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Everything posted by ore_truck

  1. Well I played with this guy who created a game with no superweapons (low tech level) and crates. Guess what, my base keeps getting hit by Ion canon every few minutes. I'm NOD and he was GDI. I just can't figure out where that Ion canon came from. (I suspect it's a custom map that regularly has Ion canon hitting Nod players, particularly obelisks.)
  2. Mobile Radar Jammer can be annoying to the enemy, especially if he has low scroll rates.
  3. I kinda feel it too. RA is such a tank game, I only see people build heavy and medium tanks most of the time. Nobody builds artillery, rangers, tesla troopers, etc. Heavy/Medium tank can do anything on regular maps, infantry can easily be runovered (except shock troopers but players still prefer tanks since shoc troopers cost almost the same), base defense can easily be outnumbered, aircraft do little on tanks but take longer time reloading and being vulnerable to tanks while doing so,etc... That video doesn't really prove anything much other than how infinite ore maps ruin the good C&C gameplay.
  4. Still suks when it's Soviet vs Yuri. Infantry got sniper'd/mutated, tanks got mind-controlled, blimps are vulnerable against flying saucers and flying gattling bullets, siege choppers are cool but still can be mind-controlled.
  5. I usually found rude morons in p4 rooms. Sometimes I even got PMs from people I just beat asking for a rematch (and calls you pussy if you don't,even when I'm really tired after a long play) and insults my country just because they lose to me fair and square. Thankfully there's a mute/ignore button.
  6. In RA2, I always get an early advantage using Soviet against Allies by Rhino Tank rushing, GIs are squashed, Grizzlies are comparatively weak and Prism Towers build slow, the Allies are tough when they build a Battle Lab (that's my experience playing RA2 LAN with friends and relatives). However with the introduction of guardian GIs, the Allies seem to have better early anti-tank, not to mention Battle Fortresses later on which makes them a dangerous faction.
  7. My nick was vandal33 (please don't hurt me, I won't be annoying like on PC&C again). I used to play all C&C games except 4. Right now, I'm only playing Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert (1), I won't be playing Tiberian Sun nor Red Alert 2 until I got a new computer with good video cards.
  8. What about Tiberium Wars and Generals? Do people still play them or these games are completely forgotten because of their expansion packs? I still prefer TD over C&C3 & RA3.
  9. Hi, I'm new. I used to post a lot at planetgamespy cnc.
  10. War Miner rush against Yuri!!!! And pray they dont have tank bunkers. If you encounter lasher tanks, use drones to get them while your miners distracts them. Ore Trucks rule!
  11. What I agree Ranger: agree, the most useless unit in RA1 besides technicians. Soviet mine layer: Agreed. I only build it if I hear Tanya's laughter coming from the enemy's base. Sandbags/Barbed wire: Yeah, these cheap barriers are useless when there's concrete barrier. Ironically in TD,the cheaper barriers are more frequently used. What I disagree Field medic: Increasing infantry durability can be useful in a non-tank game. Camo pillbox: It camouflage and has better armor than turrets, worth the extra 200$. Kennel: Dogs can be used as anti-infantry scouts since they respond quicker than riflemen to kill before the enemy soldier reveals much shroud. Iron curtain: Use on your leading tank, it saved my tank rush against 5 tesla coils defended bridge when the 'bait' draws the tesla fire away from your forces. Yak: Yak does 70%-90% of MiG damage to buildings, save 400$ if you only need planes for attacking buildings only. Fake structures: Useful to make the enemy waste thier atom bombs and the perfect bait for enemy aircraft. Also build lots of fake naval yards as to make enemy think you are a navy person (this should make him/her sligthy less focus on the ground).
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