youtube. Date and time should be in the title, so viewers can compare. Mike can help you setting this up
  19. Who smashed me? When did it happen? Why are you claiming something like that? You think others would simply believe your rambling? Do you know what you are saying? On what are you basing these fantasies of your? Why are you seeking help from the "smarter" guys? Looks like, you have a problem? Looks like, you are upset? You mad bro?
  20. You are making assumptions based on your own incompetence. Flaming doesn't make your post better. You are constantly in contradiction. Claiming what someone said isn't of use. Read the posts again. If you feel that I am talking down on you. Maybe you feel you deserve it?
  21. So now you are claiming Lovehandles is now exclusively doing this. yet steals work of others. yet has to be on the job.
  22. Go to the first post. Who started this topic? You don't want to include him, yet you DO want him to be included. That is what you have been saying so far. Your actions seem to indicate that.
  23. If you dislike it so much...Simply don't join a game where they play the mod? Also, I respect White and Ferret a lot. They where very communicative in the past.
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