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- - - BLACK SEA - - -


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                                                                                                          - - - BLACK SEA - - -

   Great little map with elements of politics and diplomacy.
For games in 2v2v2v2 format. It's hard to believe, but its size is slightly smaller than the Tsunami map.
The battles on this map are always intense and interesting. And not as long as on the Oceania map.
   A protected fortress in the corner of each island gives you the opportunity to take refuge there when your main territory is occupied by the enemy.
Do not play this map in 4v4 or 2v2 format. The concept of this map is in a 2v2v2v2 game, politics and balance of power.

[8] Black Sea v1.1.jpg

Vertical Proection:

[8] Black Sea FOR PREV oregem+BASE SDELANO 1x1.jpg

Black Sea (v5.6) is included in CNCNET client.

You can find Black Sea (Author's Mod) (v5.6) in "Mod Maps" section in CNCNET client.


[8] Black Sea (Author's Mod) v5.6.map-  lightly modified version to optimize the game. Some game bugs removed. Most players will not notice any changes.

[8] Black Sea v5.6.map-       Clear version without mods.


The above pond is contested by the following sides:

In the lower left corner there is a totalitarian mordor, the embodiment of universal evil and the bloody devourers of children - damned communists:



In the neighborhood there are simple guys, lovers of bavarian(*i mean beer)) and sausages with stewed cabbage:
Above right is a shining empire of kindness and justice, which carries the rays of democracy and love to the rest of the unenlightened world:




In the topleft - Greenpeace ;) :



In the center of events - Crimea, which with by easy movement of the artist’s hand turns from a peninsula into an island )


       Speсial thanks to McPwny

Edited by CCCP84
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astounding detail on this; from the hand placed shores and cliffs to the hand placed walls and units to the scripted units to the little ini mods on the civilian units. 

i see that the image file inside the map file is really big and makes the file over 800kb. if you have problems transferring the map over cncnet, try using a smaller image.

great work.

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I had to cancel the trigger, which constantly acted, turning the sniper into your property when exit the IFV (inside the IFV, it cannot turn into your property). this often caused an reconnection error. So, you have manually send it to IFV now.

+ made it impossible to earn money by building and selling infantry in a clonator (in RA2 mode).

Added new map file.

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i played this a bunch of times today and everyone loved it. recon errors were a problem though. i think you could make it so that the sniper changes house after it gets the order to enter the IFV, but before it gets to the IFV to solve your problem.

EDIT: also, the 1 tile wide slopes going to the higher area in each corner always had the problem of getting jammed with units, especially miners.

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12 hours ago, McPwny said:

i played this a bunch of times today and everyone loved it. recon errors were a problem though.

Did you play v.1.4? Now you have manually send sniper into IFV. 

12 hours ago, McPwny said:

 i think you could make it so that the sniper changes house after it gets the order to enter the IFV, but before it gets to the IFV to solve your problem.


I tryed. Doesnt work. Sniper doesnt sit into IFV.

12 hours ago, McPwny said:

EDIT: also, the 1 tile wide slopes going to the higher area in each corner always had the problem of getting jammed with units, especially miners.

Thats why i changed some slopes. 2 of original slopes are 1 tile wide. But i didnt change this 2 slopes because of bunkers.

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P.S. The wishes with the wall on the slope are taken into account.
But it must be understood that the slopes located back to the observer have a bandwidth of 1 tile, and those located in the front to the observer have 2 tiles.
This is the reason why I use the slopes of my own design.
But here in the corners, because of the bunkers, I did not use my slopes and they have a bandwidth of 1 tile. Therefore, the slopes on top islands are wider.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Here is version 1.6. Here I solved the problem with the dreadnought, whose rockets flew too low and could not reach the buildings on the central island, crashing into the rock. I increased the flight altitude of the missiles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting fact. The progenitor of the Black Sea map is the Rush2 map. Since the Black Sea is a version of Treasure Island map,  which is the sea version of the Diamont Quarry map, which in turn is inspired by the Rush2.

If this map did not exist, the Black Sea map would not exist either )


[4] Rush2 (Shivp).map

By the way, this is a very good map. It was more popular than Tour of Egypt on the Russian server. Very interesting battles took place here. Unfortunately it has some slope problems.

Strange, but on CNCNET it is completely unknown. Although, in my opinion, it deserves to be official.

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Released new versions of Oceania, Storm and Black Sea.
Brought everything to the same standard. This applies to bug fixes and some unity mods needed for large sea maps. First of all, this applies to Oceania and Storm. The Black Sea, in fact, has only bug fixes.

Map files and a list of modifications are in the first post.

I also made sure that each map has a clean, unmodified version. Just territory.

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