Equal amounts of Mirage Tanks vs. Rhino Tanks: Rhino's win —that's why I kept going as Soviet. Some Allied player at my LAN cafe was kicking ass by making hordes of Rocketeers, Mirage Tanks, expansion bases, & initially sending Spies to the Barracks. All I could do was Wall my base up & built Grand Cannons —I lost that battle, but did better than my two allies who were Soviet (they built Apocalypse Tank & Demo Truck.) Felt good to know Rhino Tanks are still pretty good, & Soviet is powerful. Borris once was able to take out 3 Tanks but now that doesn't seem to be the case. I've been hooked on Skirmish ever since —I wrote a Strategy Guide but lost it when my computer broke. I still have some strategies inked down, like sending Conscript hordes & a few Terror Drones in front of your tanks as Cannon Fodder, I forgot Kikematamitos force-fired ore to destroy them, though I've done this in Tiberian Sun (I play both game (I play NOD vs. enemy GDI.)