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Engineer Rush is broke? Yes or Not?


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Nothing wrong with engis, people only complain about it because they aren't skilled enough to stop them and they want to play a simple low level game, same with Alting, Engi Eating or Yuri faction, all of these things can easily be countered and there's nothing wrong with any of them.

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On 2/8/2020 at 4:29 PM, a1nthony said:

Just wall your conyard and other major buildings every game. 

We not play vs AI dude 

On 2/9/2020 at 2:43 AM, Showtimera2 said:

Good player dont complain about engis no more,so i dont know who u have been playing ?

Breznob (Sunny), ic0, and Zhasulan another guys that not remember and all of them are agree with engi rush, and know how to counter so if you fail is your fault not game broke there. 

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21 hours ago, cypher said:

I played against @RaVaGe and he did complain about it ?

Same: https://youtu.be/gAprIci4vOw 

13 hours ago, a1nthony said:

If your conyard is walled they can’t engi rush you right? Its pretty simple actually, people usually don’t use walls because most top players don’t choose to engi rush... 

Is a waste of time and money and nobody gone a wall the war factory dude conyard is not the only one objetive: https://youtu.be/1iks_-b_sbY 

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On 2/12/2020 at 9:44 AM, Kikematamitos said:


Is a waste of time and money and nobody gone a wall the war factory dude conyard is not the only one objetive: https://youtu.be/1iks_-b_sbY 

Walling your MCV is key, I do it in 100% of my QMs, if you do that you won't lose it and you don't have to worry about moving it which makes it so you can't build pillboxes, if they try to engi your war factory and you can't defend it, sell it and it's perfectly fine. You will have a better eco than them.

If you get lazy and they take one of your buildings (even your power) they could build pillboxes and spam barracks in your base and it will be hard to stop so it's always important to just sell any building they are going to capture it, especially when you don't have any tanks or ways to kill their pillbox spam.


Obviously you don't want to just sell any building they drive their engi flak / IFV by, but once it empties you could sell it and the infantry that comes out of it usually kills the engi

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On 2/6/2020 at 10:25 PM, Kikematamitos said:

I see many good player crying when i use engineer + terror drone in a flak track and also i see many good players countering that with a single terror drone or IFV with engineers. 


I think is  legal to do it but painful if are success. 

It's highly defendable, nothing broken about it-- it's just cheesy.

Cheesy in the same way that selling mcv on 1 miner all in rush is cheesy, or sealIFV rush is cheesy. There is a luck factor if you are successful and there is potential to 'ruin' a game in a few short minutes. Objectively, if you were serious about winning, this is what is attractive about these things, as Andy points out. 

However, the game is old and does not have a serious competitive scene. Many of the good players have been playing for a long time and have developed a sort of chivalry with the cheese tactics and simply desire a quality game with another quality player, and while can defend against such things, they perceive engi rush as 'bad manners' for they sake of having a gg. 


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On 2/21/2020 at 11:26 AM, Lucifer said:

It's highly defendable, nothing broken about it-- it's just cheesy.

Cheesy in the same way that selling mcv on 1 miner all in rush is cheesy, or sealIFV rush is cheesy. There is a luck factor if you are successful and there is potential to 'ruin' a game in a few short minutes. Objectively, if you were serious about winning, this is what is attractive about these things, as Andy points out. 

However, the game is old and does not have a serious competitive scene. Many of the good players have been playing for a long time and have developed a sort of chivalry with the cheese tactics and simply desire a quality game with another quality player, and while can defend against such things, they perceive engi rush as 'bad manners' for they sake of having a gg. 


Yes but without that is just farming tanks that are fun to play but boring to watch that is the reason why i use it for break the monotony, is like Counter Strike at some point people think that are fun to play awp_india but boring to watch. 

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