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cant ally with the ai?


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? Ive been able to ally with them before, but it wasn't using this version. I think westwood or ea included it in a later patch or something. Basically what happens is you ally with one and the rest with ally with each other, giving you a greater challenge. I might go find my old disk (non ea version) and see if i there is a difference.


But i know for sure in RA you were able to ally at some point, as ive seen it with my own eyes lol.

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Ok, i tried the version from here http://www.shacknews.com/file/12204/command-conquer-red-alert-soviet-disc/ and it comes with a folder called xp patch, not sure what version this is but i think its the EA one.


Yes the ai does ally back, and you can force fire on them and they wont respond untill you un ally. Heres a short vid i made, please excuse the choppiness as i made it on a slow fanless laptop : Red Alert - ally with the ai  Basically i ally right away and then take over his buildings, and the other computers come and smash my base. You can tell they are allied with each other because they attack in unison and don't fire on each other.


I Also attached the patch notes if anyone cares to know.


PS i think its cool that people still play C&C after all these years...


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You can ally with the AI from 1.04 up to 2.00.... But in 3.03 Westwood disabled the function(The code is still there just turned off), I tried to see if Hyper would fix it but now Alex is working on it and now I am bugging him. :P


Besides the ally function with the AI is broken at the moment and useless to do in skirmish.

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I don't know who "hyper" or "alex" are but yeah it would be nice to have the functionality put back in, if possible. I like the compact version from redalert1.com and its also nice to have all of the cs/am missions without having to swap disks and all that.

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i dont see the point to turn on ally with AI. it's useless cose your ai ally only strategy is to make obstacles to your units in your base. I use it only to ally with my friend when we play against several Ai's together in 3.03 multiplayer it works. Other thing is paranoid mode - thats what is needed to play hardcore! It is working up until ver 2.00 only =( hope hyper or alex fix that.

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