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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by a1nthony

  1. I’m going to be the third team member for quix and gunman if that’s ok. Can we rotate players throughout a series if all 3 are present?
  2. Yuri faction newbs. I’d say you could go first round 3 wins to advance and then 5 wins to advance in the later rounds.. kind of like nba or mlb playoffs.
  3. I’ll see if quix wants to be my partner.. if he’s unavailable. Would anyone else wanna be my partner?? I promise to play Iraq and not Korea lol
  4. I’d be down, I’m sure I could find a partner if push came to shove
  5. No offense, but that’s just how maps are. Some people like winning no matter what.. especially in games with tension behind them. In 2006 a lot of maps had set/ certain tactics that were considered best and were done usually during 90% of games. With the exception of the odd creative player coming up with something else. I think we don’t see this type of stuff on newer maps because a lot of them are mirrored. Also some people just aren’t good at doing other things then they’re set bos that they know.. and I feel like people would argue that if they know how to win they will, especially the lower tier players!
  6. This is the perfect forum for this topic! (I hope lol) I just wanted to give my thanks to all the cncnet admins whether they be Yr ra1 or tib. Sun whatever the case is. It’s obvious you all put in a ton of work and take your projects seriously I’m just one random old yuris revenge player but I do appreciate everything you guys do for the community, thanks!
  7. RaDen was my favorite spot for downloading maps way back when, i thought they were over with... awesome find!
  8. Multi engi Is a great setting, and I think it’s perfect to have on, however the yuri faction deserves to get engid. with no dog eat on, I think people can still steal techs by “taking them last.” Also playing players who are above your skill level, sometimes the only option is to engi eat and steal their derrick to level out the playing field!
  9. i Can be a guest commentator if you guys would like, i did some for kinky's 1v1 tourny and people seemed to enjoy it. Just if you need somebody!
  10. It’s a bit easier to dodge but there is a “2shot” Korean glitch that gives u a double shot 85% of the time. Also, I’m of the opinion a perfect Korean player is deadly against a sov player, and on yr economy is easier so you can get 5+ planes easier as well, I just think Korea isn’t the best vs allies is the problem ggi ifvs=gg. Korea is on my list once I get up to speed with America!
  11. It's true you got rank 1 on cnc3 when it came out. I'm just confused, being one of the best Yuri faction players i've ever seen way back when and having a wealth of knowledge, i am sure you've seen crazy tactics to beat yuri, and i am sure that nobody really plays a style like that these days (Engi eat/engi/ivan/drones). However, I'm sure you can agree you were happy to see a soviet player or an allied player on most maps in QM. Yuri is the best faction and i know you know this while maybe its not as OP as it seems (due to maps and "laming" tactics) someone who can use 123456 with there mags will be skillful enough to beat almost anyone as yuri
  12. I don’t see how country swing is such a heavily favored Soviet map? Also I’d argue heck freezes over is big? Most people when given the choice would like a small to medium size map because they do not want one game to last 40 minutes.. allies have winning chances on Dry heat.. with supers off how is hidden valley a Soviet map? It’s not THAT bad man. Allies are not like a little kid who needs his hand held all the time. Please listen to prep he is very experienced at yuris revenge.
  13. Idk bout now, but these maps stand out the most as a first choice to me when people used to challenge each other to 1v1s. 1. Dune/BF 2.Country swing 3.Dry heat 4.Heartland 5. Some form of heck pick spots (usually BvB or TvT)
  14. Robot tanks are awesome! They are good against yuri as they move quickly after magnetrons lift them, and on maps where yuri can’t camp resources with bunkers like blood feud they are perfect for owning their miners since they can’t get mind controlled. Also on naval maps they are good for sneak attacks and they are pretty good against buildings as well!
  15. The problem with giving specifics is some rushes are useless if your opponent knows exactly what’s coming, however A basic concept behind longer games is to go +1 or +2 miners more than usual and the TD building Speed will help you catch up to rhinos attacking your base!
  16. I have a couple build orders on YR that involve td’s for specific maps. Td’s build as fast in yr as they do in ra2
  17. I’m not sure how much they are that was off the top of my head lol but I meant desos should be +100
  18. I love it! But competitively the yuri faction is just too powerful :(. In fact as sov I engi eat/engi and use drones+Ivan’s etc.. it’s a whole other game if you choose the truth faction and that’s really what balances the factions.. but nobody would ever want to play that way, still. That’s the only way to beat top yuri players honestly and if I ever get competitive again u better believe if you are yuri you’re getting eaten,engid and any other lame tactic that the map provides me with!
  19. Chrono legionnaires should regenerate health, but healing rocketeers I think are pretty OP. Try it with a hospital lol. If we are talking about fixing things to balance the game, I think minimal changes are best but here is what I would consider -legionaries regen health(love it) -chronosphere timer drop by 30 seconds -ggis to 300 instead of 400 -harriers to 1000 instead of 1200 -apocs can shoot without stopping -Tesla men to 400 instead of 500 -desos to 800 instead of 700 -should need grinder radar and naval to build boomer -mags can’t ctrl shift(need to click to use weapon) -chaos drone range increased -power plant should only hold 3 initiates instead of 5 thats a quick list off the top of my head but I think these changes would help balance the game while not changing the feel of it too much
  20. Allies are just harder to use. I’ve played against one of the best long game 1v1 Allied players probably the game has ever seen in Dean. I’ve seen allies at a top level from all different sides, and 2 man clanned with multiple top tier allied players(even getting a 2man allied clan into hof)I bring up clanning because on xwis sws were usually off in 1v1s and 2v2s. Ok with that out of the way..if you can get to a point where the Soviet player can not pressure you at all, then yes you will 99% win as long as you play properly. Prep is 100% right in that going for a quick bf is suicide on most maps As not only will a good sov have 3+war facs already but you’re most likely on one.. how can you counter those splits? While allies do take skill, the way they cekaj is describing them how to be played seems to be based on soviets Having a low skill level and camping in their base which 100% of good sovs should rush allies, Especially with sws off.
  21. Yes, allies require quite a lot of skill and precision to defeat soviets on most maps, the main problem is the middle game when soviets have a lot of rhino tanks and desos, splits are the allied weakness. This is why a lot of older skillful allied players played pressure allies which you rarely see these days just because you need good control (macro and micro). Most maps with choke points give allies strategic benefits but soviets still have a better chance when their is a fight for resources in the middle. Soviets are definitely the easier, more reliable faction to use without a doubt...
  22. Long term goals! Why are you doing what you don't like to do? Hopefully so you can do something you like to do one day right?
  23. I think this game keeps your brain sharp! But all you have to do is find what you want and focus on it.. but it's up to you to figure out why you'd like to do!
  24. I've noticed this happens when there is an observer on a color.. correct me if I'm wrong!
  25. I would have to say with sw's off, there are more maps allies have winning chances on compared to super weapons on. However in YR I think the slight edge goes to the soviet faction in general, assuming you are playing as Iraq. It comes down to simple things. 1.soviets usually can attack first to control the pace of the game. 2.desolators/desobombs win vs every unit except the battle fortress 3. Iron curtain is quicker to make and quicker to recharge. yes allies have tricks, and at a high level they are far more able to defend and win(especially Korea) but I think soviets just have an easier time with economy, gameplay, and still have the units needed to deal with the allied faction which is why they continue to maintain a slight edge over allies in my mind...
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