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If proper maps are only your BUG+ maps, noone will play other than you. The ladder is a success, there is no obligation that every month anyone plays it. And the poll for the 1 username only showed the TS majority is against 1 user name only. So your motion is DISMISSED :) 

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all those wanting vet clearly not really interested in the ranked matches... lets get back to some normality and some proper OG TS... as close to as possible... not off on some tangent of buffing nod/"balancing TS"/moddedtodeath ass maps

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These minor buffs, changing  tick armor (when bombed only), cc accuracy,  would have been implementet, and will be in the new ts remaster.

I will laugh my ass out when TS remaster comes with new fixes, using code from vet patch. What then?

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I saw 3 ticks get bombed earlier.. they are supposed to be weaker tho they aren't titans... even just the names give it away...

who do u thinks gonna be stronger.. a tic tank... lol or a titan?

yeh remaster it all they like, itll be a new game... the RA on cncnet still seems to be cracking on...

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1 hour ago, Tibermach said:

I saw 3 ticks get bombed earlier.. they are supposed to be weaker tho they aren't titans... even just the names give it away...

who do u thinks gonna be stronger.. a tic tank... lol or a titan?

yeh remaster it all they like, itll be a new game... the RA on cncnet still seems to be cracking on...

Supposed to be? Can you provide your source backing that up? 

Because I can provide a direct quote from the lead programmer for TS at Westwood studios that suggests otherwise.

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8 hours ago, Tibermach said:

I saw 3 ticks get bombed earlier.. they are supposed to be weaker tho they aren't titans... even just the names give it away...

who do u thinks gonna be stronger.. a tic tank... lol or a titan?

yeh remaster it all they like, itll be a new game... the RA on cncnet still seems to be cracking on...

Deployed Tick tank vs tit wins, i tried it. It could be a special case, but i will test it again and maybe upload it both on Vanila and on Vet.

Both cost the same (800 $). And yeah the name suggests Tits are stronger, but Gdi gave the name - its just propaganda ;).  And they are still better: Tanks still are too stupid  to attack what you order them to attack when deployed; and they are still much easier to get bombed away.

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15 hours ago, Tibermach said:

I saw 3 ticks get bombed earlier.. they are supposed to be weaker tho they aren't titans... even just the names give it away...

who do u thinks gonna be stronger.. a tic tank... lol or a titan?

yeh remaster it all they like, itll be a new game... the RA on cncnet still seems to be cracking on...


They aren’t suppose to be like that, they just never finished fixing the game, confirmed Westwood source.


(for the record a vet tick loses vs a Titan undeployed but it’s a close battle, deployed it has 1 bar left). 

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11 hours ago, Avesta said:

Supposed to be? Can you provide your source backing that up? 

Because I can provide a direct quote from the lead programmer for TS at Westwood studios that suggests otherwise.


2 hours ago, Weaponx said:


They aren’t suppose to be like that, they just never finished fixing the game, confirmed Westwood source.


(for the record a vet tick loses vs a Titan but it’s a close battle). 

Do you guys have this source/quote at hand? Curious to hear Westwood staff's take on this. :- )

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1 hour ago, Lovehandles said:


Do you guys have this source/quote at hand? Curious to hear Westwood staff's take on this. :- )

Im not posting it publicly, it was a private conversation. It’s been shown to everyone who matters. You can message me on discord or ask funky/dkeeton if you’d like to see. 

Dont know why you care about TS though.

(I knew this would devolve into a continuation of the other threads.. You can’t use logic to talk someone out of an opinion they didn’t use logic to arrive at in the first place)

Edited by Avesta
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3 hours ago, Lovehandles said:


Do you guys have this source/quote at hand? Curious to hear Westwood staff's take on this. :- )

PM the original team / people of “vet” work, they have the info you seek.  Also most likely they are going to use some of the vet fixes in the remaster. 


Edited by Weaponx
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Honestly, I don't really think the 'original intention' of the developers is a valid argument, as the online gaming community has changed just so much in the last 20 years. 

Better really to ask what it is you want from a competitive online environment. I think it's fair to say that  most players now agree that TS in its original form is not what you'd come to expect from a fair and balanced online game (at least not for 'competitive' tournaments). I mean, this is one of the reasons I rarely ever played 1v1s in my time on TS. It was so obvious how imbalanced the game is, it wasn't really worth my time, except for fun games. And this is something I realised maybe back in 2000 -- over 20 years ago! I'm glad to see people are finally coming around to this, even if it has taken the best part of two decades ?


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