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Everything posted by ore_truck

  1. Tank Destroyers and Tesla troopers are pretty efficient units against early tank rushes. Demo trucks isn't completely useless, it's just that desolators are a better choice(iron curtain mheheh). Not sure about tesla tanks, some people debate its extra firepower can make a difference in a small tank group although it sacrifices armor and paying additional $300 more than a rhino. I know the underused stuffs is a bummer but I still think CnCnet needs to retain the original.
  2. Buff the minigunners first! I always think they needed a +1 cell range boost. If grenadiers should have +1 range, then minigunners need +2 range cells. Grenadiers are good against nod infantry and bikes, although not too good but at least they can do anything a minigunner can better: more damage, more sight range, more speed, more attack range, radial damage. I want this generic infantry to be a good frontline grunt that supports your heavier troops and do other stuffs an all-rounder should but I always find flamethrowers and grenadiers are a more common choice for this role. How can we not see the most broken unit is the most basic and the first unit at the top of the list in the sidebar. I know they are the cheapest and should be the weakest but I think they are too weak, maybe weaker than intended? Anyway, I'm fine with how the game is, it's just the underused units that bothers me a little.
  3. Is it safe to assume they fire rockets as well in conjunction with the obvious machine guns?
  4. Title made me thought it's Elvis.
  5. Yea, they can both break concrete walls.
  6. While you can speed up your income a lot more with many harvesters, you may be spending more money on them than how much the payback early in the game. If you're spending money on harvesters, be sure you spend some on building tanks needed to protect them. It's investment, you quickly clean up the entire ore early and get rich later but put yourself at a risk. Who knows, maybe your opponent didn't rush you well so the early massive harvest can be a huge pay off or if you're Soviet the many armed ore trucks can be useful against Yuri or prism tanks. Choose wisely.
  7. I've read somewhere it can be crushed by its sides (not front or rear) but I tried ALT move on a bike's side a number of times without success so I can't confirm this. But the AI harvesters always seem to get it. Also, like cn2mc said most of my bikes getting squashed is when the two units trying to get on a same square at the same time (but I guess the bikes should know better the bigger vehicle has the right of way).
  8. RA2 was broken ever since yuri's revenge came out because the expansion pack made people forget about the well-balanced game with its fortress APC tank when the Allies was already balanced.
  9. We're not saying we dislike it or avoiding it, we're discussing the effects it has on the community. That's why the title is Debate. To me, having a ladder is fine but the users does not have a professional or positive behavior to be given this feature.
  10. -Bomb bridges. -Sometimes if u send a tank rush consisting of flak tracks,you sneak a crzy ivan in and when your fleet is pounding the enemy base,the Ivan can exit the flak trak and start putting bombs on vulnerable buildings. -Place on demo trucks for greater effect. -When your Yuri mind-control an enemy unit and you dont need that unit,put a crzy ivan bomb on it and drive it straight to the enemy base!!! + :ivan: -Use Yuri to minD control civilian vehicles(or infantry)and put Ivan bombs on them and drive them straight for the enemy base.Enemies wont attack unarmed civilians units by default. -Note that if crasy ivan placed a bomb on a unit then the unit enters a transport(eg.flak track,hovercraft,etc)the bomb timer will not go off until the unit exitted the vehicle. -Put bombs on terrorist for greater effect.
  11. This game is incredible and we also have such a wonderful community. About those rants, I tend to agree on the MLRS needs a slight buff (they are powerful and high range, and that's all). They were meant to act as medium tank supports and compliment their weaknesses but wasn't implemented well since most people just forget about building them. As for the the SSM launcher part, those things are not too bad. The only reason why it looked powerful is because of the bikes and buggies, otherwise SSM launchers are countered easily, unless you are turtling. About chem: He needs a buff, I don't mind them being high tech but give them something more than just a slight improvement of the flame trooper for a high tier unit. Other C&C units are fine to me, even the old cargo plane. And I'm proud to be a player of this game.
  12. ore_truck

    Banned no reason!

    Spamserv bans you for like 5 minutes or so for saying a word it doesn't like.
  13. Cuba, Russia and Libya are underpowered against Yuri. Maybe Iraq too but it's not as bad as the other 3 soviet countries. It's like Yuri's Revenge wasn't meant for competitiveness due to the overpower of Yuri, sometimes I even think Yuri's revenge was only for the storyline continuity, the multiplayer balance is not as good as Red Alert 2 but that's only my thought.
  15. You were spamming in the same minute. People in the lobby have better things to read.
  16. Same here, competing for resources was a huge element in a C&C game. Now, it's been forgotten because of the money maps. Played red alert the other day, made someone rage quit by just destroying his ore trucks(he didnt bother to defend them). Then he joined my game again and asked for rasta map (a map with infinite money).
  17. he destroyed your base when he's your teammate? that's not a nice asshole
  18. shame on you tahj, nicely way of destroying a once nice community
  19. I don't see any problem here.
  20. I keep telling myself to be sneaky in this mission but I always ended up whacking everything on sight at the base. I like using the APC to evacuate the "general" like the briefing tells you to, it fits the ending cutscene pretty well.
  21. Not really, but changing the topic about me doesn't make your argument stronger
  22. I don't believe you are matured if you are against people who are against insulting.
  23. It's not that strict to me when they actually didn't get rid of chem's rant post as far as I'm concerned. I know one of his post is closed but still..
  24. Are you guys done with the ladder-related rants? Because I just got my popcorn.
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