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Red Alert full game translations - language packs


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Im looking for more full game translations, so it's time to create a small tutorial about: how to create a language pack?! 


In the attached game-translation.zip you can find the following files:

ingstr12.exe -> Ingame Strings editor, this file is needed to edit the red alert string tables (conquer.eng and editor.eng)


conquer.eng -> main game string table, contains all unit names, menu text etc etc..


editor.eng -> edwin map editor string table


mission.ini -> contains all mission briefings


tutorial.ini -> contains all text triggers


ra-clean-cam -> textless pictures for all units


WOLAPI.MIX -> emtpy .mix file in the correct ra format




After you are done editing all text in the .ini and .eng files you will need to download a program to convert and add your files to the WOLAPI.MIX -> XCC Mixer 1.47


After installing fire up the mixer, browse in the left explorer to the place where you saved the done .png unit picture and in the right explorer choose your target folder. Now right click on your .png files and click on "convert as SHP" .. make sure you dont choose SHP (TS) and you dont have any mix file open in the right explorer, else converting wont work


Now browse to the wolapi.mix and open it, drag and drop all the converted .shp .ini .eng files from your windows explorer into the xcc mixer window where the wolapi.mix is loaded.


Now copy the Wolapi.mix into your redalert folder, done.




The following language packs are already available:


German (censored)

German (uncensored)


Russian (partial done)


Download links are below...

To be able to use the language packs on older versions of ra you will need to rename them to wolapi.mix (you don't need to rename them for portableRA)


Let me know if you need any help translating the game, i might jump in and we do it together 






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Note that a few strings like "Counterstrike Missions" and the declaring game a draw stuff is hard-coded in the exe, I'll unhardcode these strings in the future. This also holds for the message boxes of any errors the game has, some of these even display "Command & Conquer" instead of "Red Alert" because Westwood was really sloppy.

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On 2/3/2013 at 12:32 AM, MrFlibble said:

The following language packs are already available:


German (censored)

German (uncensored)



Well, would be nice if you linked to the sources you got the unofficial translations from (unless you made them yourself that is). i assume the Russian one comes from Siberian_GRemlin's website?


I made them myself :P Boris helped me with the russian pack, and epsilon with the spanish one

The String table for the russian one was taken from an old mod tho


Thanks for your link, i never seen this site and my russian language pack is also incomplete cause its freakin' complicated do to with this cyrillic stuff.. so might replace mine with this if it's complete


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That's really nice to hear. Did you guys work around the issue that some strings like the ones related to declaring a multiplayer game a draw and the "Aftermath Missions" and "Counterstrike Missions" are hard-coded in the exe?

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Well, Siberian_GRemlin's translation has neat fonts, and all text is translated, including the text on sidebar icons, the title screen and the intro logo animation (*ahem* by yours truly).


really nice translation :) i added it now


That's really nice to hear. Did you guys work around the issue that some strings like the ones related to declaring a multiplayer game a draw and the "Aftermath Missions" and "Counterstrike Missions" are hard-coded in the exe?


there was a mix and also a game patch, might be that those strings were changed with the patch but i didnt tested it

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BTW you should give me a list of all English strings that are hard-coded Funky, so i can un-hardcode them.


?Game host?????????Internet????Unexpected error occurred communicating with Westwood Online.???Connect?Westwood Online Login???Nickname????Password????Save????Login cancelled.????Please enter your login nickname.???Please enter your login password.???Error saving nickname/password.?That nickname is in use. Please select another.?Invalid password for this nickname.?Connection to Westwood Online timed out.????Connecting to Westwood Online...????Could not establish connection to Westwood Online.??Logging in...???Logging out...??Terminating connection with Westwood Online...??Please wait... communicating with Westwood Online...????Westwood Online?Official Chat???User Chat???Game Channels???Red Alert Lobbies???...downloading...???You are not currently in a chat channel.????Action??Join????You can't create a new channel until you exit this channel.?New?Create Channel??Channel Name: ??Password: ??Password (optional): ???.. <back to top>????.. <back>???You have joined the %s channel.?You have joined %s's game.??New game created.???You have entered the %s lobby.??You have left the %s channel.???You have left the %s lobby.?Join Private Channel????Enter Channel Password: ????Incorrect channel password.?Page/Locate?User Name: ?Page????Locate??Locating %s...??The specified user name does not exist.?The specified user is currently not in a channel.???The specified user has disabled find capability.????User found in the %s channel.???Page User???Message to Send: ???Paging %s...????The specified user is not logged in.????The specified user has disabled page capability.????Page from %s: %s????%s was successfully paged.??Only the channel owner can kick users out.??%s kicked %s out of the channel.????You were kicked out of the channel by %s.???Select the user(s) you wish to kick out.????%s has been banned from the channel.????Create Private Game?You've been banned from entering this channel.??%s has left the game.???%s has joined the game.?You've been kicked out of the game.?%s. Red Alert: Ranked %u. Won %u. Lost %u. Points %u.???%s. Aftermath: Ranked %u. Won %u. Lost %u. Points %u.???%s (Rank %u)????%s <%s>?%s (Rank %u) <%s>???Start???Accept??%s has cancelled the game.??Launching game...??? Leave Westwood Online ? Leave the channel you are in ?? Refresh current channel list ?? Enable/disable incoming message from user(s) ?? Ban user(s) from channel ?? Kick user(s) out of channel ??? Find or page a user ??? Set Westwood Online options ??? Browse Red Alert ladders ?? Show Westwood Online help ? Start the game ???? Accept the current game settings ?? Expand/contract list ?? Go back a level ??? Join a chat or game channel ??? Go back a level ??? Create a new chat/game channel ???? Action message ????Let others FIND you.????Let others PAGE you.????Filter out bad language.????Show local lobby games only.????Channel no longer exists.???Create Game?Players:  %i????Tournament??Private?Red Alert game??Counterstrike game??Aftermath game??Sorry, you must have Counterstrike installed to play this game.?Sorry, you must have Aftermath installed to play this game.? Doubleclick to join the '%s' channel (%i current users). ?? Doubleclick to join the '%s' lobby (%i current users). ????Red Alert???Counterstrike???Aftermath??? %s game (%i players of a maximum %i). ? %s game (%i players). ?(Private) ??(Tournament) ??? Doubleclick to view %s games. ?Tournament games must be two player games.??Password: %s????Your game is incompatible with the host's!??Timed out waiting for guest responses! Game start cancelled.????Game start cancelled.???Back????An update patch is required for Internet play. Do you want to download it now???Download file %i of %i??An error occurred during file download.?Received %i bytes out of %i. (%i%%%%)???Time Remaining: %i min. %i secs.????%s (Resumed after interruption.)????Status: Connecting...???Status: Locating file...????Status: Downloading...??Download complete! Red Alert will now restart in order to apply the update patch.???Are you sure you want to launch the Internet browser for Westwood Online help???Are you sure you want to launch the Internet browser for the Red Alert ladders??No saved usernames found. Would you like to register a new username for Westwood Online?????Are you sure you want to launch the Internet browser for information about %s???Users  %i??(not in a channel)??To start a game, you have to be in a Red Alert lobby.???Connection to Westwood Online has been lost!????Connection to Westwood Online was lost. Reinitializing...???Can't respond to page; no one has paged you.????waiting for scenario...?Back????The Aftermath disk will be required for this game; please insert it now.????Are you sure you want to leave Westwood Online??Propose a Draw??Retract Draw Proposal???Accept Proposed Draw????Are you sure you want to propose a draw?????Are you sure you want to accept a draw??You have proposed that the game be declared a draw.?%s has proposed that the game be declared a draw.???You have retracted your offer of a draw.????%s has retracted the offer of a draw.???The Game is a Draw??Can't launch web browser to open %s!????That chat/game channel is full.? Doubleclick to go to the top level. ??? Doubleclick to go to the official chat channels level. ???? Doubleclick to go to the user chat channels level. ???? Doubleclick to go to the game channels level. ? Loading list from Westwood Online, please wait... ? Doubleclick to go to the lobbies level. ???Connected - finding available lobby to enter...?<Private to multiple users>:????Private to??Counterstrike Missions??Aftermath Missions??You cannot disable viewing of your own messages!????Westwood Online Options?Slow Unit Build?The game host??? Show Red Alert ladder rankings ???? Show Aftermath ladder rankings ????Show Aftermath rankings (instead of Red Alert)?? (AND FORFEIT THE GAME)?Your version of Windows is out of date. Please upgrade to Windows SP1, or install Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher.??An unexpected error has occurred. Please contact Westwood technical support.????<private>?

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That's really nice to hear. Did you guys work around the issue that some strings like the ones related to declaring a multiplayer game a draw and the "Aftermath Missions" and "Counterstrike Missions" are hard-coded in the exe?

I think Siberian_GRemlin just edited the binary executable file to replace the relevant strings with their Russian counterparts of similar or smaller length. I'm not 100% sure about that though, maybe he did some more extensive EXE editing or hacking too.

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Oddly enough, the German and French version already had that migrated to the strings file; only the English one had it hardcoded.

That's very interesting. But then again, similar things can be observed in the history of Dune II: some multi-language support was added very early, with only a theoretical possibility of a translation in mind, and then it came to actual translations, and of course this prompted further modifications where needed.


For example, Dune II v1.0 can be set to German and French with a three-language setup programme, in which case it will read the text files with GER or FRE extensions instead of ENG; the patched US v1.07 adds further support for the swapping of images that contain text, such as the interface buttons, the title screen and the Select Your House screen; finally, true three-language European releases add support for non-English unit voices and Mentat speech. Oh, and among those, the EU version adds a narrower sidebar font (and a theoretical possibility to use the regular English sidebar font and the narrower one for other languages only) and a fix for unit hotkey commands to circumvent the fact that in French both the Move and the Attack commands start with the letter A.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Harisson also did textless cameos and posted them at http://www.sleipnirstuff.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=15353

"Sleipnir's Stuff" sounds vaguely familiar... I visited that site a long time ago I guess.


Those cameos are made by hand, not some long-lost originals, right? I did something similar way back, only with a darkened background (that pack was a spin-off of an unofficial C&C Russian translation by Siberian_GRemlin). I actually used the scanned images of the C&C strategy guide renders to get a more accurate reconstruction of the missing parts of the images. Man, that was some tedious work! ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Funky, I suggest just using a bunch of text files which people interested in doing translations can fill in. These text files contain all the text that needed to be translated. This is simpler and doesn't require people to edit the text on cameos by themselves.

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Now browse to the wolapi.mix and open it, drag and drop all the converted .shp .ini .eng files from your windows explorer into the xcc mixer window where the wolapi.mix is loaded.


I'm at this stage. Dragging and dropping files from windows explorer into xcc mixer window does nothing for me? Is there any other way to import files into a .mix?

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