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Everything posted by Black

  1. I have to say that I agree 100% with this notion. Having to go through the bullshit ordeal of cleaning out registry or out right buying a new PC/hard drive etc to be able to play anonymously is ridiculous. Obviously participating in tournament play should require registration. But for standard play I really despise the way cncnet intrudes your computer to keep track of you and displays all your previous used logs for all players to see. Even just changing it so that only moderators can view username history on the client would be an improvement.
  2. Maybe I’d play it if it wasn’t a broken exploitable heap. You made no point. Your argument is literally “it’s fine because I like it”. All you do is vomit words. People like you are why this game has no activity. The fact that your a historical cheater is extremely valid. Everything you ask for should be taken with the consideration that you may want it because it allows you to continue your abusive habits. the only reason you like it is because you exploit it to distribute point loss/gain. If you only had 1 log because you wanted to play fair and other people were doing it to you then you’d be here complaining about it like you complain about everything else that makes it harder for you to win. learn to play legit and straight up. You realize your victories are meaningless if they’re tainted with foul play and bad form right?
  3. Well then I guess the cheaters/babies/haters win and as usual TS loses.
  4. I log into TS at least a few times per week. Just because you play 24/7 doesn’t make your opinion valid. Just because the majority of people on the ladder are convicted cheaters doesn’t mean we should bastardize the game to cater to the people who want to use exploits to gain an advantage. ”because I play the game a lot” is not an argument to support your position. My arguments hold weight because they contain substance while yours contain babble and crying.
  5. You can’t just come in here say its fine and not give a single reason to support your position. tell us all how you want to manipulate the system with multiple names.
  6. Maybe people don’t want to bother since they have to play the rank 1 guy but not get rank 1 point exchange if they win? Are you really so dense as to not understand this? you know damn well that your choosing which name to log on with based on who else is currently in Q. If ur getting matched vs hard players u use dummy log, if ur getting matched with easy wins u get on main. quit trying to play it off like we’re all stupid. Your not doing anything new or daring. The only reason your getting away with it is because no one That gives a shit about this game has any ability to do something about it.
  7. Unless you can provide a sensible argument to back up your point then yea, I should get what I want. all the manipulative players leaving the competition because they can’t exploit it isn’t a bad thing btw. That’s actually the entire point and exactly why these people’s opinions are trash and shouldn’t even be entertained. Beyond that, let’s not forget that the bigger reason for non activity is simply that the QM system is bad in concept.
  8. Team push rank on the pacific server and ruin the community for everyone. nice to see you! (I can’t believe certain people are permanently banned from this community). Lurker you should donate some time to helping cncnet perfect issues to make up for the damage you did on the WOL servers.
  9. All maps that are larger than 4 players or are player created should be able to be rejected. Quite frankly I think there should just be two separate ladders. And each player has to decide on 1 to register to. One that has all maps with unlimited rejections. And another that has carefully and logically selected well balanced and conventional 1v1 maps with no rejections. That way the pros and the newer players can participate separately and the cry babies can play the maps they want while the rest of us move forward.
  10. I agree with everyone of these points. But I think they could all be satisfied via the player simply registering a single unrecognized username at the beginning of each tournament period. I could be convinced to allowing 2 logs provided that 1 is required to use gdi and the other is required to use nod. This would be good to have if there were separate rankings for nod and gdi.
  11. I apologize for my previous comment not being worthy of the vanilla taste of this forum. I am sick and tired of having the extreme unreasonable minority holding back this games progress and also making it worse. We are not talking about issues that are up for debate here. If we can’t agree as a community that being punched in the face is bad then we can’t have a society and would all still be living in caves with no civilization. Arguing against competition being fair and balanced is equally as absurd and anti-intellectual. There is 0 argument that can be made to allow grotesque and lopsided maps to be included in a tournament system. And “its always been that way” is not a constructive argument against making improvements towards balance. Crying and Arguing are two different things. Complaining that your opinion wasn’t included isn’t a valid argument either (especially if it was) If you have a logical, coherent, constructive argument as to why there shouldn’t be patches to increase balance and why unfair/illogical maps should be included in competitive game play then I challenge anyone to speak up and be heard. But since we already know that the only points made will be “this is how the devs made the game”. I’ll humor your for the 999th time. This game was clearly and admittedly rushed and released incomplete. There was never any intention to make things unbalanced, and the firestorm expansion very clearly shows that the developers intended to continue balance patching and more logical maps. The reason they didn’t is the game didn’t make enough money to justify putting more effort into the product, not because they thought it was done. This game belongs to the community that still plays it and it has been left in the dark ages because of an extremely loud extreme minority. It needs to be modernized and completed. Anyone whom argues against that should be the one requiring moderator approval to post. Not the people who you are afraid will expose the client devs for holding back progress for no reason. i literally dare anyone to respond to this and make an argument that unpatched unbalanced maps should be included in tournament play. I’m sick of the ingrates on this game that are close minded and simply low frequency minded that harpy screech their asinine opinions and for some reason convince the devs to take no action for improvements. And in the case of the QM ladder have literally regressed it into a shit storm of stupidity.
  12. We should come up with a test that people have to pass in order to have their opinions taken seriously.
  13. The only argument for more than one is manipulation and abuse. Why is this even up for debate? anyone who voted for more than 1 is looking for exploits for an unfair advantage. Grounds for removal from competition in my opinion. I challenge anyone to give one good reason to allow more than 1.
  14. Just play firestorm game.. gdi is stronger on open maps nod is stronger on larger or bottle necked maps.. with firestorm game on both are balanced at both. vet patch is still a fair upgrade to nod regardless though.
  15. Yes mola... you will receive “the prize”
  16. 1. Limit should obviously be 1 name per ladder month.. There is 0 reason to allow more than 1 other than to encourage abuse 2. Firestorm is far more balanced than TS even with the vet patch. Firestorm is only not liked because a few elitist cunts deemed it to be bad and the entire community globbed onto their opinion. FS is far superior game. 3. Those "tib creatures" are not a threat unless you don't know the map and have 0 ability to adapt and think. 4. Obviously the solution to this is to make the person who disconnects lose points. You already punish players who crash or disconnect unintentionally regardless of the current state of the game after that time frame so you might as well extend it to any time frame. The 0.1% of the time the crash/disconnect is unintentional would suck but its better than allowing abuse.
  17. What logic do you guys have for allowing 3 logs? I can’t fathom a single reason for allowing more than 1.
  18. Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn’t make it right... Having more than 1 username is not in the spirit of good sportsmanship and competition. It makes no sense to allow people to have more than 1 username in the same tournament.. The only purpose is abuse and foul play... And the only counter argument I’ve seen thus far is “it’s always been that way”. This is why competitive players should be in charge of developing systems for competition. (lol@ u pussies with this content need to be approved by admin shit)
  19. It’s interesting that you bring up how little I play as a negative thing. I mean you have hundreds of thousands of more hours of experience than me on this game over all and yet I’ve still managed to match your skill level on terrace and I don’t think I’ve ever even struggled vs you under any circumstances on any other map. I was just telling NME last night that I’d prefer ssgohan over you as an Allie on any map other than terrace. the reason my opinion matters is because I was around and competed vs these names in the games competitive prime. They all hated and couldn’t stand you and everyone of them considered you a waste of time until deep into the xwis era. Your opinions are based of past top player conversations on forums. There were a lot of players on schaf/mega/Kapas level. Schaf and Ziege were a great 2v2 team but a lot of that was just because oh how well they worked together similar to tiger/top. People like goldnglow, middlesky,dayofdoom,bill94, countless others were just as good or better under certain circumstances. But you wouldn’t know that because they weren’t as popular with the forum leaders which is where you get all your knowledge and opinions from. Schaf/Ziege were considered the best 2v2 team for a while but they lost tons of games to people like Aphrodite/Stefor, Middlesky/a1mighty1 etc.. How pissed off are you that even this far in the future past the games prime you still can’t get away with your bullshit? You must be so mad that you still can’t get away with telling people you were an old school pro who didn’t cheat. Don’t worry though, one day I will probably move on and give you your space to convince the new school weirdos that play this game that you were some kind of legend from the past. Your logic is so stupid in reference to skill ranking. If you want to be an idiot and say nobody is a 10 then “9.5” is the highest level of achievement giving it the same meaning as 10 would if gave that out. Fine?on a scale of 1-9.5 then they are 9.5s.. There’s no point or even including 10 if your criteria for it is unobtainable. Middlesky is absolutely a 10 even under your shit criteria he was extremely impressive in every aspect of the game. Short game, long game, unit control, offense, defense, good at every map, good on blue and green tib, good on TS and Firestorm, good with gdi and nod, good at 1v1, 2v2, 4,4.. great pressure, great recovery, great game IQ, etc. he had no weaknesses and I could say the same thing about at least 50 other people.
  20. I'm starting to think that playing this game is the single biggest mistake I've ever made in my life.
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