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Ladder Tester
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Everything posted by JSDS

  1. cool idea , but sypoy said he can't play in 2 hours that means only me and @LeOwNzAll vs both of you and koreamigX . till that time i'll be at FB and discord . contact me there .
  2. sorry prep and rocketeer i just saw this topic when you guys can play ? ( i have contact with leo and sypoy ) if one of us can't play the 3rd player will play you guys glad i matched my old freind @[NRA]Rocketeer i'll pm you at fb when our team can play ^^
  3. When this tourney starting ? @XXxPrePxX ?
  4. Seems this tourney will be a very good show I would like to say : add recording games ( in case teams don't find streamer )
  5. @XXxPrePxX 2 thins : 1_ can i get a fourth member for my team ? If yes add [A7MDBULIVE] . and if no sypoy and a7md will probably sign in as team. ( stuff mixed because i asked the 3 of them but all late reply ) 2_ get maybe more teams ?
  6. @XXxPrePxX Sign our 3rd member Sypoy. Full team members are : [JsGoMaD] LeOwNzAll SyPoy ( he changes Nicks alot but now he is using skyking nickname )
  7. I can't play next week for doing school tests But the week after i can And btw prep what rules will be in this tournament like : starting map .who picks ? Sw on or off ? How many till serie ends ? Ect..
  8. @XXxPrePxX @LeOwNzAll have agreed to be my ally sing my team : [JsGoMaD] and LeOwNzAll
  9. from your english i think you are russian if i'm right ?
  10. Indeed . but i just said that to troll him
  11. Hey Prep Sorry i can't play . Noobish sunny can't play without yuri And sypoy and ahmd are busy Can't find an ally . GL teams who are playing .
  12. Hmm idk . That holidays good for me ,but i don't know who i will play with ( sunny ,LeoWnzall, [A7MDBULIVE] , Sypoy] The first one agress or have time will be my ally . I'll let u know prep when i get confirmation
  13. JSDS

    2v2 tourney

    Finaly your mind is working blazzy i'm down to play if i can find an ally
  14. Hey marsh Oh. Good u still alive Idk why it called "Irma" wierd name ( more then my Nick ) haha . #survival of marsh part 1
  15. Hello brayan. I'm YouTuber just like you .and to be honest i like ur vids sadly didin't watch fort while now .. But i'm here to ask you serie of games ( 1 vs 1) because fans asked me many time to do it ... And i've asked you before in game lobby under [JsGoMaD] nickname but idk if it was you Waiting your answer ?
  16. Guys u r really retarded few times Crying about server noobs ect .. And u kick persons u dont know from room even he is good ... Well otherwise try to help new Guy instand of talking shit like " f*CK off noob" or don't join pros .. The way to help new Guy is :talking Nice and showing him tips not keep calling him noob or banning him from game room .atleast ask him to observe if possible. In my own opinion making help team to help new being good
  17. ?? ????????????????????????????????????
  18. Why no one mentioned me or sm-proz ??
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